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Subject: Social Studies Grade: 7 Date: Mon. March 11, 2013 Cr t ca! "n#u r$ %ue&t on: To what extent did the changing demographics during the great migration create a push for democracy that ultimately laid the foundation for reform? Le&&on: 2 ' (e: )* ( nute& +11:0*,11:*0SLO&: From the Program of Studies 7.1.1.: Appreciate the influence of diverse A original! "rench! and #ritish peoples on events
leading to $onfederation 7.1.2: Appreciate the challenges of co%existence among peoples 7.1.&.7: 'ow was the (reat )igration of 1*1+ to 1*+, in -pper and .ower $anada an attempt to confirm #ritish identity in the /rovince of $anada? 0.//! 1! T$$2

"n&truct ona! Object .e&: Knowledge:

Students will: 3evelop a wor4ing definition of immigration and emigration $ompare push and pull factors that rought immigrants to $anada Identify the groups of people that came to Canada during the Great Migration and why

/e$ %ue&t on&:

5hat is immigration? 5hat was the (reat )igration? 5ho were the people that came to $anada and what rought them here? 5hat challenges of living together did the (reat )igration create?

Mater a!&: % Towards $onfederation 1mages $ollection % 6nvelopes with images7statements availa le in order to do a concept%sort %Text oo4 %$ornell note ta4ing sheet %8ote oo4 Pre0arat on: % 'ave concept sort prepared 9 envelopes for each group Ada0tat on&: % Some students may not fill in entire note ta4ing sheet: they only have to fill in half of it. % Some students may not e a le to read from the text oo4. % 'ave students wor4 in groups to encourage colla oration % 1ncorporating a (erman song to integrate 6nglish .anguage .earners % $onsider mixing up groups 9 have oys and girls pic4 partners! then have oys and girls get together. )a4e sure each group has a grade 7 student in it.

Le&&on Procedure:

1. 'ave one group of students who spea4 (erman gather in the hallway. 'ave the rest of the students remain in the classroom. 2. 1nstruct the group of students inside the class to sing a song in 6nglish. )a4e it a song they 4now 0e.g. row row row your oat! twin4le twin4le little star! a $hristmas carol2 :. 'ave the group in the hallway sing a song in (erman. ;. 1nstruct oth groups that they must stop singing when 1 yell cut7wave my arms +. 'ave oth groups start singing then have the group in the hallway come inside and have them singing at the same time. 8either group should e expecting this. < serve what happens. &. 'ave a class discussion a out culture clash7assimilation. This is li4e what happened to immigrants in $anada. 7. $oncept sort: give an envelope to each group of students. Tell them that they will e sorting the papers into two categories. Their =o is to figure out what the two categories are. *. 'ave students read pages 1>> 9 2,: of the text oo4 and complete a $ornell note ta4ing sheet. The main ?uestion they are addressing is @'ow did 1mmigration in the 1*,,As impact $anada?B $onsider reading page 1>> aloud to them as an introduction! or having them read that page as a class. A&&e&&(ent: "ormative Assessment: % $ornell note ta4ing sheet % 1mmigration7emigration concept sort Le&&on 1e2!ect on: This is a space for notes after youve taught the lesson.

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