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Urban Music Farm

Vagaband: Heroines of Rock! Performance Series Registration Form Series Facilitator: To Be Announced Series Program Director: Tom Tafelsky

Dates: (6) Wednesdays 7/16/14 8/20/14 Studio (Fremont)

First/Last Name: Mailing address:

Location: UMF

P one: !mail: Date of "irt : Please tell us "riefly a"out your musical "ackground and #laying e$#erience:

Please s#ecify % ic instrument you %ant to #lay in t is &aga"and session' Lead/Rhythm guitar, Rhythm uitar, !ass guitar, "rums, or Lead Voca#s$ (o% did you ear a"out t is series' Any additional information you)d like to s are %it us regarding your #ast #laying e$#erience and/or le*el of a"ility' Signed: Date: Payment %mount: +,-./00 for t e entire 12%eek series 3includes li*e #erformance gig at a local music *enue4/ Registration c#oses &/'(/')$ *u## +ayment is due no #ater than t,o ,eeks before series start date and is non-refundab#e un#ess series is cance#ed for any reason$
.om+#eted registration form can be emai#ed to tom/umfseatt#e$com

56f #aying "y c eck or money order #lease send #ayment to: Tom Tafelsky7 889 : ;lym#ic Pl <D=7 Seattle7 :A .>88.

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