Technology Unit

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Program Standards: TF I.A, B, C, D; TF-II.A., TF-II.C., TF-II.E., TF-III.A., TF-III.B, TF-III.E., TF-V.B., TFV.C., TF-V.D., TF-VI.B., TF-VI.C., TF-VI.D., TF-VI.E., TF-VII.A., TF-VII.B., TF-VII.C., TF-VII.D. Conceptual Framework: HQ, CP, DS; SOE Outcomes: 1,2, 3; Dispositions: 1,2,3,4,5,6,78; Diversity Proficiencies: 1, 2,3 4
Standards: 1. I used the following State Standards in my unit: Kentucky Preschool teachers are required to use the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards. The following are from those Standards: Arts and Humanities Standard 1: Participates and shows interest in a variety of visual art, dance, music, and drama experiences. Benchmark 1.4: Develops skills in and appreciation of drama. English/Language Arts Standard 2: Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the listening and observing processes. Benchmark 2.2: Observes to gain information and understanding. Standard 3: Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process. Benchmark 3.1: Listens to and/or responds to reading materials with interest and enjoyment. Standard 3: Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process. Benchmark 3.3: Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet. Standard 3: Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process. Benchmark 3.6: Tells and retells a story. Standard 4: Demonstrates competence in the beginning skills and strategies of the writing process. Benchmark 4.2: Produces marks, pictures, and symbols that represent print and ideas. Science Standard 1: Demonstrates scientific ways of thinking and working (with wonder and curiosity). Benchmark 1.3: Uses a variety of tools to explore the environment. 2. I used the following ISTE NETS-T Standards in my unit: Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Aged Learning Experiences and Assessments Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Pre Assessment:

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The assessment used for this unit of Fairy Tales was showing students various pictures of the story book and characters in the book to determine their knowledge. The pictures below are part of the PowerPoint used as post assessment on the Smart Board.

I use Starfall to assess alphabet knowledge. Students are asked to touch a specific letter to start an activity. Starfall is also used for students to engage in alphabet activities as well as listen to stories. Other assessments I used in this unit was with my iPad. The first snapshot below is an app that asks the students to pop the balloons in alphabetical order. The second asks students to touch the picture that begins with the letter displayed. These are used with 4 year olds. The 3 year olds are assessed by asking the students to identify a letter.

The assessment forms below are one of the assessments my center uses with our students. The knowledge assessed is different for the 3 and 4 year olds. The assessment is taken three times a year and shared with parents during Home Visits and Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Teaching Strategies: I used the following technology tools in my unit: Smart Board

iPad Flip Video Camera Internet Google Free Clipart You tube videos FM System Desktop computers Touch Screens for desktop computers Power Point Pinterest Teachers pay Teachers Google Starfall

I tried the following new and innovative technology idea. One thing I tried that isnt new but new to me is hyperlinks. I have never used hyperlinks in lessons before. However, I now see how useful it can be to add a hyperlink to photos or words and students can go to a link to learn more. This is important in a preschool classroom because the students are not yet readers but this will allow them to navigate without teacher support and still be successful.

I incorporated the following to support the use of distance learning systems appropriate in a school environment. I used You Tube videos for students to research and learn about pigs and goats in order to distinguish between fact and fiction. The students were able to watch videos of real pigs and goats on farms and then discuss that pigs do not build houses and a wolf cannot blow a house down. They were able to learn about goats as well by viewing factual videos. Hyperlinks were used to link student with on-line stories. Some were different versions and the students were able to compare the various versions of the Fairy tale stories. It is my desire to use Skype with a home hospital student to allow him to be involved in real time classroom activities such as story time, etc. However, our building does not have wireless connections and we do not have the technology to do this. The district IT staff has informed me that wireless will be installed in my building this summer therefore, I hope to have more access for our students to engage with other classrooms as well as our home hospital student. I have considered videoing a class story time and having his home hospital teacher share it with him but this has not yet been done.

Unit: My technology unit was Fairy Tales using the stories The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Boats Gruff. Goal/Objective: The students will listen and retell the story of The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Early Childhood Standards: Arts & Humanities Standard 1: Participates and shows interest in a variety of visual art, dance, music, and drama experiences. 1.4 Develops skills in and appreciation of drama. English/Language Arts Standard 2: Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the listening and observing process. 2.1 Engages in active listening in a variety of situations. 2.2 Observes to gain information and understanding.

