You Have To Solve Any 5 Out of Given 8 in The Exam

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Hi All I met Prof Parab today to check more about the FM paper.

He teaches to MHRDM and MMMs and seems to have set the paper. He told me.... there will be total !uestions of "# markes each $ total %&# marks paper YOU HAVE TO SOLVE ANY 5 out of given 8 IN THE EXAM. out of total %&# marks ie !uestions.... he has put '#marks problems and (# marks theory. most problem !uestions are full "# marks it seems. theory !uestions may have subsections a and b there is one !uestion that has partly problem and partly theory. He mentioned that the problems will be from topics )ap *ud+etin+, Ratios, fund flow, and workin+ capital. Hope it helps, *est luck. )haru P-. I have not communicated with /okhle sir for any doubt solvin+ session on sunday as I did not +et any re!uests from classmates. 0o call him all the way to colle+e we must have si1able no of students to attend and have enou+h problems2 doubts to discuss

Hi All, I 3ust now spoke to Prof. -ridhar. I e4plained to him that the feedback from many a student is that the paper was len+thy. Also we had to solve the section two which turned out to be more difficult. As a result many of us could not complete the paper and are now worried. -ir said, let him see the papers first and then he will try best to +ive best possible marks to all. he said even if you have written somethin+, irrespective of ri+ht or wron+, e4aminer +ives some marks for attemptin+. He mentioned that in case the ma3ority students fair below e4pectation then the checkin+ is done more moderately. 5ven when some students don6t do well, if they are at 7# they are brou+ht to 8#. He assured of bein+ lenient and help as much as he can to pass all, provided the papers don6t +o to any other teacher for checkin+. I also, su++ested the idea of doin+ pro3ect to help students score more marks and that I can help him coordinate this for our class. He did not reflect much on this idea. He only said he is not sure how this can be worked out now and whether such a thin+ would be allowed. He will keep me informed about the class performance once he checks the paper. Re+ards, )haru

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