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Name: __________________________________________Date: _________________________

Maniac Magee Chapter Assessment

Directions: Using your reading from Part Two in Maniac Magee, refer to chapters 22-32 to answer the following questions. In answering the questions, use specific quotes and information from the text and be sure to show where you found the information. Give specific examples and be as detailed as possible to show your complete understanding of the readings. Answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper and staple the two together.

Chapters 22-32
1. Think about Grayson, what kind of person do you think he is? What do you think about his assumptions of black people and why do you think he feels this way?

2. How do you feel about Maniac wanting to go to school? Why is this a good or bad decision for Maniac to make? 3. How would you describe the relationship between Grayson and Maniac? Do you think the relationship is beneficial for them both? 4. Maniac used the color black to paint the number on his door, what significance, if any, do you think the color black has to Maniac? What makes you believe it is or is not significant? 5. How did the ending of Part Two affect you? What are your predictions about the beginning of Part Three?

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