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Lesson Title: Grade Level: Subject: CC/GPSs:

The Story of Our Proportional Relationship 7



Description of Learning Goals, Standards, Objectives

MCC7.RP.2a Decide whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship, e.g., by testing for equivalent ratios in a table or graphing on a coordinate plane and observing whether the graph is a straight line through the origin. MCC7.RP.2b - Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in tables, graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal descriptions of proportional relationships. MCC7.RP.2c - Represent proportional relationships by equations. For example, if total cost t is proportional to the number n of items purchased at a constant price p, the relationship between the total cost and the number of items can be expressed as t = pn. MCC7.RP.2d - Explain what a point (x, y) on the graph of a proportional relationship means in terms of the situation, with special attention to the points (0, 0) and (1, r) where r is the unit rate.

National Technology Standards:

3a. use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. 3b. use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technologyenhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works.

Long-Term Learning Goal or Outcome:

By the end of this unit, I want my students to be able to use their knowledge of ratios to test and decide if two quantities have a proportional relationship and represent that relationship on a graph, as well as being able to find the unit rate given a table, graph, equation, or word problem. Students will also be able to apply this knowledge outside of the classroom by being able to calculate the relationship between the total cost and number of items. Students will also be able to take information that theyve just learned and use iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, or another video software to represent that information in a creative way. After viewing my digital storytelling example, students will create their own digital story using a software or website of their choice that satisfies all of the categories in the rubric with a score of 4.

ABCD Objectives or Outcomes:

Description of Assessment

Assessment Plan:

The students will be assessed based on a rubric grading their digital story video. If the student gets all 4s on the rubric, their video clearly demonstrates their knowledge of proportional relationships, and it serves as a learning tool for themselves and fellow students.

Description of Activities with Technology and Materials

Activity Design: With Digital Storytelling, students can create any story to go along with a math concept. Their options are endless as long as the subject is school appropriate. I will start the class off by showing my students the digital story that I created. After viewing my digital story exemplar, I will give the students a warm-up with problems that align with the previous days lesson.

Class starter and lesson connection:

Teacher and student activities:

I will be helping students come up with ideas for their digital stories, as well as helping them with the movie making software they choose. They will be creating their digital stories in the computer lab Students will have the option to work with a partner or partners, or independently. This will be left up to the students.

Technology Connection:

Students with exceptionalities will be given the option to choose from a different set of information that may better suit their needs to make their digital stories. For making the digital story, students can use iMovie, Windows Movie Maker,, or another software or website that they may be familiar with.

Materials and Resources:

Students will use the computers in the computer labs in order to complete their digital stories.

Reflection on Lesson Design

Future Actions : Explain how you incorporated information from the chapter and D2L modules into this lesson plan. I was able to use web 2.0 tools that I learned about in class in order to make my digital story. Web 2.0 tools are highly useful, and can add a lot to a teachers lesson. After considering this lesson plan, what will you

do differently when you design the next lesson in light of your new understandings? Filling out the lesson plan is hard, theres a lot that has to be thought about and put into one. I find it hard to fill out all of the information and describe what I plan on doing while teaching my lesson. Theres a lot to put into consideration when making a lesson plan. How does your technology artifact showcase design principles? The video I created is visually pleasing, and doesnt offer too many distractions within the website that the video is on. How does the technology in your lesson align to the content you are trying to teach in your lesson? The technology in this lesson serves as a way for students to demonstrate that they understand whats been taught to them in a realworld situation.

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