1.5 Developed Length of Sheet Metal Bends

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Creo Parametric 2.

0: Sheet Metal Design

1.5 Developed Length of Sheet Metal Bends

Learning Objective Gain a general under tanding of the for!ula that Creo "ara!etric u e to co!#en ate for the tretching and co!#re ion that occur in area that are $ent% &ne of the #ri!ar' !ethod for !ani#ulating heet !etal i $ending (for!ing)% Stretching and co!#re ion occur in o!e area when the #art i $ent% A a re ult, !aterial thic*ne on the #art can +ar'% The calculation of the developed length can also be defined in a bend table. A bend table includes information about the bend radius, sequence, and angle. Creo "ara!etric co!#en ate for thi $' u ing a for!ula that con ider !aterial thic*ne , $end radiu , $end angle, and other #ro#ertie % Thi for!ula locate a neutral $end line and !ea ure it length to deter!ine the de+elo#ed length of the $end% ,ith thi techni-ue, Sheet!etal !ode ca#ture 'our de ign intent when creating the !odel in the $ent (for!ed) condition% .ou can then create a flat in tance of the !odel to $e u ed for !anufacturing, a hown in /igure 101%

Figure 15
ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge, 2013

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