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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code CSE504 Course Category Course Title STORAGE TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION Courses with Placement focus Course Planner 12960::Nitin Kumar Lectures 3.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 0.0 0.0 3.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Author Edition 2nd Year 2012 Publisher Name Wiley Information Storage and Management EMC Education Services Storing, Managing, and Protecting Digital Information in Classic, Virtualized, and Cloud Environments Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 OR-5 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) Storage Networking Fundamentals: An Introduction to Storage Devices, Subsystems, Applications, Management, and Filing Systems, Marc Farley, Cisco , Storage Area Network Essentials, Richard Barker, Wiley , High Performance DatacenterNetworks Architectures, Algorithms, and Opportunities, Dennis Abts, Morgan &cLaypool publishers , Storage Virtualization: Technologies for Simplifying Data Storage and Management, Tom Clark, Addison Wesley Professional , , Title Storage Networks: The Complete Reference Building Storage Networks Author Robert Spalding Marc Farley Osborne Edition 1st 1st Year 2003 2001 Publisher Name Tata McGraw Hill Tata McGraw Hill

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) paper.pdf Salient Features This paper presents the real time environment basics for the implementation of Cloud Storage by Intel. It provides the introduction and advanced learning topics related to big data, hadoop and adoption of them in cloud. The basics of unified storage and its implementation under different architectures. Virtualization Unlocks Cloud Computing Different types of virtualization

RW-6 RW-7 RW-8 RW-9 RW-10 RW-11 RW-12 RW-13 RW-14 RW-15 RW-16 RW-17 RW-18 RW-19 RW-20 RW-21 RW-22 RW-23 RW-24 RW-25 RW-26 RW-27 RW-28 RW-29 RW-30 RW-31 analysis-security-perspective_32913

Disk Drives explained The Many Faces of SAS as Beyond the DAS Factor RAID performance and security metrics Hard Disk Interfaces and Physical Installation Measuring Performance on Hyper-V Storage and Cache Tiering Server-Based Storage Tiering Business Strategy Brief - iSCSI vs FC (Fibre Channel) SANs FC SANs Data center fibre channel Deep dive: SAN and NAS virtualization iSCSI and FCoE: A Comparison 495142.html as-a-service-iaas.aspx SAN and NAS File Storage Virtualization: The Solution to NAS And File Server Manageability Issues Cloud Computing An Introduction to Cloud Computing Characteristics and Service/Deployment Models Cloud storage Planning Guide for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Hierarchical File System Google Cloud Storage Content-Based Storage in the Cloud Unified Storage For The Cloud Means Higher-Level Interfaces Read more IS Auditing Guideline: G32 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Review from IT Perspective Business Continuity Management Lifecycle Business Continuity NAS BACKUP

RW-32 RW-33 RW-34 RW-35 RW-36 RW-37 RW-38 RW-39 RW-40 RW-41 RW-42 RW-43 RW-44 today

Deduplication in data DataDe-duplication-II Replication modes Replication and Synchronization Modes Data Migration pdf storage-area-network-security-perspective_516 WPfinal2. pdf Storage Security Storage Network Security Cloud Computing: Virtual Cloud Security Concerns Virtualization and Private Cloud Security Multitenancy ILM for Business Apache Hadoop Cloud Computing: Understanding Infrastructure as a Service

Audio Visual Aids Sr No AV-1 (AV aids) (only if relevant to the course) Videos for the datacenter , servers and storage arrays. Salient Features The videos depicts the working and configuration of arrays and servers.

Software/Equipments/Databases Sr No SW-1 SW-2 (S/E/D) (only if relevant to the course) Navisphere Simulator Control Center Salient Features A simulator used to showcase the internal working of storage arrays in the networked environment. Students will get hands-on experience. A Dataceneter Management Suite. This simulator provides the insight into datacenter operations and activities.

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE Weeks After MTE Spill Over 7 7 3

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number

Lecture Number

Broad Topic(Sub Topic)

Chapters/Sections of Text/reference books

Other Readings, Lecture Description Relevant Websites, Audio Visual Aids, software and Virtual Labs RW-2 Define the data and its subsystem,Storage evolution

Learning Outcomes

Pedagogical Tool Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. Planned Video lectures, demonstration using data center videos

Week 1

Lecture 1

Storage System : Introduction to Information Storage and Management(Types of Data, Big Data, Information, Storage, Evolution of Storage Technology & Architecture) Storage System : Introduction to Information Storage and Management(Data Center Infrastructure, Challenges in Information Management, Information Life Cycle) Storage System : Introduction to Information Storage and Management(Overview of virtualization and cloud computing) Storage System Environment and Data Protection(Popular connectivity protocols. Disk Drive Components, Disk Drive Performance, Key I/O characteristics of an application, Application virtualization, File system mapping, LVM, Compute and Desktop Virtualization) Storage System Environment and Data Protection(Laws governing the Disk Performance, Compare I/O controller utilization and response time, and storage design based on application requirements) Storage System Environment and Data Protection(Disk drive performance. Flash drives,DAS, host to storage access, RAID Implementation) Storage System Environment and Data Protection(RAID array Components, RAID implementation methods.)

