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Christian Mussenden January 4th, 2014 Drama Red Group Jeral Sage Monologue What is my greatest memory as a child?

God, thats been so long I cant even remember. I can tell you my fondest one though! It was when I was in the 9th grade; the grade that you are in now and I tried to play hooky. First, let me tell you about the Mangos on the island. These mangos werent your common mangos that you find at the grocery store everyday, these mangos were so much more colorful, they looked like a rainbow, and they were so much juicier than the ones we have here. Anyway, during the summer we would go to the coast and just pick the mangos off the tree one by one and feast on them from sunrise to sunset. Those were the days. Anyway, one day near the end of our school year my best friend Juan came by and said Hey Roald, why dont you come down to the coast with us and pick some mangos I dont know about that Juan, we have a lot of schoolwork to do today Ah come on Roald! Its the end of the year and we have nothing better to do, Might as well do something fun. So, I went with him to the coast and to get to the coast we hop on to the back of a milk truck. We come to a stop on the milk truck and a crazy son of a gun is honking at us. I turn around and I see my father in the car behind me looking straight at me. He gestures to me to come down and get in the car, so I do of course and he takes me home instead of school and he whips me vigorously! Now this may not sound like a very fond memory but it is because that day my father taught me responsibility, he told me that I have a responsibility to everyone around me and myself. I realized that his words held true and that is why I look fondly

back on that day because that is the day I learned one of the most important traits a man can have. Responsibility.

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