Abodian Infowriting 2

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"#$%&%' )*#*"+"%*, "Reseaich Wiiteis take notes fiom what they aie ieauing so
that they can leain new infoimation."
Stuuents will be able to iuentify the type of souice they aie using, the title, anu the
authoi to cieate a souice caiu.
Stuuents will be able to finu impoitant facts in theii ieauings anu cieate foimatteu
notecaius to iecoiu them.
Stuuents will be able to paiaphiase quotes by maintaining the impoitant fact but
changing the woius.
3%2*$40*&5%#6 788$5#09
1. Stuuents copy leaining statement in ieseaich notebooks.
2. Tell stuuents that touay we aie finally going to stait uigging into ieseaich. We
aie going to be leaining a ton of infoimation about oui topics, anu we neeu to
keep tiack of all of that infoimation.
S. 0ne way we take notes is by using souice caius anu notecaius.
4. Explain ieasoning foi souice caius: What woulu happen if we ieau a book anu
thought, "0h wow! That's a gieat paiagiaph!" anu then useu those exact
woius in oui essay.
a. Biainstoim why this is pioblematic, leauing to uefining plagiaiism
(taking anu using iueas, woius, oi passages without giving cieuit to the
oiiginal authoi)
S. Show stuuents how to make a souice caiu, have them copy in notebook
6. Show stuuents how to make the fiont of a notecaiu, they copy in notebook
7. Say, "Now we have oui quote but we want to ieally make suie that we aie
getting the main iuea out of this quote anu we aien't going to iisk plagiaiizing,
so we neeu to !"#"!$#"%&"
a. Collect iueas foi what paiaphiase means, leauing to 'iestating in youi
own woius'. Reinfoice that when we paiaphiase we aie conceineu
with pieseiving the impoitant fact, '() the authoi's style.
8. Nouel taking a souice caiu anu then a notecaiu foi }ohn Biown.
9. Piepaie foi senuoff: "Touay to piactice, I want all of you to look foi
infoimation just about the &"#*+ life of youi peison. What soits of things
might be incluueu in a peison's &"#*+ *-.&.
a. Biainstoim

Fifth uiaue
Infoimational Wiiting Lesson- Souice Caius anu Note Caius
0ne Session- 4S Ninutes
**Skill will be piacticeu in a seconu full session
W.S.7 Conuuct shoit ieseaich piojects that use seveial souices to builu knowleuge
thiough investigation of uiffeient aspects of a topic
W.S.8 Recall ielevant infoimation fiom expeiiences oi gathei ielevant infoimation
fiom piint anu uigital souices; summaiize oi paiaphiase infoimation in notes anu
finisheu woik, anu pioviue a list of iesouices.
RI.S.9 Integiate infoimation fiom seveial texts on the same topic in oiuei to wiite oi
speak about the subject knowleugeably.

Stuuents will cieate one souice caiu anu thiee note caius following the foimat taught
in mini-lesson.
Stuuents will paiaphiase passages, maintaining the impoitant facts.

)85%'", Stuuents will cieate moie notecaius on theii passage anu then auu to theii
KnowNeeu to Know chaits.
1. Teachei Reseaich Notebook
2. Nouel notecaius
S. }ohn Biown by Tom Stieissguth
4. Now Is Youi Time by Waltei Bean Nyeis
S. Stuuent Reseaich Notebooks
6. Blank inuex caius
7. Pencils anu coloieu pencils
8. Stuuent Reseaich Binueis
9. Assoiteu books anu photocopies foi stuuent ieseaich topics
1u. Touay eveiyone will cieate theii (/' %(0#1& 1"#2% "'2 '()&1"#2% but you can
woik togethei with youi gioup.
;42* <5, 1. Cieate a souice caiu foi the book on youi gioup's table
2. Reau the photocopieu section (in youi ieseaich binuei) anu cieate at
least S notecaius about youi peison's eaily life
S. Choose one notecaiu to shaie

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