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498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE



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SUNDA Y , MA Y 31 , 20 0 9



Special m ention - How to file RT I com plaints/appeals onlinebelow. Goes to the CIC link directly -Click


How to get Anticipatory Bail ? How to fight False Allegations ? What happens after wife complains-arrest-bail proceedings ? How wife-lawy ers negotiate/ex torts money ? From 50 lakhs to 20 lakhs. How to fight maintenance case Cr.P.C 1 25 ? When to file for FIR Quash ? .in/rti_direct_com plaint_lodging.php . 1 . FOLLOWING THE TRIAL & PROV ING INNOCENCE. Adv antages: 1 . Tex t book method by following judicial sy stem & get the formal acquittal order. 2. Post acquittal, we can file perjury U/s 340 & Defamation suit, which will destroy the 498a family completely . 3. Scope for financial compensation thru defamation suit. Disadv antages: 1 .Time consuming; hav e to be patient with great Indian Judiciary s efficiency .

What to do if y our wife is threatening y ou with false dowry law ? 498A arrest after amendment of cr.p.c s.41 Warrant MUST for arrest in IPC 498A How to withdraw/compound IPC 498a?


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

2.Will take any thing between 1 5 Y rs. 3.Need to cope up with half baked lawy ers. 2. FILING COUNTER-CASES AGAINST 498a FAMILY . Adv antages: 1 . By giv ing the same medicine to the opponents, 498a case may get ov er in short time. Disadv antages: 1 .V ery delicate in nature. Needs to do lot of home work & legal analy sis before retaliating with counter-cases. 2.Costly affair & time consuming. 3.Counter-cases may back fire, if not launched properly . 4.Some counter-cases may be of cooked nature, which will be a misuse of law. 3. COMPLAINING TO HIGHER AUTHORITIES: Adv antages: 1 .Taking the case details to all lev els of higher authorities such as Human rights, DGP, Collector, Commissioner, Home Secretary , Income tax Dept. etc, will solv e the case in shorter time. 2.Cheaper mode & can close the case in shorter time duration.(1 - 6 Months) 3.Can handle without much legal aid. Disadv antages: 1 .This mode will be applicable based on 498a family members profile. 2.Complaints hav e to be placed immediately after the threats. 3.Gov ernment machinery may not work with ex pected efficiency . 4. USING RTI APPLICATIONS AGINST 498A FAMILY : Adv antages: 1 .Cheaper mode & consumes relativ ely lesser time to close the case.(2 6 Months) 2.We can screw the 498a family roy ally , with this Legal Cruelty tool. 3.May cause irretriev able damage to the opponents, apart from closure of 498a case. 4.Can handle without legal aid. 5.No limit & can fire numerous RTIs based on the opponents profile.. Disadv antages: 1 .498a family members or witnesses needs to be gov ernment job. 2.Needs to cope up with time delay for RTI replies from gov t. departments & information commission response for appeals. 3.Gov ernment machinery may not work with ex pected efficiency . 4.V ery indirect method of attacking the opponents.

What is 498a procedure (Step by Step) ? How to Crack 498A case ? Do I need to appear personally ? Do I file for Div orce or Not ? AP Family Court Rules What is bail procedure ? Right to Bail In India How to file perjury case ? When to file defamation ? FIL or MIL is a Gov ernment Employ ee/s ? Legal analy sis of what y ou can ex pect of this 498A law ? Can I giv e POA for div orce ? What is Electronic Ev idence ? Can E-Mail be used as Ev idence ? How to file RTI if y ou are an NRI ? Can women be charged under PWDV A ? How to dismiss impotency allegations ? Can y our ex file PWDV A after filing 498a ? AP HIGH COURT JUDGMENTS IMPORTANT JUDGMENTS !!! What to do after chargesheet (final report by police) ? What to do if my EX is not attending court ? Reasons women file 498A? Do y ou need one? IS GIV ING DOWRY A CRIME ?


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

-----------------------------------------------Since y ou hav e read so much - y ou must be tired. So, on a lighter side of things read the below article to cheer y ou up.

How to file 498a ? (crash course for women) What are Hy derabad Police Orders to arrest ? Andhra Pradesh Dowry Circulars How to file v isitation rights ? What to do when girl files false streedhan list ? How to obtain certified copies of case file from court ? Multiple Maintenance Cases, 24 of HMA and 1 25 Cr.P.C/DV ? Framing of charges ? Do y ou hav e right to Speedy Trial ? Getting Passport out of trial court as conditional bail ? How to file temporary restraining order ? How to file discharge in trial court ? How to get proof-ofincome-of-fil/mil/bil ? How to get PAN of FIL/MIL in gov t sector? How to get SMS/Phone records from Serv ice prov iders ? How to get info from priv ate entity ? What to do if Police not inv estigating and arrogant? Can DV Petitioner be cross ex amined by respondent ? How to file DV C Quash ? Marriage jokes/Notable truths.