English/Language Arts Standard 3: Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process. 3.1 Listens to and/or responds to reading materials with interest and enjoyment. 3.3 Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet. 3.5 Draws meaning from pictures, print, and text 3.6 Tells and retells a story

Science Standard 1: Demonstrates scientific ways of thinking and working (with wonder and curiosity) 1.3 Uses a variety of tools to explore the environment 1.4 Collects, describes, and/or records information through a variety of means

Social Studies 1: Demonstrates basic understanding of the world in which he/she lives 1.6 Knows that diversity exists in the world Equipment:

Smart Board Story books iPad Flip Video Camera Internet Google Free Clipart You tube videos FM System Desktop computers Touch Screens for desktop computers Power Point Pinterest Teachers pay Teachers Google Starfall Puppets from both stories Goats and Pigs in the block center Art supplies

Day 1 The Three Little Pigs Students will listen to the story of the Three Little Pigs on You Tube during large group time. They will also have the book in the Library center to share. Use the FM system for the students who are hearing impaired. Students will research pigs by viewing You Tube videos about pigs. This will be done individually or with a partner on the desktop computers.

During large group time students will compare the pigs in the story to the pigs in the videos. Students will be able to tell the difference of fact or fiction. The students will work with supplies in the art center to make a pig during free choice center time. Small group time will be used to recall the story and create a house of student choice. Students will answer the question, If I were a pig, I would build my house out of . Students will use art supplies to create a house of straw, sticks, or brick. Small groups will have 4 students per group. Students will engage in a memory game of characters from the story on the iPad independently or with a peer. This will be a center choice during center time. Students will research goats using You tube videos. Students will use finger puppets to act out the story. Students will use a flip video camera to record classmates retelling the story with finger puppets. The teacher will support the students using the flip video camera. The teacher will show the videos at the end of the day while waiting for release time. Pre assessment: Give students pigs, wolf, straws, sticks, and legos during small group time, talk about the materials and have the students tell what they know about the story.

Day 2 The Three Billy Goats Gruff The students will listen to the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. They will also have the book in the Library center to share. Use the FM system for the students who are hearing impaired. Students will act out the story in the block center using blocks and goats. During Small Group time, students will make a goat and/or troll using paper plates. Small groups will include 4 students per group. Students will have the opportunity to choose a story on the Smart Board. The book covers are hyperlinked to a You Tube story. Students will be allowed to use the Smart Board during center time as well as individual students will be allowed to pick a story to listen to during large group story time. Students will engage in a memory game of characters from the story on the iPad. Students may work on this individually or with a partner.

Students will complete the Power point activity of Who said it?. This activity will be completed in a large group setting.

Day 3 Review stories by showing the pages and having the students tell about the stories. Student who are talking may use the microphone from the FM system. Students will use the Smart Board to complete a sequencing activity of the story events. This will be done individually with the teacher during center time for assessment purposes. Students will review recordings of themselves acting out the stories. The teacher will show videos of the students acting out the stories. Students will use a hair dryer to determine which items will blow away easier (straw, sticks, or legos that represent bricks). This will be completed in small groups of 2 or 3 students with teacher assistance.

Post Assessment: Smart Board activity. Draw a line from the story book to a character or item from the story. Using the ipad and alphabet app, students will match a letter to determine their turn at the Smart Board. Because the students had also heard the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, I used that story as well in the Smart Board activity. Students will also be assessed by their ability to recreate the story using puppets.

Student Inquiry and Research: Students used the following technology to do research. The students used the Smart Board to connect to You tube videos about pigs and goats. The students were able to learn more about the animals and compare the real animals to the characters in the stories. This helped the students understand fact and fiction among stories and videos. You tube videos about pig:

You tube videos about goats: This video of goats playing on a metal sheet gave the opportunity to compare the goats that crossed the bridge. The students enjoyed watching this video. The students used a hair dryer to complete an activity of testing which items were more apt to withstand the wind. The children uses straws and sticks and tried blowing on them to learn that they had to blow harder to get the sticks to move than the straws. Then they used the hair dryer to blow on the straws and sticks to see how easily they moved. The students were able to determine the hair dryer was able to blow more air which caused the straws to blow off the table more easily and the sticks moved further on the table when using the hair dryer. The students loved this experiment. The pictures below are of two students involved in the activity. The first picture, they are blowing on the straws and the second picture shows them using the hair dryer to blow the sticks. I got this activity idea from Pinterest.

Examples of technology resources that affirm diversity and address cultural and language differences such as websites that provide translations, introductory lessons, and other resources which help in the Ed. Tech instruction of students from diverse backgrounds.