T-1:Chapter 1

Student will be able to learn the concept of data and big data

Lecture 2

T-1:Chapter 1


Cloud and Virtualization Studenst will be able to Case based discussions overview understand the concepts and explanation using of cloud and virtual slide shows environment

Lecture 3

T-1:Chapter 1


Applications running in Students will be able to Peer to peer discussion data center,Compute and understand the data and explanation using desktop virtualization center technologies slide shows

Week 2

Lecture 4

T-1:Chapter 2


Connectivity options, Students will learn disk performance metrics about disk configuration and its performance

Video lectures, demonstration using disk drive videos

Lecture 5

T-1:Chapter 3


Disk utilization laws and Students will learn response time about the disk basics and response time considerations

Case based discussions and explanation using slide shows

Lecture 6

T-1:Chapter 3


Storage allocation to Students will be able to Case based discussions disks based upon the understand the concept and explanation using application requirements of storage allocation slide shows and host access RAID and its components, implementation Students will learn about RAID and its types, Methods RAID visuals, images in slide show and explanation using case studies

Week 3

Lecture 7

T-1:Chapter 3


Week 3

Lecture 8

Intelligent Storage System(Server flash-caching technology, back end, physical disks and Disk Drive Interfaces, Components of an Intelligent Storage System, front end, and cache operation and management) Intelligent Storage System(Storage Tiering and Cache Tiering, Traditional and virtual storage provisioning, LUN expansion, and LUN Masking) Intelligent Storage System(Case Study- Study of EMC CLARiiON and Symmetrix storage arrays, their Architecture, management, components.) Storage Area Network(Fibre Channel Architecture, Zoning, Fibre Channel Login Types, Fibre Channel, Components of SAN, FC connectivity, Fibre Channel Ports)

T-1:Chapter 4


Intelligent storage systems and their implementation in real world

Students will learn Video lectures, about the data center demonstration using configurations and their server/arrays videos usage

Lecture 9

T-1:Chapter 4


Storage and cache tiering, levels of usage

Students will learn a Peer to peer discussion bout the basics of and explanation using storage and server slide shows based cache tiering and its usage Students will Video lectures, understand the working demonstration using and implementation of server/arrays videos storage servers and arrays Students will be able to Peer to peer discussion learn about SAN and its and explanation using artifacts slide shows Students will learn to apply security to data and users across zones

Week 4

Lecture 10

T-1:Chapter 4


Real world servers and their architecture

Lecture 11

T-1:Chapter 6


FC SAN ans its components, where they are used and how they are used Zoning in SAN, how data can be protected and assigned to different users Test1

Lecture 12 Week 5 Lecture 13 Storage Area Network(FC topologies, Organization of FC data, Fabric services, Virtual SAN, Block Level Virtualization) Storage Area Network(Designing SAN/NAS, Case Study of EMC Connectrix) ISCSI, FCIP and Network Attached Storage(iSCSI names, FCIP protocol, and FICP protocol stack, Components of FCoE, Components of iSCSI, host connectivity options, and ISCSI topologies, Protocol stack) ISCSI, FCIP and Network Attached Storage(FCoE frame mapping, and Converged Enhanced Ethernet. General purpose Servers v/s NAS Devices) R-1:Chapter 17 RW-17

Block level virtualization Students will Peer to peer discussion in SAN and its understand the basics of and explanation using configuration Block virtualizationand slide shows its importance IO workload management in SAN, designing of a SAN and NAS ISCSI and its usage in the data center, topologies of ISCSI Students will learn to designand configure SAN and NAS Peer to peer discussion and explanation using slide shows

Lecture 14

R-1:Chapter 17


Lecture 15

T-1:Chapter 8


Students will be able to Peer to peer and case define ISCSI protocol based discussion. and its attributes Explanation using slide shows

Week 6

Lecture 16

T-1:Chapter 8


FCIP vs IFCP connectivities, their implementation

Students will be able to understand the difference between ISCSI, FCIP and IFCP

Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows

Week 6

Lecture 17

ISCSI, FCIP and Network Attached Storage(NAS File Sharing Protocols, NAS I/O Operations, Factors affecting NAS Performance & Availability, NAS Benefits, NAS File I/O, NAS Components, NAS Implementation) ISCSI, FCIP and Network Attached Storage(File Level Virtualization, Case Study EMC Celerra.) Object and Content Based Storage (Compare traditional and objectbased storage model, key components of OSD, Comparison of hierarchical file system and flat address space) Object and Content Based Storage (Storage and retrieval process in OSD, CAS, components of unified storage)

T-1:Chapter 7


NAS implementation with its components

Students will learn about the NAS configuration methods

Peer to peer and case based discussion.

