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Taylor Eubanks


Dr. Puckett

26 March 26, 2014

Annotated Bibliography

B, Lisa. "Evolution of Fashion: Clothing as a Means of Class Distinction." Serendip Studio. N.p., 15 Mar. 2009. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

This source talks about Darwins theory of natural selection and how that ties in with fashion and why we as people select the different trends. This article is less formal and more opinionated than other sources I have selected. I selected it because I strongly agree with the comments made and the idea that we select fashion trends based on conditioning and how we are raised to choose as such. It depicts the progression of fashion from the most basic styles to what we know today. I will use this article for a basic outline as why and how fashion evolved and is in constant rotation.

Brassfield, Marissa. "The Brief History of Fashion Trends." Women's Health Issues. N.p., 22 Feb. 2008. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

This article talks about fashion being in direct correlation with social and current events. I relate with this because fashion is highly influenced by events that are going on in the world and celebrities. It also speaks about how fashion trends cycle by taking parts of decades in the past and rearranging the styles to fit the modern fashion demand. For example when the Olympics are on people tent to wear more sporty attire rather than when the presidential election in happening and persons dress more professional to endorse your candidate. I agree with this idea because I do dress to social and current events at a smaller level, even as events change at Ottawa University.

Durcanin, Cynthia. "What Is Fashion?" PBS. PBS, 12 Oct. 1999. Web. 26 Mar. 2014

This article goes into What is Fashion? and how separates people into groups fashion. Fashion groups change with decades and people find their place as fashion and trends come and go. This article also talks about why we wear what we wear; it talks about reasons from weather to physical attraction religion and emotion. This article outlines perfectly what is fashion and why we consume our lives with it. To me fashion is a way to express feelings emotion or even economic status, all of these ideas are not hit in this article but it does do a good job of explaining what its idea of fashion is Espinosa, Jos. "Changes in Style and Changes in Fashion." Changes in Style and Changes in Fashion. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014

This article discusses the constant urge the different generations have to differentiate themselves from one another. This in turn causes fashion cycles, each group tries to find traits that they can identify or express their current status. This is extremely accurate because when you look at an outfit you can tell what generation or era it probably came from just by using clues that each generation used to express their style interests. I will refer to this article a lot because it explains how each group tries to differentiate between others. I like how this article Fashion Cycles. Fashion Cycles N.p., 28 Feb. 2011. Web. 26 Mar. 2014

This article depicts fashion cycles in a bell curve, taking a trend through three phases. It begins with the introductory phase, this is where a product or trend is introduced and is not yet popular but begins to get attention. Next comes the acceptance phase, this is the peak of the trend when it is being fully recognized and begins its downward decline. This bell curve ends with the rejection phase this is the drastic decline of the trend often caused by the introduction of a new trend. This is the perfect depiction in my mind for the phases of a fashion cycle and it the foundation that I plan to base my paper on. I am able to see a diagram with detailed descriptions for each phase.

"The Logic of Fashion Cycles." PLOS ONE:. N.p., 7 Mar. 2010. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.

According to this source the preferred cultural trait strongly impacts the implementation and rejection of the specific trait. This cycle is influenced by cultural traits that are accepted or ignored through social learning. Cultural traits that are prevalent with in a community or region can easily become a stable influence on that culture and are more commonly known as fashion traits. Fashion traits go further than just clothing and outfits, they stretch as far as pop songs, first names, dog breeds, and vocabulary. I really like how this was almost like the science of fashion cycles, I saw a lot of words that I used in Biology when talking about evolution. This will help my research a lot when I talk about different reasons and ideas as to why fashions come in and out of style.

Rabkin, Eugene. "Navigation." BoF The Business of Fashion. BoF, 8 Feb. 2014. Web. 26 Mar. 2014

What is fashion for? That is the question asked in this article, why is it even needed. Three points in this paper that stood out to me were that we have fashion because it is meaningful, it makes a strong statement and it has a theatrical element. We wouldnt dress the way we did if it were not for attention, whether it be craving attention or wanting to avoid it. This article completes my research with why it is important to our world. It can be a form of expression or even current mood, but fashion serves multiple purposes in the world in my opinion.

"Street Style." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014

This website is very helpful because keeps up with the latest fashions. Going back and looking at past articles really helps me to understand fashion cycles because I can see articles when something was in all three phases of the fashion cycle. Then watch it start back in the introduction phase. This website offers quality articles by various authors and journalists. This website helps me a lot by viewing photos in their magazine to see style trends, in their spring 2012 magazine you saw a lot of bright lib colors, but in the spring 2014 its all about bright eyes and a nude lip. This is a fashion trend that is forever changing back and forth. I did not have one particular article but I used the pictures from different years to compare and contrast what I saw.

"Textile Learner." Fashion Cycle. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

This text is separated into five sections, introduction of a style, and increase in popularity, peak of popularity, decline in popularity, rejection of style or obsolescence. These sections break down a fashion cycle and describe briefly what takes place in each section. This article is not as detailed as others but it is useful due to the fact that I can easily get a description of each step in a fashion cycle.

"Vintage Fashion Guild : Fashion Timeline." Vintage Fashion Guild : Fashion Timeline. N.p., 2014. Web. 26 Mar. 2014

This article is a list of pictures beginning in 1800-1990 and as the generations pass you can easily see similarities in design and repeat design. This is a perfect depiction of fashion cycles, each picture has a brief description of key facts from that decade and important facts about the style. This is helpful to actually see picture representation of the cycles. This list is not as detailed as I would like but it does have great picture representation for the different generations.

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