Bottom line is it is hard work and patience-- see how one person quashed his case by sheer persistence and hard work. GENERAL 1 .Sent CrPc 1 61 witness statements with all the blatant lies to 498a family 's relativ es, family elders and neighbours. 2.Sent copies of newspaper & magazine articles about 498a misuse, to their relativ es, family elders and neighbours. 3.Called up 498a gangs relativ es, family elders and neighbours & ex plained about the false 498a case. 4.Complained to Tamilnadu Rev enue Secretary , & District Collector about the false 498a case & ex tortion threats. 5.Complained to State Human Rights Commission on ex tortion threats by 498a gang, police & lawy ers. 6.Complained to Lok Adalat Judges on ex tortion threats by 498a gang, police & lawy ers. 7 .Complained to DGP of the state, on ex tortion threats by 498a gang, police & lawy ers. AGAINST 498a FAMILY 8.Sent RTIs to FIL's Dept., to get his pay scale & asset declaration details, as per Tamilnadu Gov t. Serv ants Conduct Rules. 9.Sent RTI to FIL's Dept., to get Compliance of Dowry Prohibition Act, by Gov t employ ees, as per Tamilnadu Gov t. Serv ants Conduct Rules. 1 0.Sent RTI to FIL's dept., to get his declaration on list of gifts receiv ed


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

for her daughter's marriage, as per Tamilnadu Gov t. Serv ants Conduct Rules. 1 1 .Sent 1 2 RTIs to FIL's office to get his office deliv erable, accounts maintenance and Gov t. money spending details in last 25 y ears. 1 2.Complained to Rev enue Dept. on disproportionate asset accumulation details by FIL. 1 3.Complained to Rev enue Dept. to report non-compliance of Dowry Prohibition Act by FIL, with respect to his CrPc statement. 1 4.Complained to DSP-V igilance & Anti Corruption person, to report disproportionate asset accumulation details by FIL. 1 5.Complained to State Water Board dept about the use of electric motor to fill water from public pipeline, at FILs residence. 1 6.Complained to Rev enue dept. about misuse of official post by FIL to get 1 0 Birth certificates to his grand son. 1 7 .Complained to HR department of 498a girl's brother's company , who had submitted fake certificate to get job. 1 8.Sent RTIs to Directorate of Technical Education, to get details of the employ ment of 498a girl, who is working as Lecturer in a priv ate engineering college. 1 9.Sent RTIs to Directorate of Technical Education, to get details of pending cases, complaints and arrears during graduation of 498a girl, who is working as Lecturer in a priv ate engineering college. 20.Complained to State Information Commission on refusal of information for one of the RTI by FIL. 21 Complained to State Rev enue Secretary & District collector on RTI reply delay s by Rev enue department. 22.Sent RTI to District Collector on actions taken on the complaint on 498a family 's ex tortion & atrocities. 23.Called up Public Information Officer of FIL's office & ex plained the case details & warned about repercussions on PIO, if the RTI replies are delay ed. 24.Called up Principal of 498a girl's college & ex plained her activ ities to ex tort money by filing false case. 25.V isited 498a family 's residence area with completely shav ed head, to know the details of the houses they hav e rented out for Complaining to V igilance department.( Since 506 IPC also in FIR, i had to go in disguise) 26. V isited FIL's office with shav ed head to watch his activ ities & befriended a local big shot's son to set up bribe trap for FIL, as adv ised by DSP - V igilance & Anti-corruption Dept. of TN Police. AGAINST THE WITNESSES 27 .Sent RTI to BSNL, to get Pay scale & asset declaration details of one of the witness (Retired), with the intention to complain to BSNL, Central V igilance Commission & Pension Directorate.

