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The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test






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The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test, iBT Edition Audio Scripts and Answer Key Bruce Rogers
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Guide to Listening 1 Preview Test 1 Lesson 9: Main-Topic and Main-Purpose Questions 4 Sample Items 4 Exercise 9.1 5 Exercise 9.2 7 Lesson 10: Factual, Negative Factual, and Inference Questions 11 Sample Items 11 Exercise 10.1 12 Exercise 10.2 15 Lesson 11: Purpose, Method, and Attitude Questions 21 Sample Items 21 Exercise 11.1 22 Exercise 11.2 23 Lesson 12: Replay Questions 26 Conversations 26 Sample Item 26 Exercise 12.1 26 Exercise 12.2 27 Exercise 12.3 28 Lesson 13: Ordering and Matching Questions 30 Sample Item 30 Exercise 13.1 30 Lesson 14: Completing Charts 35 Sample Item 35 Exercise 14.1 35 Listening Review Test 39 Listening Tutorial: Note Taking 44 Exercise 1 44 Exercise 3 44 Exercise 5 44 Exercise 6 45 Guide to Speaking 46 The Integrated Speaking Task 48 Sample Responses 49 Exercise: Scoring the Response 49 Integrated Speaking Preview Test 50 Lesson 17: Announcement/Discussed Task 51 Sample 51 Exercise 17.1 52 Exercise 17.2 52 Exercise 17.3 53 Lesson 18: General/Specific Task 53 Sample 53 Exercise 18.1 53 Exercise 18.2 54 Exercise 18.3 55 Lesson 19: Problem/Solution Task 55 Sample 55 Exercise 19.3 56 Exercise 19.4 57 Exercise 19.5 58 Lesson 20: Summary Task 59 Sample 59 Exercise 20.1 59 Exercise 20.2 60 Exercise 20.3 61 Speaking Review Test 62 Speaking Tutorial: Building Pronunciation Skills Exercise 1 63 Exercise 2 63 Exercise 3 63 Exercise 4 63 Exercise 5 63 Exercise 6 64 Exercise 7 64 Exercise 8 64 Exercise 9 64 Exercise 10 64 Exercise 11 64 Exercise 12 64 Exercise 13 64 Exercise 14 64 Exercise 15 65 Exercise 17 65 Exercise 19 65 Exercise 20 65 Exercise 22 65 Exercise 23 65 Exercise 24 65 Exercise 25 66 Exercise 26 66 Exercise 27 66 63

The Independent Speaking Task 46 Sample Responses 46 Exercise: Scoring the Response Independent Speaking Preview Test 47 Lesson 15: Personal Preference Task 47 Sample 47 Exercise 15.4 48 Exercise 15.5 48 Lesson 16: Paired Choice Task 48 Sample 48 Exercise 16.4 48 Exercise 16.5 48



iv Contents Exercise 28 Exercise 29 Exercise 30 Exercise 31 66 66 66 66 Lesson 22: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Citing and Synthesizing for the Integrated Writing Response 70 Sample Item 70 Exercise 22.1 70 Writing Review Test 71 Practice Test 1 Practice Test 2 71 79

Guide to Writing 66 About the Integrated Writing Task 66 Integrated Writing Preview Test 67 Lesson 21: Taking Notes and Planning the Integrated Response 67 Sample 67 Exercise 21.1 68

Guide to Reading 86 Reading Preview Test 86 Lesson 1: Factual and Negative Factual Questions 87 Lesson 2: Vocabulary Questions 89 Lesson 3: Inference Questions 89 Lesson 4: Purpose, Method, and Opinion Questions 89 Lesson 5: Sentence Restatement Questions 89 Lesson 6: Reference Questions 89 Lesson 7: Sentence Addition Questions 90 Lesson 8: Complete Summaries and Charts 92 Reading Review Test 93 Reading Tutorial: Vocabulary Building 95 Guide to Listening 97 Listening Preview Test 97 Lesson 9: Main-Topic and Main-Purpose Questions 98 Lesson 10: Factual, Negative Factual, and Inference Questions 98 Lesson 11: Purpose, Method and Attitude Questions 99 Lesson 12: Replay Questions 99 Lesson 13: Ordering and Matching Questions 99 Lesson 14: Completing Charts 99 Listening Review Test 100 Listening Tutorial: Note Taking 102 Guide to Speaking 103 The Independent Speaking Task 103 Independent Speaking Preview Test 103 Lesson 15: Personal Preference Task 103 Lesson 16: Paired Choice Task 104 The Integrated Speaking Task 105 Integrated Speaking Preview Test 105 Lesson 17: Announcement/Discussion Task 106 Lesson 18: General/Specific Task 108 Lesson 19: Problem/Solution Task 110 Lesson 20: The Summary Task 112 Speaking Review Test 114 Speaking Tutorial: Building Pronunciation Skills 114 Guide to Writing 117 The Integrated Writing Task 117 Integrated Writing Preview Test 117 Lesson 21: Taking Notes and Planning the Integrated Response 118 Lesson 22: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Citing, and Synthesizing for the Integrated Writing Response 120 Lesson 23: Writing the Integrated Response 123 Lesson 24: Checking and Editing the Integrated Response 125 The Independent Writing Task 126 Independent Writing Preview Test 126 Lesson 25: Pre-Writing the Independent Response 126 Lesson 26: Giving Opinions and Connecting Ideas in the Independent Response 127 Lesson 27: Writing the Independent Response 128 Lesson 28: Checking and Editing the Independnet Response 128 Writing Review Test 129 Writing Tutorial: Grammar 129 Practice Test 1 Practice Test 2 130 135

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