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There are several principles of Administrative Law, which have been enacted for the purpose of controlling the exercise of power so that it does not lead to arbitrariness or abuse of power. These principles are intended to provide safeguard to the citizens against abuse or misuse of power by the instrumentalities or agencies of the State. One of the latest and important of these principles is the Principle of Reasonableness which is an outcome of synthesis between the principles of administrative fairness (a component of the principles of natural justice) and welfare states/Instrumentalities. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, A community where the state power is deliberately used to modify the normal play of economic forces so as to obtain a more equal distribution of income for every citizen, a basic minimum irrespective of the market value of his work and his property is known as the welfare state. Further the researcher intends to discuss chapters in order to conclude the topic, these are; The concept of arbitrariness, Concept of natural justice, Unreasonableness exercise of discretion or violation of Wednesbury principle.

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