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"Smudge for Mother Earth" Earth Day event at the Bayshore

In honour of Earth Day, the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound NDP is helping to organize a S!udge "or #other Earth e$ent, April 22 at noon, in the park beside Bayshore Community Centre in pen to everyone from all nations" %aren G$enter, our NDP pro$incial candidate, said the following a&out the e$ent, 'It is i!portant that we re!e!&er to loo( after the Earth e$ery day, so that our children and their children ha$e clean air to &reathe and safe water to drin() I wanted to ta(e part in a local e$ent)* +ccording to their face&oo( page ,https-..www)face&oo()co!.e$ents./01231041/20314.5 'S!udge for #other Earth* is an opportunity for e$eryone to recognize our role in har!ing the earth) +t all 'S!udge for #other Earth* e$ents, people will pray that the water, land and all life heals) Our Elder, Shirley 6ohn, will &e leading the s!udge and prayer at the Owen Sound e$ent) Indigenous peoples draw a strong association &etween the health of the earth and the well-&eing of wo!en) 7e will pray for all Indigenous wo!en who ha$e gone !issing and !urdered) '7e pray for all wo!en and all of #other Earth to &e healthy once again, said 7ans(a, national organiser of the e$ent) '7e i!pact each other and we i!pact nature) E$erything we do re$er&erates in nature,* said #ary+nn 7ilhel!, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound NDP President and Director of the NDP +&original 8o!!ission) '+s for !e, I9ll &e at the S!udge and I9ll &e out with an NDP tea! on Saturday pic(ing up litter in Owen Sound,* she said) %aren G$enter and #ary+nn 7ilhel! will also &e :oining the #etis when they cele&rate Earth Day on +pril /;th) 8ontact the #etis 8entre for further infor!ation a&out that e$ent) <=0< #or more information$ %aren G$enter 241-=;>->;3; ,cell5 or tea!?&gos-ndp)ca !en Sound"

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