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498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

28.Sent RTI to TN State Hand-loom Dept. to get Dowry Prohibition Act compliance declaration for their daughters marriages, pay scale & asset declaration details of one of the witnesses (Retired), with intention to complain to V igilance dept & State pension directorate. 29.Sent RTI to Sales Tax department, to get details of the sales tax paid by the company run by one of the witness. 30.Sent RTIs to one of the witnesss sons parents-in-laws offices (Gov t. Job) to get Dowry Prohibition Act compliance declaration for their daughtersmarriages, pay scale & asset declaration details. 31 .Sent CrPc 1 61 statements to one of the witnesss sons parents-in-laws & neighbours. 32.V isited parents'-in- law of one of the witness's son, & ex plained their Son-in-law family 's false statements in 498a case. AGAINST THE INSTIGATORS: 33.Sent RTIs to Police department to get Dowry Prohibition Act compliance declaration for their daughters marriages, pay scale & asset declaration details of one of the instigators of the 498a case, who was working as DSP. 34.Sent RTIs to Police department to get details of NOC obtained from gov t. to get passport, by one of the instigators of 498a case, who was working as DSP. 35.Complained to Enforcement Directorate to report disproportionate asset details by the retired police DSP, who used to v isit USA frequently . 36.Sent RTI to Medical Council of India to get pay scale & asset declaration details of a doctor, who is the Son-in Law of one of the instigators of 498a case. 37 .Sent 498a case details & 498a gangs malicious plans to Sons-in Law's family of the DSP, who was instrumental in filing false 498a case. 38.Sent RTI to SEBI (Securities & Ex change Board of India), to get details of the leav e details and trav el ex pense details of 498a girls uncle, who used to attend the hearings, when he is on duty . (Working in a Priv ate Listed Company ) 39.Sent RTI to Reserv e Bank of India to get locker details of one of witness, who has stored the 498a girl's jewels. >> AGAINST THE POLICE: 40.Sent complaints to DGP, Commissioner and IO (Who registered 498a) to register case U/s 406 IPC for non return of Jewels by the 498a gang.IO refused to accept 3 registered letters. She called me up & asked not to press the 406 complaint & assured for return of Jewels worth of Rs.1 .8 Lakhs.IO blasted the 498a girl & her father in my presence, for not informing about Jewels giv en by me.(All my Jewels were returned before 5/11


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

Quash proceeding) 41 .Sent RTIs to Police department to get pay scale & asset declaration details of 2 Inv estigativ e Officers who filed 2 FIRs. 42.Office of Commissioner of Police, Chennai, sent a warning letter to PIO (Add.Commissioner) & IO, for sev ere departmental action with State Information Commission's Recommendation, for non reply of RTI in time. 43.Sent RTI to Police department to get 498a case Registration Guideline Adherence details by 2 Inv estigativ e Officers who filed 2 FIRs. ****************** Got married in 2001 to a girl from x x x , hary ana. That ill mannered and uncouth lady left my home in oct 2006. In Feb 2007 when I receiv ed the threat of false dowry case from a common relativ e , I sent e mail to DGP Hary ana and CP Delhi immediately ex pressing their threatening and other details. With interv ention of common relativ es a fair settlement was done and signed by her and my relativ es in Oct 2007 . Luckily no child was born out of this wedlock. But they went back on this agreement and asked 1 0 lakh more and that too in cash. When all efforts failed , I filed for Div orce in May 2008 ( my mistake) following the guidance of my adv ocate Comrade R P Chugh, the owner of so called "Man cell". His signboards are spread all ov er Delhi and somehow that quack gets his name and interv iews published in media ,TV talkshows ,radio etc. He told me that if I file DIV ORCE first ,her 498A will be considered as counterblast.I got conv inced that if I approach court first then I will be safe. After receiv ing summons she submitted 498a/406 complaint at local PS at Panipat in June 2008. Police under their influence registerd FIR by passing the Women Cell of Panipat. That Quack filed my bail application in Delhi court, which I did not get. Then he filed at Delhi High court for bail and FIR transfer. Since I was hav ing zero knowledge of law, the money for all these ex ercises in futility he looted from me was approx 4 lakh. As I told in my earlier mail I was arrested in july 2008 and spent four day s in police remand at police station Panipat. My two counter attacks which cracked them were1 . My criminal complaint case filed under section 384,386,500,506 against girl,her mother and brothers.The ACMM finding merit in my case admitted it under Crpc 200. At the time of complainant's ev idence (mine), I submitted a list of witnesses and included her two relativ es (who signed the agreement dated Oct 2007 ) in that list . When the police reached their house and serv ed summons for appearance in court, panick gripped their entire family .One relativ e appeared in the court on the date and admitted that a mutual agreement between two families had indeed been signed in oct 2007 and confirmed his signature on that 6/11


