4 April 2014

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For further April 2014 **space is limited and there

information and to register, please call Juanita G.Smith. is a criteria**

Drayton Christian School News

Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may praise you Psalms 51:15

Follow our school missions team as they have joined with Rocky and Rimbey Christian Schools to minister to the people of El Paso and Fabens, Texas! Check out our blog at missions.draytonchristianschool.com or our Facebook page for updates and pictures from the team!

Upcoming Events
April 9 ~ Grade 2 & 4 Swimming April 10~Grade 2 & 4 Swimming April 11 ~ Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart April 14 ~ 9:50 Festival K & Gr 3* April 14 ~ Grade 2 & 4 Swimming April 15 ~ All School Chapel April 15 ~ Grade 2 & 4 Swimming April 16 ~ 9:15 Grade 1/2 Choir* April 16 ~ 9:55 Grade 3/4 Choir* April 16 ~ Grade 2 & 4 Swimming April 17 ~ Grade 2 & 4 Swimming April 18 ~ Good Friday, NO SCHOOL April 21 ~ Easter Monday NO SCHOOL April 25 ~ Assemblies April 29 ~ 2:30 Grade 5/6 Recorder Group*
*Performance is at Eleanor Pickup Arts Center

Grade 9 Orientation
Frank Maddock will be hosting their 2014/2015 school year orientation for Grade 9 students going into high school in the fall on Tuesday, April 15 at 7:00pm at The Max.

Principals Message As I type this, I am sitting in El Paso blown away with what God has done in the hearts of the students and staff here. God has revealed himself to our team and called us to minister to Him. One of my most sobering thoughts was when we went to a lookout on a mountain in El Paso and could see for miles. Not only could we see El Paso but we could see Juarez, Mexico and the differences of both communities. It struck me how a manmade line in the sand (the border) could cause such a difference in the social and political climate. Within just a few feet you see beautiful two storey houses and not far away see a row of pallet homes. It got me to thinking: What boundaries or walls do we put up in our lives? Are the things that we can do that we can change to be more open to Gods will for us? As we prepare during this Easter Season let us take time to reflect on our relationship with God and seek His will for our lives. God Bless, Miss Golding

Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart

Our event day on April 11th will include jump rope, basketball, or other activities. Adult volunteers are greatly appreciated! If you are able to help out on the afternoon of April 11th in setting up running stations, let me know. Right after the event day, we will place the orders for the prizes the students have earned. From the date the order is placed, it takes approximately 6-8 weeks to receive the prizes. Our school will also receive valuable resources and gym equipment depending on the total amount raised!

Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a student entering kindergarten in the fall? Please stop by the office and grab a registration form. Registration forms are due to the office by April 15th.

Music Festival
We would like to wish all students performing in the local music festival good luck! We are excited for our students who will be participating in the choral, speech and choir categories!

April 2014 Page 2

Drayton Christian School News

All School Chapel: Tuesday, April 15th at 9:15am in the music room. Primary Chapel: Tuesday April 29th at 1:00pm Division 2 Chapel: Thursday, April 17th at 1:00pm Jr. High Chapel: Tuesday, April 22nd at 9:00am. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend any or all of our chapels! See you there!

Sobeys and M&M Meat Fundraiser

Remember to go to M&M Meats on Thursday, April 17th! We get 10% of all DCS sales on this day! It is a great fundraiser that Jim and Susan Aarts bless our school with! Also, remember to tell the cashier you would like your Sobeys points to go toward DCS! Our next Drayton Christian School Society Meeting (Parent Council) is on April 28, 2014. We encourage all parents to come and share in the decision making process of our school. Our meeting will start at 7:30 pm.

Shop and Support

This amazing fundraiser is paying off fees left, right, and center! Many families are buying their grocery, gas, and other gift cards through us and raising money towards their childrens fees! Our orders for April will be due on: Thursday, April 17 Friday, May 2

School Spirit Day

April 24 is Spy Day! Come dressed as a spy! Will you be Inspector Gadget or James Bond? Remember, dress code applies.

Easter Weekend!
April 18th-21st NO SCHOOL

2014/15 Continuing Enrollment

Each DCS student will soon be receiving a registration confirmation letter to bring home. In order to assist us in planning for the 2014/15 school year, please fill out the form and send it back to the office as soon as possible. If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling their children at DCS, please send them to the school and we will be happy to show them around and give them a registration package. Please keep our staff in prayer as they begin to set up for the 2014/15 school year!

Missions Team Update

As you read this our school has 6 students and 3 staff in El Paso, Texas serving with a ministry called Life Challenge. This year they are located on a campus which consists of a farm and dorms for refugees. At this time there are 12 refugees plus their kids staying on campus and team is repairing dorms, creating a garden, and building a chicken coop and goat pen to assist them in there establishing their independence. The team has also done some park ministry and looks forward to visiting an immigration center before starting the bus ride back home. Please pray for our team and the Rocky and Rimbey Schools that they are traveling with. They will be arriving home Saturday night.

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