March For Web

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March 21, 2014

Books we will have read: Fire Engines The Brave Red Fire Truck Junie B. Jones and he Monke! Business "ow o Make #li$e Ja$ie %&Rourke and he 'ooka "a((!&s "a The Three )i le 'igs The Three )i le 'igs and he #o$ewha Bad *ol+

!A,# uden s are: Finding (ar ners o+ nu$,ers u( o 10 Telling addi ion and su, rac ion s ories #howing een nu$,ers as a grou( o+ en and e0 ra ones # uden s have s ar ed he we,1,ased $a h (rogra$ called 2TR3 $a h. 4 will ,e sending ho$e he access codes and (asswords T%536 so ha !our child can s ar (rac icing a ho$e. Trea i like a vi a$in7once a da! will ,ring grea resul s

*e will ,egin o (rac ice re elling s ories ,! using s or! $a(s, (ro(s, and elling he s or! across our +ingers. "ave !our child (rac ice re elling ever! s or! he-she reads as his is a cri ical reading co$(rehension skill, which will ,e es ed owards he end o+ he !ear. #igh words o +ocus on are: some, have, they, happy, over, under, down, -ake word family ***PLEASE (rac ice !our (o(corn words ho$ework each week. /olor in a (iece o+ (o(corn each nigh !ou (rac ice.

*e have ,een working on our "ow1To ,ooks, learning ha hese ,ooks +ollow a se8uence, include a 9wha !ou need: (age, use ransi ion words ;+irs , ne0 , hen, las , e c.<, use ac ion words, use a ,oss! voice, and so$e i$es includes i(s or warnings. *e will ,e +inished wi h our uni ,e+ore s(ring ,reak and will cul$ina e wi h a reading-wri ing "ow=To ac ivi ! wi h our reading ,uddies.

Important Dates: ednesday, !ar"h #$th % Delayed Start Sprin& 'a"ation (e&ins )riday, April *th+ ,here will (e no s"hool that day+ -ave a &reat (reak and wish hard for some sprin&-like weather...

#ocial # udies
*e have +inished our 2nd >ni in #ocial # udies called 9*here 3$ 4: and kids should ,e a,le o na$e our co$$uni !, s a e, and coun r!. %ur ne0 >ni will +ocus on econo$ics: our needs and wan s, goods and services, and he conce( o+ rade. "owever, ,e+ore ha uni , we will do a +ew lessons on (ersonal heal h. *e learned a,ou ?ERM# and

he i$(or ance o+ washing hands ;ask he$ a,ou he @aseline and gli er e0(eri$en <. Ae0 week we will +ocus on (ro(er ee h ,rushing.

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