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Teaching is a 24-hour, 7 days a week job because when you invest in children, you never stop caring.

! Teaching encompasses so much and it is ever changing. My beliefs about education are rooted in passion, critical thinking, problem solving, and the building of genuine, respectful relationships. The following principals guide and inform my pedagogy:

Foster, encourage and practice life long learning. I believe every individual is continually learning, and though that process is different for everyone, with the right guidance the experience can be positive and life altering. Teaching provides me the opportunity for continual growth and development as a professional and individual.

Always act in the best interest of the students and community. This role became my primary professional responsibility. I am committed to the values of a democratic society, particularly in terms of social responsibility and diversity. I practice and encourage a perspective that honours critical thinking, open mindedness and social engagement.

Children are our future. By fostering critical and divergent thinking I strive to create reflective, analytical global citizens because children are our future. I endeavor to encourage students to hold a deep respect and love for themselves and to carry that empowerment with them into their future. Every child is a star and deserves a chance to shine. I teach to allow students to explore their strengths, to recognize and to overcome their weaknesses and to grow as a result of their learning experiences. I strive to support all learners and provide them with suitable ways to represent, develop and grow in their learning through ways that honour them as individuals and as complex learners.

The act of teaching both develops and relies upon a strong sense of community. I work to create a safe, trusting environment wherein students feel that they are an important part of a larger community. I strive to create a sense of belonging within both the classroom and the wider community. It is important for me to hear the voices of parents, and I hold a strong belief that they are an integral part of the learning community that I am creating. ! !

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