Resume 2014 - Online

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- - - Whiteshielu Ciescent ! Kamloops, BC v2E 1u1

Phone: 778-22u-S8SS ! E-Nail:

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To obtain full time employment wheie I can apply my skills as an euucatoi.
-.//"#0 12 -3+445 "67 89:$#+$6)$5
Assistant Coach, Tiei S Co-Eu Basketball - Naiion Schilling Elementaiy, 2u14
Facilitateu anu oiganizeu an inteiactive fielu tiip to the Big Little Science Centie uuiing my 1u week piacticum - 2u14
Aiiangeu a visiting guest speakei fiom Kamloops BCSPCA bianch - Naiion Schilling Elementaiy, 2u14
Achieveu Bean's list status - Bacheloi of Euucation Piogiam, 2u12 -2u14
!"#$ &"'' Piogiam Tiaining - Naiion Schilling Elementaiy, }anuaiy 2u14 - Naich 2u14
English Specialist (S uppei level univeisity couises in English: Chiluien's Liteiatuie, BumouiSatiie in Canauian
Liteiatuie, Rhetoiic of Besign, Chaucei anu Nilton's Paiauise Lost).
;#12+)+$6)+$5 "67 <."4+2+)"*+165
SNART Notebook Tiaining Level 2, Kamloops BC 2u1S
Emeigency Fiist Aiu Community Caie - St. }ohn Ambulance 2u1S
Pioject WILB Woikshop, WiluBC, Kamloops, BC 2u1S
Fiench 12, South Cential Inteiioi Bistance Euucation School 2u11
=$4"*$7 >1#3 89:$#+$6)$
?55+5*"6* ?#* @65*#.)*1# ABCD E ABCD
Kamloops Ait ualleiy, Kamloops BC
Responsible foi assisting the full time ait instiuctois with piepaiation, oiganization anu woikshops.
Seiveu as a fill in foi instiuctois when full time instiuctois weie unavailable foi a booking.
Bevelopeu anu ueliveieu a 4S-minute toui of the exhibition space suitable anu engaging foi a vaiiety of age gioups.
Cooiuinateu the use of Kamloops Ait ualleiy iesouices to match the coiiesponuing lesson chosen by the visiting
teachei. Reinfoiceu connections of planneu activities to cuiient BC cuiiiculum.

F"44$#0 ?**$67"6* ABCB E ABCD
Kamloops Ait ualleiy, Kamloops BC
Responsible foi a vaiiety of opeiations, incluuing iegistiation of galleiy membeiships anu piogiam iegistiations,
ieceiving anu oiganizing incoming meichanuise, communicating with community aitisans, enfoicing galleiy piotocol,
obtaining knowleuge on changing exhibitions anu pioviuing exceptional customei seivice.
Bevelopeu excellent in stiong communication, multitasking, iecoiu keeping anu Excel softwaie.

;#")*+)./ 89:$#+$6)$
G"#+16 -)H+44+6I 84$/$6*"#0 E -)H114 J+5*#+)* KLDM N"/411:5 O! -$:*$/'$# ABCD E G"#)H ABCP
Ten-week ceitification piacticum anu thiee week Septembei stait-up piacticum, uiaue 12 split.
Taught at 1uu% foi 6 consecutive weeks
Assisteu in the facilitation anu oiganization of an offsite visit to the Big Little Science Centie
Woikeu coopeiatively anu collaboiatively with liteiacy cooiuinatoi, TT0Cs, anu CEAs.
Attenueu two IEP meetings, giving feeuback fiom uocumenteu notes.
!"#$ &"'' piogiam tiaining anu expeiience.
Extiacuiiiculai: Assistant coach of the Tiei S Co-Eu Basketball team.

;")+2+) >"0 84$/$6*"#0 E -)H114 J+5*#+)* KLDM N"/411:5 O! ?:#+4 ABCD
Two Week Piacticum, uiaue S4.
Bevelopeu anu taught mini-units in Social Stuuies (Inuit cultuie) anu Nathematics (measuiement).
=$4"*$7 Q14.6*$$# 89:$#+$6)$
-3R$4$: -)H114 12 89)$44$6)$M N"/411:5 O! ?:#+4 ABCP
Two paitial uays obseiving anu inteiacting with stuuents in an inuepenuent, banu opeiateu school.

J1)$6*M N"/411:5 ?#* F"44$#0M N"/411:5 O! S1,$/'$# ABCC E G"#)H ABCD
Leau touis of the galleiy spaces to visiting school gioups.
Nanage anu ieinfoice expecteu behaviouis in iegulation with galleiy piotocol.
Responsible foi ieseaich of cuiient anu upcoming exhibitions in oiuei to answei stuuent questions anu to uelivei
infoimation in a way that uemonstiates connections to cuiient B.C. cuiiiculum.

;"#3)#$5* 84$/$6*"#0 -)H114 E -)H114 J+5*#+)* KLDM N"/411:5 O! T$'#."#0 ABCA
Assisteu classioom teachei by woiking one-on-one with stuuents in a giaue 2 classioom.
Accompanieu anu assisteu uuiing a uay-long ski tiip to Stake Lake Noiuic Centie.
Planneu anu leau an ait activity with stuuents.

J+"/167,"4$ 84$/$6*"#0 -)H114 E -)H114 J+5*#+)* KUDM G$##+**M O! J$)$/'$# ABCC
Assisteu classioom teachei by woiking one-on-one with stuuents in a giaue 1 classioom.
0bseiveu oveiall stiuctuie anu uynamics of an elementaiy school setting.
O")H$41# 12 87.)"*+16 ABCA V ABCP
Thompson Riveis 0niveisity, Kamloops BC

Recipient of TR0 Alumni Association Scholaiship
Bean's List status
Specialty couises: Enviionmental Euucation, Teaching Fiist Nations Chiluien anu Info Tech Acioss Cuiiiculum.

?551)+"*$5 12 ?#*5 J$I#$$ ABBW E ABCC
Thompson Riveis 0niveisity, Kamloops BC
Recipient of Blazeis Euucation Society Faculty of Aits Buisaiy
Beans List, Wintei 2u11
Specialty couises: Nathematics foi Teacheis, Chiluhoou anu Auolescence Psychology, anu Chiluien's Liteiatuie.

X+IH5)H114 J+:41/" ABBP E ABBY

Neiiitt Seconuaiy School, Neiiitt BC

!144$$6 >117
Naiion Schilling Elementaiy
School Bistiict #7S
Phone: (2Su) S72-2u27

O$,$#40 =.'$#I
.#,/'01 2"+03)
Thompson Riveis 0niveisity
Kamloops, BC
Phone: (2Su) S71-SS41

84$6" ;"**16
4"#,5") 2"+03)
Naiion Schilling Elementaiy
School Bistiict #7S
Phone: (2Su) S72-716S

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