Bar Graph Lesson Plan-Channa Griham

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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Channa Griham 10:00 School: oodfields Elementar! Date and Time of Lesson: 4/1/14 Su"#ect/Grade Le$el: %ath/&rd

Description of Lesson: Students 'ill "e a"le to use data collected to create a "ar
graph( Students 'ill learn ho' to incorporate a )e!* ho' to la"el the + and ! a+is correctl! and ho' to include a proper title for their "ar graph( Students 'ill 'or) together 'ith their groups to create a "ar graph that 'ill "e shared 'ith the class(

Lesson Title or Essential ,uestion that guides the lesson: -o' can 'e use data to create a "ar graph. Curriculum Standards /ddressed:
0ational Standard1s2: Common Core: &(%D(3(&4Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a Data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step how many more and how many less problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each s uare in the bar graph might represent ! pets 5ther:

""D# Standard$ %eacher candidates will identify instructional strategies that promote core values in the school community SS&# "lement$ During the lesson, students are expected to respect others opinions and feelings when communicating with each other. #ll children should sit uietly at their own des' and listen to the instructions that are given to them. %here will be no blurting information out without properly raising his(her hand. Students will be able to express their opinions and wor' with others to get their points added to the assignment.

Lesson 5"#ecti$e1s2:
Antecedent$ )hen given data Behavior$ Students will create Content$ a scaled bar graph including all data given Degree$ with *+, degree of accuracy.

/ssessment1s2 of the 5"#ecti$es:

-re- .efore we begin, / will hold a small discussion with the students as'ing them what they 'now about bar graphs. / will as' students what you need to create a bar graph and what components must be included 01 #2D 3 axis, 'ey, title, scale4. / will 'eep note of student5s responses to

Revised 1.20.14

help guide my instruction. During- During the lesson students will be creating bar graphs with information they have been given. Students are expected to wor' with their groups to create the bar graphs. Students will be expected to include a 'ey, a title and properly label the x and y axis on the graphs. #s students are wor'ing / will be wal'ing around observing and helping the students as needed. -ost- #t the end of the data unit, students will be given a summative ui6 on bar graphs and other graphs that we study. Students will be expected to 'now how to answer uestions based on information displayed in a bar graph. Students will use information represented in a graph to answer basic uestions. / will review the student5s results and / will use this information for further instruction if needed.


7raph paper, 8ath noteboo's, crayons or colored pencils,

Prere7uisites 1Prior 8no'ledge2: Students will need to be able to cooperatively wor' with
others to complete assignments they are given. Students should be able to read and interpret information from a graph to answer uestions. Students should also be able to create a bar graph when given a set of data. Students will need to be able to draw(label the x and y axis on a graph, while also including a 'ey and title. Students need to be able to respect others opinions and feelings when wor'ing with their groups on the assignment. Students should have experienced creating bar graphs in :nd grade. %his should be a continuance of learning for the students.

;. &lass what can you tell me about bar graphs< 7reat, all of those ideas are a great way to describe a bar graph. %oday we are going to create a bar graph by using data from a word problem. .ut first we are going to create a bar graph together. :. )e are going to loo' at how many boys and girls we have in class to create a bar graph. )hen creating our graph we need to ma'e sure to include a 'ey, ma'e sure to ma'e a scale as well as give our graph a title. )e will also review how to properly label the x and y axis. =. )e will then create a bar graph with the number of girls and boys in the classroom. / will wal' students through each step to creating a bar graph. / will explain how to create each component and why they are important. >. &lass, so now that we have created our bar graph, / want you to thin' for a minute of a uestion that we can create that can be answered by loo'ing at the data in the graph. Revised 1.20.14

"xample uestion$ ?ow many more girls do we have than boys< / will show students how we can answer the uestion by loo'ing at the graph we created. !. 2ow you are going to wor' with your group to create a bar graph on your own. / have a word problem that / want each group to use to create a bar graph. @emember you need a 'ey in your graph, a title, and you need to correctly label the x and y axis. 3ou need to wor' cooperatively with your group and / want to see everyone wor'ing on the graph. @emember to respect each other5s opinions and ideas when creating your graphs. #t the end of the lesson, / will as' a few students to share their graphs. A. /f you finish early and have time, / would li'e each group to create a uestion that can be answered by loo'ing at your graph. 8a'e sure the uestion ma'es sense and ma'e sure that it is easy for your audience to understand. )e will answer a few of these uestions during sharing time. @eference the example we did together earlier in the lesson to help you create your uestion. B. ?ere is the uestion / want your group to complete$ a. 8s. 7riham and 8rs. 9arsen too' a survey of their student5s favorite genres of boo's. %here are :! students in the class. Cut of these students * students li'e fiction boo's, B students li'e picture boo's, A students li'e mystery boo's and > students li'e informational boo's. b. )ith your group, / want you to create a bar graph showing the types of boo's that their students li'e. .e sure to include a title, 'ey and correctly label your x and y axis. #fter you have completed your graph, create ; uestion that can be answered by loo'ing at the information in your graph. .e sure that your uestion ma'es sense and can be answered by loo'ing at the graph. *. Students will now have about ;! to :+ minutes to create their graphs. During this time / will wal' around and review the students wor' to ma'e sure that everyone is on tas'. / will ta'e the time to help those students who may be struggling with the assignment. D. #fter students have had the chance to complete their graphs, a few groups will share their graph with the class. /f students have created a uestion we will answer it at this time. /f students did not have a chance, we will create one together and answer it. Students will have the chance to discuss their graphs with other students next to them that were not in their group. #fter we have reviewed a couple of the group5s graphs we will begin to wrap the lesson up. 10. During wrap up / will review the components of a bar graph and their importance to a graph. / will also ma'e sure that students understand how to answer uestions by loo'ing at data represented in a bar graph. / will collect the student5s graphs and review the students wor'. %his will end our lesson on bar graphs for the day.

/cti$it! /nal!sis:
a. Cne activity that / am completing with my students is using data from the classroom to create a bar graph with the students. %he reason for doing this activity with my students is so that they are able to see step by step how to create a proper bar graph. %his will help my students who need more guidance when completing the assignment because they will see an example first before having to create their own. )hole class discussion will help my students understand what is going on and they will be able to see what / expect of them. During this activity / will use the Smart.oard so that all of my students are able to see the graph that we create together as a class. b. %he second activity / will be completing with my students is the creating uestions. Students will benefit from creating uestions from their data that can be used as practice uestions for the students. .y doing this activity students will be able to ma'e the connection between finding information from graphs to help answer uestions. %his will help prepare my students for future test uestions that are similar that they may encounter. %his will also help my students who are struggling with answering these Revised 1.20.14

types of uestions. During this activity the document reader will be used so that the students will be able to see the uestions they are being as'ed.

Differentiation//ccommodations/%odifications/9ncreases in 6igor
)hen completing this lesson, there are many accommodations / am going to have to ma'e. Cne of the accommodations that will be made is ma'ing sure that / group students with others that will help them understand the concepts. / have many "S9 and diverse students in my classroom that need a little more support than others. / will ma'e sure that / place my "S9 students with others that they will feel comfortable wor'ing with. .y doing this with my students, it will provide them with support and guidance when they are completing the investigation. For the students who are below level, / will ma'e sure that / am available to them for help or for further explanation of the topic. For students who may complete their wor' early, they will be as'ed to review their wor' and create a uestion that can be answered from the text. %his will allow my early finishers the chance to push themselves into creating uestions from data obtained from the bar graph.

6eferences: #ll ideas were generated by &hanna 7riham

Revised 1.20.14

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