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Chapter 01 - Operations and Supply Chain Management


Review and Discussion 1. ues!ions

Look at the want ads in The Wall Street Journal and e aluate the opportunities !or an OSM ma"or with se eral years o! e#perien$e.

The !ollowing are some e#amples o! "o%s a aila%le to OSM graduates with se eral years o! e#perien$e !rom the Wall Street Journal& January 1'& (000.


Chapter 1

Some additional ad ertisements.

(. What !a$tors a$$ount !or the resurgen$e o! interest in OSM today) With the e#panding o%"e$ti es o! produ$ti e and distri%ution systems $om%ined with in$reased appli$ations to ser i$es and in$reased e!!i$ien$y o! Japanese produ$ers& there is in$reased interest in nuts and %olts issues.

*. +sing ,#hi%it 1.* as a model& des$ri%e the sour$e-make-deli er-return relationships in the !ollowing systemsa. .n airline Sour$e- .ir$ra!t manu!a$turer& /n !light !ood& Make- Ma"or ser i$e pro ided at airports 0eli er- .rri ing at the destinations $ity 1eturn- 1esol e any issues su$h as lost or damaged luggage

%. .n automo%ile manu!a$turer
Sour$e- Suppliers o! $omponents and raw materisl Make- 2hysi$al !a$ilities 0eli er- Car 0ealers 1eturn- Warranty $laims

Chapter 01 - Operations and Supply Chain Management

$. . hospital
Sour$e- Medi$al supplies& $leaning ser i$es& disposal ser i$es Make- 3ospital rooms& ,mergen$y 1oom& Operating 1ooms 0eli er- .m%ulan$e& 2atien$e !amilies dri ing& 1eturn- 4illing errors& !ollow up isits

d. .n insuran$e $ompany
Sour$e- Supplies needed !or the o!!i$e& +nderwriters Make- $lients !a$ilities insuran$e $ompany o!!i$e 0eli er1eturn- re!und o! o erpayments


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