Trading Card Question Driections

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Use the questions under each section to help you decide what information you should write for each subtopic.

Time period: When did _______________ live or when did the important event of this persons life occur? Location: Where did __________________ live ore experience an important event? Role: What was _____________s job or work?

Major Events
Events: Describe the one or two most important events that happened in ____________s life. Response: How did ___________________ react or change after these events?

Problem: What problem or challenge was ______________ trying to solve? Goal: What outcome or end result was _____________ trying to achieve? Outcome: Did __________________ succeed? What happened as a result?

Memorable Interactions
Quote: What memorable thing did ______________say? Action: What was the one thing ________________ did that really got your attention? Interactions: How did ________________ get along with others?

Personal Impression
Personal Impression: Do you like ______________? Why or why not? What do you think about ___________s life or actions? What about the person inspired you to make a card?

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