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

agreement paper.The other relativ e ,out of fear, did not receiv e summons by pay ing to the serv er. 2. My second attack was complaint to the Income Tax Office , Panipat by way of Tax Ev asion Petition (TEP). I attached their FIR copy (with TEP) in which they claimed to hav e spent ov er Rs 20 lakh in marriage. In reality they had spent hardly 6 lakh. So IT guy s started inv estigations in their assets. I followed up my complaint with RTIs asking progress. Therefore my dear friends , nev er bow in front of "Kaminey " people and hav e faith in GOD that if y ou are right and innocent,y ou will prev ail upon all odds. Its just a matter of time. Hav e killer instict and nev er become timid, come whatev er may . Show y our enemies that y ou dont mind ev en getting hanged , leav e alone going to jail, but will not meet any of their unwarranted demands. **************** CIC decision below for tax ev asion petition: Facts: The petitioner was married in 2000 to Smt. Saroj Nirmal. In Nov ember 2000 she filed a criminal complaint alleging that she had spent/paid as dowry an amount of Rs. Ten Lakhs. Alleging that these claims were false, the Petitioner, with a v iew to defend the criminal prosecution launched against him, approached the Income Tax Department with a tax ev asion petition (TEP) dated 24.09.2003. Thereafter, in 2004 the Income Tax Department summoned the Petitioner's wife to present her case before them. Meanwhile, the Petitioner made repeated requests to the Director of Income Tax (Inv estigation) to know the status of the hearing and TEP proceedings. On failing to get a response from the second and third Respondents, he mov ed an application under the Act in Nov ember, 2005. He requested for the following information: (i) Fate of Petitioner's complaint (tax ev asion petition) dated 24.09.2003 (ii) What is the other source of income of petitioner's wife Smt. Saroj Nimal than from teaching as a primary teacher in a priv ate school ' iii)What action the Department had taken against Smt. Saroj Nimal after issuing a notice u/s 1 31 of the Income 'tax Act, 1 961 , pursuant to the said Tax Ev asion Petition. The petitioner filed a second Appeal on 1 st March, 2006, before the 7/11


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

Respondent No. 1 , the Central Information Commission (hereafter 'the]*20 The CIC, on 8th May 2006 allowed the second appeal and set aside the rejection of information, and the ex emption Clause 8(1 ) (j) cited by Respondents No. 2and3. The CIC further held that as the inv estigation on TEP has been conducted by DIT (Inv ), the relev ant report is the outcome of public action which needs to be disclosed. This, therefore, cannot be ex em pted u/s 8(1) (j) as interpreted by the appellate authority . Accordingly , DIT (Inv ) is directed to disclose the report as per the prov ision u/s 10(1) and (2), after the entire process of inv estigation and tax recov ery , if any , is com plete in ev ery respect. *20 CIC') [35/IC(A)/06 Y ou m ight also like: Notable truths Are y ou a 498A v ictim in Andhra Pradesh? How to file IPC 498a ? 498a for dummies How to find railway ticket reserv ation details ? Who are Indian Judges ?
Linkwithin P OS TE D B Y N OTHI N G I S A CON S TA N T. TI ME W I LL HE A L A LL. A T 1 0:5 5 P M LA B E LS : 4 9 8 A , 4 9 8 A A N DHR A P R A DE S H, 4 9 8 A F A Q, 4 9 8 A MI S U S E , CR A CK I N G 4 9 8 A CA S E , DE S I , DOW R Y , DOW R Y LA W , HA R A S S E D HU S B A N D, I N DI A , I N DI A N , I P C 4 9 8 A , N R I , R TI ON LI N E , S E CTI ON 4 9 8 ( A )

6 C O M M E NT S: Anony m ous July 22, 2009 at 2:53 AM sir, V ery informativ e. I hope it is meant for false dowry cases. Similarly , I wish y ou would enlighten the poor souls who are fighting true dowry cases against their cheating husbands and wilful inlaws. That will be some justification for them too. no one cares about them. They are not heard in this " false" times. Reply

Anony m ous July 25, 2009 at 1 :03 AM Dear Anony mous abov e, Y ou are talking of true dowry cases, that means y ou hav e giv en dowry and are equally punisable by law. Y es, true due to misuse of this law ev en true v ictims will hav e to face the same wrath. Y ou must unite and demand for stopping law misuse. For that ask laws to be ammended as crime-based rather than gender-biased 8/11


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE


Bhim Sain August 1 , 2009 at 3:40 AM Nice to win a battle of truth v ersus untruth like in mahabharata. Reply

Anony m ous October 29, 2009 at 1 :1 8 PM v ery informativ e n encouraging.. Reply