There are many sites available on line to address cultural and language diversities in classrooms. When reading stories, many sites offer the stories in different languages. Below are some good sites to find various stories or online activities for students who do not speak English. I add the sites below to my favorites so I can access them quickly for my ESL students. They listen and interact when working at the desktop computers. I also allow them to choose stories on the Smart Board from these sites during free choice center time. I also share these sites with my non English speaking parents so they can utilize them at home. For online stories offered in multiple languages: International Childrens Digital Library has approximately 10,000 books targeted at children aged 3 to 13. It holds at least 200 titles from more than 27 cultures in more than 15 different languages. Access it at

For stories from other Cultures go to: Sites I have used with my Hispanic students are: Another great site for stories and songs is:

The following adaptive/assistive hardware and software helped to assist students with special needs. I used touch screens on student desktop computers to help student who do not yet have the skill of manipulating a mouse. Even the older students who are able to use a mouse enjoy using the touch screens. I feel this is because of their interest in technology such as iPads and iPhones where touching the screen is used to manipulate the activity. I used an FM System to assist students who are hearing impaired. Two of my classrooms use the FM System.

I included the following technology resources to affirm diversity and address cultural and language differences.

None of the students involved in this lesson were non-English speaking students. However, had there been, I would have accessed some of the sites below to ensure the students would have access to the same stories as their classmates in their language.

Post Assessment:
The assessment I used was the Smart Board activity shown below. I used this activity to have the students draw a line from the storybook to characters or objects in the story. I also asked the students to recreate the stories through puppets. I do not have a picture of the puppets but video 3 from this unit is from one of the recreations of The Three Little Pigs. The audio of the video shows the students were successful in this activity. I was able to see that the younger students were not as able to give details as the older students were. An example of this is in video 3 when the Director who was recording the play was telling the characters to get the fire. By this statement he remembered that the three little pigs built a fire to catch the wolf when he came down the chimney. I was also able to use the iPad and Smart Board to assess student knowledge of the alphabet.

Work Samples
The Kentucky Department of Education Preschool Branch prohibits preschool teachers using any type of ditto or worksheet. Therefore, any student work must be their own creation. We are not allowed to use any cut and paste sheets such as cutting pasting story sequences. I have created the power points below to use with the students on the Smart Board to have them complete a story sequence. I used the Power Point below to assess student understanding of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. I found this assessment on line.

Below are samples of students creating a house from the story of The Three Little Pigs. This drawing of a house made of sticks shows the three pigs with the wolf climbing on the roof getting ready to go down the chimney. This artwork is by a 4 year old.

This picture is of a house made of straw. The artwork was completed by a 4 year old.

The third picture from a 4 year old shows a house built of brick.

The picture below shows student work after reading the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Using paper plates the students created billy goats and trolls. They were displayed in the cafeteria.

The following three pigs made from paper plates were created by students after reading the Three Little Pigs. The pigs were displayed in the hallway.

Video of Lesson:
Video 1 was a portion of a Smart Board lesson. It was one form of assessing student knowledge of the three Fairy Tales. In this lesson students were asked to draw a line from the photo of the book cover to a graphic of characters or items within the story. I also used the iPad to pick student turns. Prior to the video, I had each student pick a letter card from a basket. Within our activities alphabet knowledge is embedded, I used the iPad and an alphabet tracing activity to help students identify/match letters. When the letter on the iPad matched the letter on their card, that child got to draw the line on the Smart Board. I used the FM system because there were two students in this class with hearing impairments. The three fairy tales represented were: The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and Jack and the Beanstalk. Video 2 was of a small group of two students working on the desktop computer with the touch screen as well as an iPad matching activity. The students listened to a story on the computer while using the touch screen to activate the story being read and to turn the pages of the story. In the video you can see that the students wanted to hurry and turn the pages just to have a turn. I had to explain to them to wait until the words on the page were read before turning the page and pointed out that the words being read were highlighted red. I also had to reinforce the knowledge of how books were read, left page first then the right page. After the story was complete, the students engaged in a memory game of The Three Little Pigs on the iPad. The students were able to tell why a password was important and why you should not share your password with other people. However, they needed instruction again to wait turns and not rush before the other students turn was complete. Video 3 was teaching student to use a flip video recorder to video classmates acting out the Three Little Pigs. The video was shown on the Smart Board for the class to view. The students had never used the flip video recorder before and they were all excited and wanted to have a turn. The flip video camera was left in the classroom for the Recorder to use during center time to record classmates involved in

activities. The teacher shows the students the video recorded for the day prior to dismissal. The students are really enjoying using the camera. ** When editing the video to blur student faces I was not able to get the sound to work. Therefore, I had to take the audio from the video the student was recording and add it to the video for sound. The first few seconds of the video do not have sound.

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