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Gina Hall EDUCATION B.A., Elementary Education University of Utah CERTIFICATION Utah Elementary Teaching License K-6 with ESL Endorsement TEACHING EX ERIENCE !a"#in$ton Elementary, %alt &a'e City %c#ool Di"trict Student Teacher 1st Grade

May 2014 Salt Lake City, UT

May 2014

A g 201!"A#$il 2014 Salt La e !ity" UT

Teach 1st g$a%e class o& ling istically %i'e$se st %ents, #$o'i%e %i&&e$entiate% inst$ ction in a Title ( school. )$o'i%e Tie$ 1 inst$ ction in all content a$eas as *ell as small g$o # inte$'entions. A##ly U+T stan%a$%s in lesson #lans an% e'al ate% on s ch c$ite$ia. (nst$ ction is integ$ate% *ith the a$ts an% technology. Colla,o$ate *ith g$a%e le'el teache$s on m lti#le nits incl %ing- ma##ing.comm nity, sym,ols, science, an% se$'ice lea$ning #$o/ect. ) t math cente$s into #$actice sing mani# lati'es an% $esea$ch ,ase% mate$ials to $ein&o$ce key conce#ts an% #$o'i%e small g$o # inst$ ction. Atten% g$a%e le'el colla,o$ation team meetings to assess an% a%%$ess st %ents nee%s. +0ec te% a se$'ice lea$ning #$o/ect to ,$ing a*a$eness o& comm nity mem,e$s an% ho* they make a %i&&e$ence in o $ school. 1an 20122A g 201!

(ariou" %c#ool", %alt &a'e City %c#ool Di"trict #racticum $ %ield E&'erience

)$o'i%e% small g$o # math inst$ ction in 2n%, !$% an% 3th g$a%e classes *ith +LL st %ents. 4e'elo#e% an% im#lemente% lesson #lans integ$ating the elements o& %ance *ith m lti#le content a$eas. T$aine% an% a%ministe$e% inte$'entions in ne0t ste#s an% highe$ ste#s. Also ce$ti&ie% to a%ministe$ UAL)A. Con'e$sational S#anish

ROFE%%IONA& EX ERIENCE %'y)e"t Airline" Se#t 2003 " )$esent %light (ttendant Salt La e !ity" UT +0tensi'e e0#e$ience *o$king *ith %i&&e$ent #assenge$s an% han%ling st$ess& l sit ations *hile #$o'i%ing lea%e$shi#. T$aine% in m lti#le me%ical an% eme$gency #$oce% $es incl %ing- C)5 ce$ti&ie%, &i$st ai%, A+4, a%ministe$ing o0ygen, an% e'ac ations. Re*erence" *urni"#ed u+on re,ue"t

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