Rewriting Frankenstein

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Rewriting Frankenstein
Why are we the way we are and how can we be responsible for ourselves?
Which scene will you rewrite? What is the situation in the scene? What do others do to the Monster? Felix shoots the Monster because he knows the townspeople are after him and he thinks that the Monster may hurt Agathe. How does this affect the Monster? What impact does it have on his life? What choices does he make as a result? The Monster thinks that everybody wants him to be evil so he runs way into the woods and eventually seeks revenge.

How will you change the situation? How might things How will this affect the Monster? What impact will it happen differently during the scene? have on his life? What choices will he make as a result? Felix doesnt shoot the Monster; instead, he embraces the Monster as a friend. The Monster lives happily with Agathe and Felix. He helps them do chores around the house. When the villagers come to attack them, the Monster dies trying to save his new friends.



SET DESIGN A very simple cottage Inside: a wooden table, two chairs, some baskets of fruit, and a fireplace A wooden door PROPS A gun for Felix A basket of mushrooms for Agathe COSTUMES Monster: a torn and bloody shirt, britches with tears in them. Later on, he will wear a clean outfit that is too small for him. Felix: A simple cotton shirt and pants. Agathe: A simple country dress. LIGHTING/SOUND/SPECIAL EFFECTS Warm lighting (a light orange color) during most of the scene Stark white lighting when the villagers come A spotlight on the Monster when he dies I have chosen a very simple set in order to show that Agathe and Felix are not wealthy. The props show that Felix is responsible for protecting the family while Agathe is responsible for gathering the food. The Monster starts in a torn and bloody outfit in order to show that he has been chased and harassed by dogs and the villagers. He ends up wearing an outfit thats too small for him in order to show that Felix gave him the outfit, but Felix is much smaller than the Monster. This shows their friendship. I want warm lighting in order to show that they are friends and things are peaceful. When the villagers arrive, the lighting changes to be stark white so you can really see the terror on the face of the people. It is very important to have a spotlight on the Monster as he is dying so there is a very dramatic effect, showing how much he loves people.

CHARACTERS: Monster Friendly, lost, and just wants companionship. He helps Agathe and Felix. Felix At first, hostile to the Monster. Then becomes good friends with him once he realizes the Monster is good. Agathe Kind-hearted. Blind but knows her way around her home. Joseph The leader of the villagers. Wants to kill the Monster because he thinks the Monster is evil. True Friendship

Name: Date: Inside a simple wooden cottage. Felix is sitting at the table polishing his gun. Agathe enters and puts down her basket of mushrooms. She is blind but sits down at the table skillfully because she is so used to her house. The Monster stands in the doorway, which is left open after Agathe enters, but Felix does not notice him. Felix: Wow, Agathe, thats quite the bunch of mushrooms youve gathered. We will surely have a feast tonight!

The Monster slips silently into the cottage and waits silently in the corner. Agathe: Yes, well its about time we had a proper meal. That rabbit you killed didnt last us more than a few days. She pauses and seems to be listening. Felix, did you invite a friend over?

The Monster sees Felix starting to look around, so he ducks down, out of sight. Felix: Dont be silly. Friends? What friends? The whole town hates us. Theres nobody left to take care of us but you and I, Agathe. Well just have to accept that. As Felix says this, he stands up and begins pacing. We used to have it all: friends, fortune, servants. And now? Look at us now! We have nothing! As Felix walks around, the Monster backs away, trying to stay out of the way. He knocks over a few logs by accident, making a loud sound. Felix: Agathe: Whos that? He points the gun around. What is it, Felix? Whats wrong? Whos there?

The Monster stands up with his hands in the air to show that he is surrendering. Monster: Me. Friend. Hungry. No hurt. No hurt, please.

Felix raises the gun as if to shoot the Monster. Felix: Agathe, get down! Theres a monster in our cottage! Its the devil the villagers have been chasing! Monster? What are you speaking of, Felix? What is going on? Agathe stands up and takes a few steps towards the Monster, keeping her hands in front of her to feel whats happening. No, no shoot. Me friend. Please no touch. I, ugly. Want to help. Hungry. Please. Please. Felix, he doesnt sound dangerous. He sounds like he needs us. Still with the gun raised. Agathe, dont be silly! You cant see him! Hes hideous! Shouldnt we know something about being judged by the outside? Werent you just ranting about how people have rejected us? Who are you if you try to hurt this creature? Where is my loving brother?


Monster: Agathe: Felix: Agathe:

Name: Felix: Monster:

Date: Lowering his gun. I suppose youre right. But, if you could see him . . . Sorry. Bloody. Dogs chase. Dogs bite. People hurt me. Sorry ugly. Sorry. I help with food. The Monster exits and returns quickly, holding two rabbits in his hands. I bring food to eat. Eat. Friends eat. Whats happening? Felix? Hes just brought us supper. I suppose we should get him some clean clothes and well find a way to make this work.

Agathe: Felix:

The lighting changes. It is a few days later. The Monster is in new clothes, but they are too small for him because he is in Felixs clothes. There are flowers in the cottage, many logs, and baskets full of food. The fireplace has logs burning brightly. The Monster, Felix, and Agathe are sitting at the table having dinner. Monster: Agathe: Monster: Agathe: Very deee . . . lee . . . Delicious. Delicious. Delicious. Yes. Delicious. I speak better now. Yes, your language is improving. Before you know it, youll be writing poetry! All three laugh. Suddenly there is a loud knock on the door. Who could that be? We never have visitors. Gets his gun. Stay here Agathe. Goes to the door. Who is it? Kicks open the door and steps inside. Aha! We knew it! Youre harboring the monster. Weve been searching for him everywhere. We knew you crazy people would be helping him. Come in! Lets get him! A mob of villagers with pitchforks and guns walk into the cottage. Whats going on? Who are these people? Get out of my home! The Monster stands up in front of Agathe, standing between her and the villagers. Felix? Pushes Felix aside and walks up to the Monster. You evil thing! Youve been terrorizing our village, killing our dogs, hurting our people. We are going to make you pay! No! No! I help my friends. Agathe and Felix are friends. We stay peaceful. We dont hurt. We are good. I am good.

Felix: Joseph:




The Monster reaches out to shake Josephs hand. Joseph screams and grabs a pitchfork from a villager to stab the Monster. Seeing this, Felix shoots his gun to stop Joseph. He misses and Joseph is unhurt, but the other villagers attack Felix, pushing him to the ground. As soon as the villagers hurts his friend, the Monster roars with rage and pushes Joseph aside, trying to get to Felix and help him up. He looks back and sees Joseph about to hurt Agathe and turns back to try and help her. A gun fires. Agathe screams. It is hard to know who shot whom for a second. All is silent.

Name: Monster:

Date: Ugh . . . I . . . He looks down and a red splotch is spreading across his shirt. He stumbles. A bright spotlight shines on the Monster. Felix gets up and runs to his friend. Agathe finds her way over. They kneel on either side of the Monster as he falls down. Agathe? Felix? You OK? Not hurt? Nobody hurts my friends?

Agathe: Felix: Monster:

Crying. Yes, yes, were OK. But youre hurt. Youre bleeding. Crying. Oh, friend. Oh no. Closing his eyes. My friends OK. I am happy. I want my friends OK. You are my friends. I am happy. He slumps to the ground, dead.

The villagers look on silently. Agathe and Felix are sobbing over the Monsters body. The light fades to darkness.

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