Edt 313 Kindergarten Entry Skills Sheet

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Person completing this form:

Directions For each student include the date that the indicator was assessed. In the same box as the date, use a / for introductory level; an X for mastery; and leave the space under the date blank if the student is not yet able to complete the task.

(For those working with preschoolers)




LL Language and Literacy

1. Listen to stories read to him or her 2. Answer questions 3. Tells the differences between print and pictures 4. Recognizes letters of the alphabetLetters in first name and some others 5. Recognizes and writes name 6. Writes or scribbles notes, letters, stories 7. Holds a book correctly 8. Recognizes and says simple rhymes CGK Cognition/General Knowledge
(math, problem-solving, social studies, science)

2/11 X 2/25 X 2/11 X 2/4 \

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/11 X 2/25 X

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/11 X 2/25 X

2/18 \ 2/18 X 2/11 X 2/4 \

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/11 X

2/11 X 2/18 X 2/11 X

2/18 X 2/25 X 2/11 X 2/25

2/11 X 2/25 X 2/11 X

2/25 X 2/18 X 2/25 X 2/25 X

2/18 \ 2/25 X 2/11 X 2/25 X

2/4 \

2/11 X

2/4 X 2/18 X 2/18 X

2/4 \

2/4 \


2/11 2/11 \ 2/18 X

2/11 X

2/4 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

2/11 X

2/11 X

2/25 X

2/18 X

1. Numbers 0 to 9 identifies names 2. Counts by touching objects one at a time and saying the number in order 3. Sort objects by attributes color size shape

2/4 X

2/4 X

2/4 X

2/11 \

2/11 \

2/4 X

2/11 \

2/11 \

2/18 X

2/4 X

2/4 X 3/4 \

2/4 X 3/4 \

2/4 \

2/11 X 3/4 \

2/4 \ 3/4 \ 3/4 \ 3/4 \

2/11 X 3/4 \

2/4 \ 3/4 \

Adapted and reprinted with permission from Ready Set Soar, Montgomery County Ohios Pre-Kindergarten Readiness Initiative, 2012, http://www.ready setsoar.org


Person completing this form:
4. Shows understanding of the general times of day 5. Observes a situation and makes predictions 6. States solutions to simple problems
Directions For each student include the date that the indicator was assessed. In the same box as the date, use a / for introductory level; an X for mastery; and leave the space under the date blank if the student is not yet able to complete the task.

(For those working with preschoolers) 2/18 X 2/25 X 2/25 X 2/11 X 2/25 X 2/25 \ 2/4 X 2/18 \ 2/18 2/11 X 2/18 \ 2/18 X 2/18 \ 2/18 X 2/18 2/11 X 2/18 \ 2/18 X 2/25 X 2/25 X 2/4 \


2/4 X



SE Social & Emotional

1. Expresses his or her own wants and needs 2. Listens to adults/others and follows simple instructions 3. Follows simple rules and routines 4. Takes turns and shares when playing with other children 5. Separates from parents/families without being upset ATL Approaches to Learning
(curiosity, initiative, creativity, followthrough)

2/18 X 2/18 \ 2/11 \ 3/4

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X

2/18 X 2/18 \ 2/18 \ 2/18 \

2/18 X 2/18 \ 2/18 \ 2/18 \

2/11 \ 2/11 X 2/11 X 2/11 X 3/4 X

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X

2/18 X 2/18 \ 2/18 \ 3/4 \ 3/4 X

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X

2/18 X 2/18 \ 2/18 X 2/18 \

1. Tries several ways to solve a problem 2. Persists with a task 3. Makes detailed plans and follows through until they are completed 4. Engages in pretend play with props PM Physical and Motor 1. Dresses and meets toileting needs independently 2. Fine/Small Motor- uses


2/11 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/11 X

2/11 X 2/11 X 2/18 X 2/18 X

3/4 \ 2/18 X 3/4 \

2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X 2/18 X

3/4 X 3/4 X 3/4 X 3/4 X

2/18 \ 2/18 X 3/4 2/18 X

3/4 X 3/4 X 3/4 X 3/4 X

3/4 \ 3/4 X 3/4 \ 3/4 X

2/18 X 2/18 X 3/4 \ 3/4 X

3/4 X 3/4 \ 3/4 X

3/4 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

2/18 X 2/11

2/18 X 2/18

3/4 X

2/18 X 2/18

2/18 X

2/18 X

Adapted and reprinted with permission from Ready Set Soar, Montgomery County Ohios Pre-Kindergarten Readiness Initiative, 2012, http://www.ready setsoar.org


Person completing this form:
pencil/crayons uses scissors 3. Gross/Large Motor skips jumps hops catches

(For those working with preschoolers) X 2/18 X X 2/18 X X 2/18 X


2/18 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

2/18 X

Adapted and reprinted with permission from Ready Set Soar, Montgomery County Ohios Pre-Kindergarten Readiness Initiative, 2012, http://www.ready setsoar.org

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