Anony m ous December 8, 2009 at 7 :07 AM Hi! I am sure that the Author is a retired police dignity or a lawy er. Cheeeers !!!!!!!!!! Reply

Anony m ous October 25, 201 0 at 1 2:31 AM Hi, What about the defamation cases. I hav e 20 criminal cases against 498A girl. If i send complain with my name can she file defamation on me ? If y es then how i can protect my self. My friend suggested me to send send complain by unknown. In that case i can not trace the progress by RTI. Reply

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498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

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IBNLiv e - Woman killed by husband, inlaws for failing to meet dowry demand

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The institution of marriage itself is gradually being put to test in contemporary Indian society with IPC 498A kind of laws, more so in urban pockets. More couples than before are opting not to tie the knot, preferring to simply liv e together instead. Cohabitation is common in a small number of adv anced societies, some of which - like the Scandinav ian countries - giv e liv e-in couples the same rights as those who are legally wed. Marriage, therefore, is often a mere formality , or a matter of choice, in such societies. Howev er, the reality in India is different. Due to a combination of social and religious factors, as well as the absence of safety nets and welfare, marriage is still an institution that is preferred ov er any other form of union. It is the fundamental relationship around which families are built and lend stability to social structures in India. That said, it is crucial that we recognise the changes that are taking place. Instead of ruing the loss of old v alues, we would be better off gearing up for new realities. That includes updating our laws and social attitudes.

Add not fire to fire. Do not throw the arrow that will return against y ou. Beggars can nev er be bankrupt. Y ou can bear with y our own faults, and why not a fault in y our wife/husband? Better an egg today than a hen tom orrow. T he child who gets a stepm other also gets a stepfather. Where there is dowry there is danger. Anger can be an ex pensiv e lux ury . T he bachelors crav e to get m arried, and the m arried ones regret why he got m arried. O daughter, Im telling y ou. O daughter-in-law, listen to this.. Pray one hour before going to war, two hours before going to sea, and three hours before getting m arried. Ev en the m oon has spots. It takes tim e to sav e tim e. Com m ent is free but facts are on ex penses. It is wise to keep in m ind that neither success nor failure is ev er final. Readers are plentiful, thinkers are rare. It is not whether y ou get knocked down; it is whether y ou get up again. T here are tim es when silence has the loudest v oice. Do not wait for success, go ahead without it. 10/11


498a Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ: DIFFERENT MODES FOR CRACKING 498A CASE

One does not learn any thing that one does not lov e. When there is no enem y within, the enem ies outside can not hurt y ou. Do not look where y ou fell, but where y ou slipped. T o know the road ahead, ask those com ing back. If y ou bow at all, bow low. T he day y ou decide to do it is y our lucky day . Proof rather than argum ent. Where y ou cannot clim b ov er, y ou m ust creep under. Faults are thick where lov e is thin. It is harder to kill a whisper than ev en a shouted calum ny . BE T HOU AS CHAST E AS ICE, AS PURE AS SNOW, T HOU SHALT NOT ESCAPE CALUMNY .


I PC 4 9 8 a i s d e p r i v i n g m a n y y o u n g c h i l d r e n o f a h a p p y c h i l d h o o d , m a n y y o u t h o f pro du c t iv e c areers an d m an y sen io r c it izen s o f m en t al peac e in t h e last leg o f t h e i r l i v e s . A w o m a n m i s u s i n g I PC 4 9 8 a a n d PWD V A s h o u l d b e a t t h e m i n i m u m b e p r o s e c u t e d fo r p e r j u r y a n d h a r a s s m e n t , d e n i e d m a i n t e n a n c e , l o s e c u s t o d y o f c h ildren , pen alised, pu t u n der pro bat io n ac t & div o rc e au t o m at ic ally gran t ed. T h i s b l o g g e r s t a t e s t h a t s o m e o f t h e m a t e r i a l i s s o u r c e d fr o m a n d l i n k s a r e p r o v i d e d t h e r e fo r fr o m t h i r d p a r t y w e b s i t e s , a s y o u k n o w - t h i s i s a fi g h t fo r j u s t i c e a n d n o t fo r a n y fi n a n c i a l g a i n s o r c o m m e r c i a l b e n e fi t s . Wh e r e t h e i d e a h a s o r i g i n a t e d fr o m s u c h t h i r d p a r t y , i t i s a t o t a l c r e d i t t o t h e m fo r t h e i r en deav o r, researc h an d o n t h e n egat iv e side t h eir n egligen c e, slan der et c . T h is blo gger t ak es n o respo n sibilit y . Th e r e w a s a n e r r o r i n t h i s g a d g e t


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