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MARKS: 80 CLASS: 8th SEM EE TIME: 3 HOUR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section-A Q1. a) What are the advantages of electrical drives?

b)Explain the classes of duty? OR Q2. a) Concept of electrical drives system. b) Explain the fundamental torque equation Q3. a) Explain the equivalent values of drives parameter
b) A 220V, 970rpm, 1000 A DC separately excited motor has an armature resistance o

0!0"ohm! #t is bra$ed by plu%%in% rom an initial speed o 1000rpm! Calculate i) &esistance to be placed # armature circuit to limit bra$in% current to t'ice the ull load (alue! ii) )ra$in% tor*ue and iii) +or*ue 'hen the speed has allen to ,ero! -&
4. (a) .xplain DC motor / there per ormance!

0b) 1hat is mean by startin% and bra$in%2 5. 0a) .xplain the dynamic bra$in% o DC motor! 0b) A 220 V DC series motor runs at 1000 rpm cloc$'ise and ta$es an armature current o 100 A 'hen dri(in% a load 'ith a constant tor*ue! &esistance o the armature and iled 'indin% are 0!0" ohm each! 3ind the ma%nitude and direction o motor speed and armature current i the motor terminal (olta%e is re(ersed and the number o turns in ield 'indin% is reduced to 405! Assume linear ma%netic circuit! -& 6. (a) .xplain the re%enerati(e bra$in% o DC motor! (b) A 220 V, 200A, 400rpm DC separately excited motor has an armature resistance o 0!06 ohm! +he motor armature is ed rom a (ariable (olta%e source 'ith an internal resistance o 0!07 ohm! Calculate internal (olta%e o the (ariable (olta%e source 'hen the motor is operatin% in re%enerati(e bra$in% at 405 o the rated motor tor*ue and 600rpm! Section-B Solve any Three Questions.

Q7. A) Explain the slip po!er recovery of "#. B) &o explain the micro processer electrical drive. Q8 A) Explain the variable frequency control method. B) Explain the rotor resistance control method. Q9 A) (erive the cycloconveter drive.

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b) &o explain the electrical drive in rolling mill) paper mills) cement mill. $' #) Q10 A) Explain the vector control of current feed inverter. B) Explain the vector control principal and equivalent circuit. $% #) $' #)

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