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Type of Data

Quantitative Academic

All students have met the standards (B & Above) in the Speaking Sequence and Listening acting section.

I didnt focus on Speaking Sequence in the lessons, so the students were successfully able to transfer English retelling skills. We focused a lot on acting out words in class so all students are able to associate the words with motions. The students received very little practice with this and were underprepared to perform this section of the assessment.

Action Plan
In future retellings, the sequencing of the story will not be included in the rubric. I will use my class skill at acting to enhance their skills in writing and constructing meaning in other contexts. I will spend more time practicing this with my class and offering students the option of retaking this portion. When re-teaching the other areas, body part words will be intentionally used and I will provide students with tools to use to brainstorm ways of including these words in their retellings. I will have a one-on-one mini conference with this student. Together we will talk about learning styles, learning struggles and impact from what's going on in their life. We will then create a plan to increase learning. I will conference with these students and work with them as a group to improve their recording and comprehending skills. These connection words are essential to many language functions so I will emphasize it as we go into the next lesson and give students a chance to retake this section. I will meet with this student and create a plan. I will

Quantitative Demographic & Academic

Quantitative Academic

Of the students that earned a C or below in the listening portion, 56% struggled with the recording section. Only 4 students earned an A in the Vocabulary section of the Retelling rubric.

Quantitative Academic

Student 11 earned two Is in the listening section.

While the students had practiced body part words prior to this unit, an interim assessment was not used to gauge their recall and understanding of these words. The teacher assumed their knowledge without checking. The formative assessment showed that this student struggled with recording and comprehending but no action was taken before the summative assessment.

Quantitative Academic

Three students earned an I in the Recording section.

Quantitative Demographic & Academic

Of the students that earned a C or below in the Retelling section, 36% struggled with connections. Student 18 earned more (4) Cs and

These students were shaky in performing on the formative assessment and unprepared for this section of the summative assessment. This section did not receive a lot of emphasis during the unit so students struggled to incorporate it into their projects.

Quantitative Academic

The checks for understanding either did not show this

below than (3) Bs and above overall.

students struggle or nothing was done throughout the lesson to help.

create reinforcement groups so students can work as a team to improve their speaking and listening skills.

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