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Memoir Lesson Plan 8:

Sensory Language and the Snapshot

Evan Schriver December 2 !"
Speci#ics: $rade: ! %lass: English Period&s': !( 2 and "

Lesson )opic: )odays lesson *ill be about sensory language and *ill #inish *ith students *riting their o*n snapshot about *hat happened today in class+

Purpose: )he purpose o# this lesson is to get the students to *rite using their senses to help add description to their o*n memoirs+ ,e *ill begin by doing a short activity to get students thin-ing about their senses and ho* to describe them+ )hen( . *ill have the students *rite about the moment they e/perienced during class 0 a snapshot o# their time in class today+

)he particulars #rom the curriculum include:

$eneral 1utcome 28: Students *ill be e/pected to use *riting and other *ays o# representing to e/plore( clari#y( and re#lect on their thoughts( #eelings( e/periences( and learnings3 and to use their imaginations+
o Speci#ic 1utcomes: 4se *riting and other *ays o# representing to: 5e#lect on their #eelings( values( and attitudes

o %hoose language that creates interesting and imaginative e##ects

2 !" 6 Schriver

Materials 7oull 8eed: My o*n snapshot ,hite 9oard *ith Mar-ers

)he Lesson
.ntroduction: )his class *ill begin *ith 2 minutes o# silent reading+ During this time( Mr+ 9all *ill collect interim reports and corrected essays+ :#ter the silent reading( . *ill sho* students the 7ou)ube video http:;;***+youtube+com;*atch<v=1P>:i4bdl!?+ :#ter this *ell move on to the lesson+ 9oggles the Senses )he students *ill be as-ed to start class by closing their eyes+ )hey *ill be as-ed to use their senses rather than their eyes to e/perience the classroom( beginning *ith *hat they hear( then *hat they smell and *hat they taste( even though they probably taste nothing+ )hen they *ill be as-ed to open their eyes and consider *hat they see+ :#ter that( they *ill have a #e* moments to *rite do*n *hat they have e/perienced *hile . *rite do*n some e/amples( *hich . *ill as- the students to help me edit to be more descriptive 0 i+e+ . could *rite I hear people breathing( but to ma-e it more descriptive . could put I hear the ragged sound of stuffy noses, desperately trying to inhale and exhale+

,riting 8o*( . *ill share my o*n snapshot o# a day at my grandparents camp( so students *ill have a better idea o# *hat they *ill be *riting+ Students *ill then be as-ed to ta-e *hat they e/perienced through their senses and *rite do*n( in paragraph #orm( their o*n snapshot o# todays class+ :s they can see #rom my o*n( it should be as descriptive as possible+ )he purpose o# the *riting is to try to ma-e it easier #or the reader to picture *hat you are *riting about+ ,hen they have #inished( there *ill be a bit o# time le#t #or people to share anything they have *ritten( i# they so *ish+

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,rap@4p: . *ill call the students attention bac- to the #ront so . can hand bac- the students 2A *ord short stories as *ell as their graded B@*ord memoir rubrics+ . *ill then tell students that they need to select their moment they *ant to *rite their o*n snapshot about( because that is *hat they *ill be doing tomorro*+ :#ter the Lesson: Students 0 Decide *hat they *ant to *rite #or their snapshot+ Teacher 0 %reate a handout to help *ith the *riting process #or tomorro*+

Collo*@4p Lessons: )omorro*( students *ill *rite their o*n snapshot about a moment in their lives( using as much descriptive language as possible+ .t *ill be due #or Criday+

2 !" 6 Schriver

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