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Lessons Learned Survey

Lessons Learned is an essential project management tool established to identify successes and challenges on projects and support knowledge sharing and continuous improvement. The survey below will help you to evaluate the current state of the lessons learned process at your organization. Please take a few moments to review and respond to the questions below.

1. When do you conduct Lessons Learned in your projects?

Comment Click here to enter text. 2. What methods do you use in conducting Lessons Learned in your current projects?
(Check all that apply)

Team Sessions Individual Interviews

Electronic survey Independent trained facilitator

Other Comment Click here to enter text.

Lessons Learned Survey

3. How are the results captured? (Check all that apply):

Reduce results to a few action plans that are completed

Store all of the results in the project documentation

Store all of the results in a searchable database Other Comment Click here to enter text.
4. How are the results shared? (Check all that apply):

Share the results with the Project Team

Share the results with project stakeholders

Share the results with other Project Managers

Other Comment Click here to enter text.

5. Do you review previous Lessons Learned when starting new projects or phases?

Lessons Learned Survey

6. The main benefit of the current Lessons Learned process is to:

7. What kind of templates/procedures would benefit you and your team in executing Lessons Learned?
Select all that apply:

Meeting presentations

Template for recording results and ranking them

Roles & responsibilities for facilitators and participants

Survey tool
Standard interview questions

Facilitators user guide

Other (please identify)
here to enter text. Click

8. Your comments and opinions are valuable. Please add additional comments and include any additional links to information that is of value to this project Click here to enter text.

Lessons Learned Survey

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