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Rubric Categories Type of Energy Highest Level of Performance - 5 Students choose 1 type of renewable energy: Hydropower Solar energy

Biomass Wind power Every group must have a different energy source and get it approved by the teacher Students summarize how the water, cellular respiration, nitrogen, and/or carbon cycles are involved in their renewable energy type, including how the energy is recycled and used again at the beginning of the cycles. Students distinguish every energy form seen throughout the cycle. Students identify the names of the energy processes in the cycle, such as photosynthesis, respiration, CO2 cycle. Students summarize any materials that introduced or emitted from the cycle. Rough estimate of cost Cost is mentioned as an is calculated by advantage or researching online. disadvantage but there is no estimate of cost. Predict how long the renewable energy type A prediction is made but there is no support of Middle Level of Performance - 3 Students choose 1 type of renewable energy: Hydropower Solar energy Biomass Wind power Students do not get their energy approved by teacher OR Students have the same energy as another group Students summarize only parts of the water, cellular respiration, nitrogen, and/or carbon cycles are involved in their renewable energy type or do not show how energy is recycled and used again at the beginning of the cycles. Highest Level of Performance - 1 Students choose a nonrenewable energy source and do not get it approved by the teacher

Energy Mechanism

Students do not include any type of cycles in their renewable energy type and do not show how energy is recycled.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Type of Renewable Energy

Cost as an advantage or disadvantage is not mentioned.

There is no mention of how long the energy

would be used by the city with support for the prediction. Investigate the availability of the type of renewable energy chosen and determine if there is a sufficient amount of resource to stabilize the city.


type would be used in the city. Neither the availability of the type of renewable energy chosen nor if there is a sufficient amount of resource to stabilize the city was investigated. Factors that could affect the renewable resource were not mentioned The strengths of the renewable resource are not explained.

Investigate the availability of the type of renewable energy chosen OR determine if there is a sufficient amount of resource to stabilize the city.

Predict and explain what factors could affect the renewable resource Compare the strengths of your renewable resource to those of the diminished fossil fuels. Students draw conclusions from the above factors to determine if they are advantages or disadvantages of their chosen type of renewable energy. Students have 3 examples of how their renewable energy source is being used.

Predict what factors could affect the renewable resource

The strengths of the renewable resource are explained but not compared to fossil fuels. Students mention the above factors but do not evaluate whether they are disadvantages or advantages of the chosen type of renewable energy. Students only include 2 examples of how their renewable energy source is being used.

There is no mention of whether the factors are advantages or disadvantages.

Examples of Renewable Energy Source being used Today

Students only include 1 example of how their renewable energy source is being used.

The examples must The examples must The examples must include a summary of include a summary of include a summary of How the How the How the process works? process works? process works? Who is using Who is using Who is using the energy the energy the energy (locations (locations (locations across the world across the world across the world and and and companies)? companies)? companies)? How long has How long has How long has the energy the energy the energy

source been in use? How long does it take for the energy to become available for use?

source been in use? How long does it take for the energy to become available for use?

source been in use? How long does it take for the energy to become available for use?

Creativity (Proposal)

Students include their examples in both the brochure and proposal presentation. Students proposal begins with an introduction of the company and includes all of the following: name, history, logo, and company objective. All aspects should be original and creative. Brochure is creative and organized neatly. Brochure must be typed and formatted on computer. Shows three ways in which their chosen renewable energy surpasses the competition. Students include five visual representations. Define any terminology, abbreviations or acronyms that may cause confusion to the audience. No spelling or grammar errors. Students cite 3 references. Presentation must be 78 minutes. Presentation must include


Students include their examples in the brochure OR proposal presentation. Students proposal begins with an introduction of the company, and only includes two of the following: name, history, logo, and company objective. All aspects should be original and creative. Brochure is presented in a somewhat organized manner. Shows less than three ways in which their chosen renewable energy surpasses the competition. Students include two-four visual representations. Include one-two instances of terminology, abbreviations or acronyms that may cause confusion to the audience. Students cite 1 reference.

Students dont include their examples in the brochure or proposal presentation. Students proposal does not include an introduction of the company, or the required aspects are included but are not the original work of the students.

Presentation of Proposal

Presentation is 4-6 minutes. Presentation only includes 3 of the following:

Brochure is not typed or formatted. Does not explain how their chosen type of renewable energy surpasses the competition. Students include less than 2 visual representations. Include numerous instances of terminology, abbreviations or acronyms that may cause confusion to the audience. Spelling or grammar errors are distracting. Students cite no references. Presentation is less than 4 minutes. Presentation only includes 1 of the following:

Introduction of company Type of renewable energy Examples (3) Advantages and Disadvantages Mechanism

Introduction of company Type of renewable energy Examples (3) Advantages and Disadvantages Mechanism

Introduction of company Type of renewable energy Examples (3) Advantages and Disadvantages Mechanism

The presentation must be persuasive, the goal is to convince the audience that their company will be able to sustain the city with their energy source.

The presentation shows how the company is able to sustain the city with the energy source in some of the presentation in some parts of the presentation, but is not mentioned throughout the entire presentation The presentation is dominated by 1-3 students.

The presentation is not persuasive, there is no mention of the company being able to sustain the city with their energy source.

Total Points

The presentation needs to be equally divided between all group members. 35 Possible Points

The presentation is strongly dominated by only 1 group member. 7 Possible Points

21 Possible Points

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