Dialog About Telecommunication

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Dialog about telecommunication

Fhisca Octfi S. Muhamad Josilen


: hay cha, long time no see. How are you ?

Fhisca : hay jo, Im fine and you ? Jo : Im fine too thankyou. I heard you are college in state polytechnic of Jakarta ?

Fhisca : yes its true. My department is telecommunication engineering. Jo : oh cool, I like telecommunication. May I ask a few things about telecommunication?

Fhisca : really ? oh of course why not. Jo : what telecommunication tool that was first discovered?

Fhisca : telecommunication tools that was first discovered is Telegraphy. Jo : who find it ?

Fhisca : Telegraphy developed by Samuel Morse in 1832. Jo : oh I see. And what is equipment which enables the telephone network to convey data as well as speech ? Fhisca : hmm I think that is modem. Data communications transmission of coded data between intelligent terminal and computers was estabilished in the early 1950 using Modem. Jo : waw, its amazing.

Fhisca : and jo, how about you ? there is a telecommunication tools do you prefer ? Jo : oh. Sure Im quite interested with optical fibre cable.can you explain about it?

Fhisca : oh, oke. One of the very lastest developments is the optical fibre cable-a tiny glass fibre which can be used to convey signal information by light pulses. Jo : so, what else besides telegraphy and optical fibre cable telecommunication device found ?

Fhisca : more jo. Have a telephone, radio detection and ranging, communication satellite, digital transmission system, etc. Jo : wah, world about telecommunication is very interesting. Thank you cha for the information.

Fhisca : yes, very nice talking with you jo. I have to go now. Maybe next time we could chat longer. Jo : of course, bye

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