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Welcome parents, teachers, staff and community members to Lincoln Elementary PTO meeting

Michelle Mayo ECE497 Child Development and Capstone Course Karen Foster April 21 2014

Welcome parents, teachers, staff and community members to Lincoln Elementary PTO meeting

By: Michelle Mayo

Information on who I am
Hello everyone my name is Michelle Mayo and I am here to talk to you about the importance of partnerships between the family and the community, and how it affects childrens learning and development. I have a BA in child development and I have child care experience both professionally and personally. You will see me in and around the school, I will be assisting in different classrooms. I am here to help assist the parents, students, staff and community members with their questions and concerns. More positive attitudes toward school;

Information on our school

It is important that we understand more about the students that attend this school, so that we can insure proper means of educating the students, parents and the community. The school's number one goal is to insure that every child receives an education.

Importance of partnerships with families and the community; and their influence on childrens Importance of partnerships with families learning and development.

and theindicates community; and their influence Research that when a collective group of school, on
family, and community stakeholders work together, achievement childrens learning and development. gaps decrease (Epstein & Van Voorhis, 2010; Henderson & Mapp, 2002; Holcomb-McCoy, 2010) (Bryan & Henry p 408). When members of the school, family and community work together there are less achievement gaps. It is also important that parents have a voice and are a part of all decision making, planning and implementing solutions that concern their children.

Importance of partnerships with families and the community; and their influence on childrens Importance of development. partnerships with families learning and Continued

and the community; and their It is also important that family members andinfluence community on members work together to on goals, activities and outcomes that childrens learning and development.
affect their children. Collaboration among counselors, students, families, and community members is a vital tool of social justice (Bryan, 2009; Constantine, Hage, Kindaichi, & Bryant, 2007; Kiselica & Robinson, 2001; Lopez-Baez & Paylo, 2009) (Bryan & Henry p 409-410). It is important to remember to assess the needs and strengths of students, families and the community in order to maintain a partnership.

Here at Lincoln demonstrates that parent/ family involvement Elementary were are focused on Early childhood significantly contributes to improved student development. Early outcomes. childhood is the most and the rapid period of Everyone -- students, parents, teachers, development of human life administrators, and communities -- benefits (UNICEF). Early childhood from family involvement. development involves physical, social/emotional, and cognitive/ language developmental domains.

To make the vast, interdisciplinary study of human constancy and change more orderly and convenient, development is often divided into three broad domains: physical: , cognitive, and emotional and social. Berk, L. E. (2013).

Period of Development

3 1/2 to 5 years At this age, children have a longer attention span, act silly & boisterous, may use shocking talk a lot, demonstrates that parent/ family language, involvement ask many questions, want real adult things, keep art projects, test significantly contributes to improved student physical skills and courage with caution, reveal feeling in dramatic outcomes. play, like to play with friends, do not like to lose, share and take turns sometimes. 5 to 8 years At this age, children grow curious Everyone students, parents, teachers, about people and -how the world works, show an increasing administrators, and communities benefits interest in numbers, letters, reading and writing,-become more and more family interested in final products, gain more confidence in from involvement. physical skills, use words to express feeling and to cope, like grown-up activities, become more outgoing, play cooperatively (World Bank 2011).

Period of Development continued..

How families, schools, and the community are connected to childrens development
Children's development is affected by their relationships and by the environment in which they live. There are five different environmental levels that impact children's development; microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and the chronosystem. Microsystem-are those closest too and have direct contact with Mesosystem- interactions between people in the microsystem Exosystem- not active with but still affects them Macrosystem-environment lives in and all that affect it Chronosystem- the time related to development

How families, schools, and the community are connected to childrens development. continued
It is important for children that their mesosystems are connected. An example of this is when a students parents and teacher are working together. Children learn from their environment, therefore when things in the childs life are on the same path the results will be more beneficial.

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Type 1 is parenting
This is designed to help families establish a home environment that will support children. This is helpful by offering the family information on different ages and grades children are in. This allows the parents to feel connected to their child development. The school can offer regular meetings where the family members can attend and have things explained to them in the language that they are able to speak and understand. The school also can promote projects and activities that represent the culture of the majority children in the school.

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Type 2 is communicating This is designed that the information that is sent home to parents is able to be understood by the family. Regular folders are sent home so the parents know how their child is doing in school. This will help the child because if the child is having a hard time the parents will know ahead of time and be able to address the issues before it negatively affects the child's development. The school could send news letters home that are in Spanish and in English and incorporate activities that are based on their culture.

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Type 3 is volunteering This is designed to get parents and family members involved in their child's education and school. Parents can help with special activities and or field trips. When the child sees their parent actively involved in the school and or the classroom the child will gain an appreciation for school and find joy in it. The school can have a person on hand when special speakers come to the school that can translate for the family.

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Type 4 is learning at home This is designed to provide families with the information to be able to help the children at home. This can be helpful for children and parents be allowing the child to take home reading materials and quizzes to check their understanding and it offers the family members a chance to learn about the material. The school can send home family activities that are to be completed and then returned to school.

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Type 5 is decision making This is designed to insure parents are involved in decisions at school that involve their child. This is can extremely benefit the child, because no one wants better for you than your parents and family. Teachers do their best to make the right choices for every child, but parents are their child biggest advocate, and if push comes to shove parents have more pull that just the teacher.

Epsteins Types of Involvement

Type 6 is collaborating with the community Is making programs and services known that will benefit the family. This is beneficial to everyone , especially if the parent does not understand the health requirements that have to be followed at school. The community has lots to offer it is just a matter of knowing what is available. The school can make sure that they know what programs are in their community.

Early Childhood Development: - Unicef,,contentMDK:20260280~menuPK:524346~pagePK:1 48956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:344939,00.html

Thank You!
Have a great day!

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