404 Reflection

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Hannah Coe Nutrition 404 Food Systems Management Reflection Statement

1. In this class, e learned a!out the !usiness side of nutrition, from or"ing in "itchens, to school systems, and to restaurants, and ho each of these systems has rules and regulations they must follo , and ho the dietitian #lays a role in relation to the o$erall food system. %. &he assignment that stood out to me most as the !usiness #lan #ro'ect. In our grou# e or"ed together and researched and #lanned out a food truc" that ser$ed healthy smoothies. It as fun creating the logo and reci#es, !ut the #ricing and researching the la s surrounding food truc"s as a long tedious #rocess, and it too" many grou# meetings to get the #ro'ect done. (. &his as a $ery large class in a large lecture hall, and the teacher often ent through the slides too )uic"ly for me to ta"e notes on. *ut I learned a lot, and the information as interesting, if a !it dry.

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