376 Growth Plan

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Nick Maloy MusEd 376 22 April 2014 Dr.

Don Ester Professional Growth Plan

Professional Growth Plan

INTASC #1 I feel that I am on track with where I should be as far as this standard is concerned. I have performed well in most of my music courses. The one exception to this is theory. As someone with very little theory background, this has been somewhat of a struggle for me. I hope to continue my learning in this area through further studying and coursework. One area that I have definitely improved in as far as content is concerned is my knowledge of music history and instructional methods. For my part, the final part of my coursework should help me to continue to improve in this area. I also plan on continuing to attend professional development workshops and opportunities to expand my musical knowledge. INTASC #2 Over the last few semesters my understanding of the topics involved with INTASC standard 2, understanding development, has improved dramatically. After completing several methods courses, as well as courses in education psychology, I feel more prepared to teach having a better understanding of this standard. Further coursework and field components will help me to further my knowledge in this area better preparing me to teach students in the classroom. INTASC #3 Standard 3 involves adapting instruction for students whos learning styles are different. Like the previous standards, I feel as if my understanding in this subject has improved drastically over the past few semesters. I am now better able to recognize different learning styles and attempt to adjust teaching to properly suit those styles. One factor that has helped greatly in this area is the coursework throughout my many methods classes. I hope that further experience in the field, like that in MusEd 476, as well as more learning in methods classes will help me to continue learning and growing in this area. INTASC #4 Through my field teaching in MUSED 376 and peer teachings in my music education courses I feel that I have made a lot of progress in meeting this standard. I am confident that my coursework in MusEd 376 has helped me to gain growth in this area through experiences like designing lesson plans for peer teachings and field experiences. I am now better able to plan and relate my lessons to specific content and academic

standards. Further planning for field experiences will only help to improve my ability in this area. INTASC #5 Standard 5 deals with classroom management and motivation. I feel that I am at an advantage in this subject due not only to my education here at Ball State, but also because of my roll as an assistant director for the choirs at the high school I attended. My field experiences and methods classes, like 376, have helped me to get a better grasp on classroom motivation and present my lessons more confidently and with more energy. I hope to continue growing in this area through further experience in the field during future methods courses and student teaching. INTASC #6 I believe that standard 6 (communication in the classroom) is connected with standard 5. For the most part, I feel as if I have grown a great deal in this area, especially over the course of the last semester. My methods courses such as those like 376, have helped me to become much more comfortable in front of a class allowing me to communicate with more clarity and ease. This is especially important if I wish to be an effective teacher. I will continue to develop in this area as a gain more field experience during future methods courses and student teaching. INTASC #7 Standard 7 concerns being able to write effective lesson plans that will best benefit the students as well as the teacher during any given lesson. I feel as though my ability to write an effective and clear lesson plan has come a long way over the course of my studies here at BSU. This has been especially evident in the last semester, in which I feel like I have improved a great deal. My lesson plans have become more detailed and connected to concepts, rather than focusing only on execution, which is still important. Further coursework will help me to continue improving in the area of developing effective lesson plans for my students. INTASC #8 Standard 8 involves student learning, which I feel comes down to student assessment. I believe that I have improved a great deal in this area over my coursework. Assessment in the music classroom was something that I knew relatively little about before my methods courses at BSU. However, over the course of my studies, I have learned how important it is to be able to effectively assess students on their musical learning. Discussions in MusEd 376 have been especially helpful to me when learning how to develop effective and authentic assessments for my students. Further work in the field will help me to fine tune my ability to assess my students in the music classroom. INTASC #9 My experience with self-evaluation started at a young age, so I feel as if I am able to objectively and accurately evaluate my own performances, both as a teacher and as a performer. That is not to say I havent grown in this area however. Through my coursework, in classes such as MusEd 376, I feel that I have learned how to more

effectively evaluate myself, by learning exactly what to look for when assessing myself as a teacher in the classroom. I have come to see that this is one of the most important parts of teaching, as reflection is essential to growth as a teacher. I will continue to reflect on my field and teaching experiences as I continue my education, which will help me to be a more effective teacher. I also plan to continue reflecting on my teaching when I am teaching my own students, so that I can constantly learn and grow as a teacher. INTASC #10 Standard 10 deals with being able to create partnerships as a music educator. One of the most important parts of this is networking. Field work, such as that in MusEd 376 has helped me to get to know different music educators in the area as well as the ones I a already acquainted with. Knowing these different colleagues and professionals is essential to being able to help build ones own music program and providing opportunities for students. As I continue to work in the field through practicum courses and student teaching, I hope to continue building positive partnerships and networks with fellow music educators across the state.

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