Reflection 3

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Megan Monroe APP 190 SS Reflection #3 18 March, 2014 Specific Focus: Dr.

. Song & The Role of Social Media and Digital Technology Dr. Felicia Songs message on the role that social media and digital technology play in the work setting was extremely relevant to what I have been learning lately as an intern at Noozhawk, as well as to my current thinking about possible career paths in the diverse and complex field of digital media. Dr. Song explained that there has been a fundamental shift in the communications strategies that organizations and companies use to spread their message outwards. In the past, they have followed the push model, using billboards, commercials on national networks, magazine ads, or other types of communication geared toward large and diverse audiences. Currently, there is a shift away from this type of broadcasting to a strategy recognized as narrowcasting, using communications strategies that follow a pull model. These types of strategies aim to draw in an audience by encouraging them to engage with content presented or to participate in some kind of interaction with the company or other people in their social network. These messages are more tailored to particular audiences, and technology allows media experts to understand who is viewing their message and to customize it accordingly. By offering information or entertainment that is very relevant to a small groups interests, an organization can pull members of that group in towards them by engaging them on social media platforms. Since Noozhawks mode of operation is completely dependent upon digital technology, Dr. Songs presentation nicely illuminated some of the patterns I have begun to notice while working there. Since Noozhawk is dependent upon revenue from advertising to operate, they need to have a means for understanding who their audience is, what kinds of articles their

audience likes, and how to pull their audience in. To gain an understanding of Noozhawks target audience, tools such as Google analytics provide data on the audiences location and time spent on particular articles. It provides feedback to Noozhawks decision-makers, who then use it to plan future articles and adjust their narrowcasting strategy. Though the news is still presented in a format that is meant to appeal to a broad audience, they still must use the pull method to engage audiences because they are aiming to fit into the digital media environment, which depends critically upon audience engagement and sharing within social networks. Reading Focus: Jerry Sittser, The Will of God For me, reading Sittsers chapter titled Discovering What Were Supposed to Do was an occasion for some very intense personal reflection. Sittser discusses how our calling, which usually involves development within a particular career, might not be what we expect it to be. Additionally, it is usually impossible, if not essentially sinful, to plan out our entire career in advance and cling to those plans without listening to the ways that God might be calling us to new ways of serving Him. He claims, We discover our calling, then, not by trying to plan our life out ten years in advance but by being attentive to what God is doing through immediate circumstances and in the present moment(80). I realized while I was reading this that I have indeed been overly focused on making plans, on grabbing hold of my future and gain complete control of it. Throughout most of my time at Westmont, I was unsure of what type of career I wanted to pursue. After returning from a study abroad experience at Oxford University, where I developed academically in the field of philosophy and became very excited about the apparent convergence of my own talent in the subject and my joy in in, I decided that an academic career would suit me and I decided to apply for graduate degree programs. I was originally going to

take a gap year and gather myself financially, mentally, and relationally. However, because of an intense desire to move forward as quickly as possible after gaining new clarity and momentum, I applied to two Universities right away, both in the U.K. I got into one, but quickly realized the logistics of raising funding and undergoing an international change of residence would be more difficult to surmount than I had realized. I didnt get into the other, which was my dream University to attend. After this rejection, I have begun to question my real motives for wanting to pursue an academic career in philosophy. I agree now with Sittser that its impossible to force oneself into discovering a calling, and that I have been clinging to a version of the future that may be too limited to fulfill the calling he created me to have. I have failed recently to be attentive to what God is doing through immediate circumstances and in the present moment(80). I had been letting my desire to prove that I could achieve academically actually take away from my ability to be present. Paying closer attention to the present, I realize that journalistic writing and the rapidly developing world of digital media is actually very appealing to me. Ive been finding real satisfaction lately in gaining interviewing and writing skills, and I think that its something Id like to explore more before moving on. Sittser says we will be given just enough light to know where our next step should be(81). I have been having a difficult time planning for graduation because Ive been trying to plan the next ten steps rather than focusing on only the next one. What has been set before me in the present is a unique opportunity to develop as a novice reporter. I believe that through my internship at Noozhawk, God will give me enough light to find the next step.

General Focus: Noozhawks History and Background Noozhawk was founded in 2007, after what has been referred to as the Santa-Barbara News-Press meltdown occurred when the paper changed ownership in 2001. A number of reporters quit over ethical dilemmas regarding editorial practices of the new owner, Wendy McCaw. Many of them felt that McCaw was encouraging them to write biased coverage of local news to fit a business agenda.. After resigning as an editor at the News-Press, William Macfadyen founded Noozhawk to fill the void felt in the community after the very public and unpleasant conflict between the papers editorial staff and the papers ownership. which had recently changed hands. Tom Bolton, Noozhawks current executive editor, had previously filled the same role at the News-Press. Tom was one of the reporters who protested, and he and Bill share a sense of regret over the News-Press decline. Noozhawks subscribers consist largely of long-term community members who lost respect for the News-Press during the conflict. Though they dont have a single mission statement, Noozhawks platform is a set of principles attributed to the News-Press historic founder, T.M. Storke. These are the principles: 1. Keep the news clean and fair. 2. Play no favorites, and never mix business and editorial policy. 3. Do not let the news columns reflect editorial comment. 4. Publish the news that is public property without fear or favor of friend or foe. 5. Accept no charity and ask no favors. 6. Give value received for every dollar taken in. 7. Make the publication profitable if possible, but above profit keep it clean, fearless and fair. The focus on keeping the news fair and unbiased makes sense in the aftermath of the News-Press incident. Additionally, the priority on value received is a hallmark of Noozhawks enterprising spirit. Noozhawk engages in a type of social entrepreneurship by making a profit while benefitting community members, who pay nothing for the privilege of reading high-quality, easily accessible local news.

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