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Renaissance Poetry Poems Sir Thomas Wyatt I find no peace Whoso list to hount Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

The soote season Sir P. Sidney da Astrophil and Stella: I Loving in truth II Not at first sight III Let dainty its !II When Nature made "! #ou that do search "!III #ou that ith allegory W. Shakespeare Sonnets: $%& $'& ()& (*& %%& +,& $(-& $('& $(.& $*)& $*+ J. Donne The /ood 0orro The 1unne Rising The 2anoni3ation 4legie: 5is Picture 6 !alediction: for7idding mourning 6 !alediction: 8f 0y Name& in the Windo 6 !alediction: 8f Weeping Lovers Infiniteness The 49tasie The :unerall The Reli;ue 5ymne to /od my /od& in my sic<nesse 6 5ymn to /od the :ather 5oly 1onnet: =>atter my heart= /ood :riday& $,$*: Riding West ard 6 Nocturnall upon 1t? Lucy@s Aay& >eing the 1hortest Aay :? Buarles 5? !aughan /? 5er7ert Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and holdest me for thy enemie? The World Cordan The 6ltar 4aster Wings The 2ollar The /arden To 5is 2oy 0istress The Aefinition of Love >ermudas 6n 5oratian 8de Dpon 2rom ell@s Return from Ireland

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