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Faatima Ahmed 2351

Branding in music video’s

Why are music videos increasingly important when promoting a music artist?

Music videos are important when promoting the music video as it is the artists
who have the main role in music videos because. It gives them a visual
representation which shows their ability in performance skills. Most importantly,
music videos give recognition of the artist creating fame and success.

What are the three types of music videos?

Performance in a music video consists of a performance by the music artist. The

performance directly addresses the audience. The video captures a live
performance of a band/artist showing the excitement and energy of a live event.
It is used mainly in music videos for, metal, punk, and country genre’s.

A narrative in a music video gives a storyline to follow which the music and lyrics
are based on. There is a beginning, middle and an end. The music video can
almost appear as short film without dialogue. This is used especially in the hip
hop and country genres.

Conceptual art used in music videos, where all the planning and decisions are
made before hand. This type of art goes against the tradition and material
concern and has a clear concept. Some creative aspects within the music video
will involve different types of animation. The visuals used in the music video are
appropriate to the tempo of the song. E.g. A song with fast tempo will relatively
use frenetic camera work (fast paste) and fast montage editing.

Why is branding a band or artist especially important when marketing towards

niche subcultures?

It is really important when a band or an artist is marketing towards a niche

audience. As their targeting towards a minority, the marketing has to reach
specifically to them. This will represent them as an artist/band creating
popularity. This is important as the music videos are very creative and
independent which stands out from the majority. The success of marketing will
affect the popularity of the artists or band.

How does branding “from within the band” increase the appeal to a niche,
subculture based audience?

Branding “from within the band”, increases the appeal when aiming at niche
audience. It represents their unique styles which are shown through them as a
band which is shown in their music videos. Their branding is independent and
creative which shows their appreciation of what appeals to the subculture.
Faatima Ahmed 2351

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