E-Commerce Case Outline

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Case Study (around 7 pages of text)

Select an e-commerce company. (B2C) Visit its Web site and describe:
1--- Introduction to the company (companys mission, and history). 2--- Describe the products and services available. 3--- Describe its business model. 4--- Identify its customer value proposition. 5--- Identify its revenue model 6--- Identify the marketplace it operates in. 7--- Identify who its main competitors are. 8--- Describe any comparative advantages you believe the company possesses. 9--- Describe what its market strategy appears to be. 10--- Describe its financial performance.

Project Update Meeting 1: Due on or before Friday January 31

You should have at least three pages of your case study completed by this time. If you have not done so already, your instructor will help you to publish your pages to your web site. Unless prior arrangements to meet are made, the Project Update Meetings will be held during class lab time. Bring the following items to discuss with and hand in to your instructor: a--- USB flash drive (three pages of your case study stored in your flash drive) Note: Regarding your hosting account at Bluehost.com {your instructor will give you more details later} for the meantime the class will use the server at ENMU to publish your case study

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