Lecture 18

T-1:Chapter 7


NAS virtualiztion and its students will be able to Peer to peer and case usage define FILE based discussion virtulization File systems used for storing the data across systems, object based storage Students will learn about the basics of file systems and object storage Case based discussions and explanation using slide shows

Week 7

Lecture 19

T-1:Chapter 9


Lecture 20

T-1:Chapter 9


CAS model for archiving Students will be able to Case based discussions the data across domains understand the concept and explanation using of CAS and its visuals Unified storage model components for the cloud and data centers Students will learn about its basics and its configuration CAS model for archiving Students will be able to Case based discussions the data across domains understand the concept and explanation using of CAS and its nevisphere simulator Unified storage model components for the cloud and data centers Students will learn about its basics and its configuration Test2

Object and Content Based Storage (Data access from unified storage. Case Study of EMC Centera)

T-1:Chapter 9


Lecture 21

Week 8 Lecture 22 Business Continuity, Backup and Recovery(Information Availability, BC Terminology, BC Planning Lifecycle, Failure Analysis, Business Impact Analysis) Business Continuity, Backup and Recovery(Architecture, Granularity, Considerations, Methods, Process, Backup and Restore Operations, BC Technology Solutions, Continuous data protection (CDP). Backup Purpose) T-1:Chapter 11 RW-28 Business continuity plan Students will be able to Case based discussions and its process, BC define the BC plan and and explanation using planning lifecycle its implementation slide shows

Lecture 23

T-1:Chapter 11


BIA tools and the process, CDP methods and procedures

Students will be able to Case based discussions understand the concept and explanation using of BIA and its nevisphere simulator applicability, the CDP process

Week 8

Lecture 24

Business Continuity, Backup and Recovery(Backup to tapes, backup to disks, backup to virtual tapes, data deduplication methods,Backup Topologies, Backup in NAS Environment, Backup Technologies) Business Continuity, Backup and Recovery(Data deduplication implementations, Backup approaches in virtualized Environment) Replication(Local replication technologies, restore & restart considerations, creating multiple replicas, Local Replication at Source & Target, uses, data consistency, local replication technologies) Replication(CDP, local replication in virtualized environment, management interface)

T-1:Chapter 12


Backup in NAS scenario, Students will be able to Video lectures, backup technologies to define the NAS backup demonstration using be used in there methods and the backup videos technologies to be used

Week 9

Lecture 25

T-1:Chapter 12


data deduplication Students will be able to methods and their types, define deduplication their applicability methods and their usage in data center and storage scenario

Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows

Lecture 26

T-1:Chapter 13


Replication and its types, Students will be able to Case based discussions local replication define the concept of and explanation using technologies Local and remote nevisphere simulator replication technologies and their implementation Local replication in virtual infra, how to create multiple replicas Students will be able to Case based discussions define and use the local and explanation using replication methosds nevisphere simulator and their implementation Students will be able to Case based discussions define remote and explanation using replication technologies nevisphere simulator and their usage in data storage Students will learn about migration and replication stretegies, their usage, configuration and implementation Case based discussions and explanation using nevisphere simulator

Lecture 27

T-1:Chapter 13


Week 10

Lecture 28

Replication(Remote Replication Technologies, CDP remote replication, Case Study of EMC Snapview, modes of remote replication) Replication(Remote replication/migration in virtualized environment)

T-1:Chapter 13


Remote replication types and modes, remote technologies, three site replication Continuous data protection and their usage in data protection and redundancy, replicatiin virtual infrastructure Cloud and its attributes

Lecture 29

T-1:Chapter 14


Lecture 30

Cloud Computing(Cloud computing overview, essential cloud characteristics, and cloud enabling technologies) Cloud Computing(Service models and cloud deployment models, Cloud infrastructure framework)

T-1:Chapter 14


Students will learn Video lectures, about cloud computing demonstration using and its characteristics data center and cloud environment videos Students will learn about cloud computing and its characteristics Students will be able ti understand the virtual infra for the cloud deployment Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows

Week 11

Lecture 31

T-1:Chapter 14


Cloud and its attributes Cloud physical and virtual infrastructure

Week 11

Lecture 32

Cloud Computing(Physical infrastructure, virtual infrastructure, application and platform software) Cloud Computing(Cloud management and service creation tools, and cloud optimized storage and concept in practice.) Storage Security and Management (Storage Security Framework, Risk Triad, Storage Security Domains)

T-1:Chapter 14


Cloud storage and its Students will be able to usage across the domains define cloud based storage and their implementation methods Cloud deployment methods, services Students will learn about cloud types and their usage across the domains

Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows

Lecture 33

T-1:Chapter 14


Week 12

Lecture 34

T-1:Chapter 15


Security framework in data center scenario and virtual framework, security domains in data center Security implementation in networked infra like SAN and NAS, Security policies Security in IP SAN scenario, its applicability and configuration, implementation Security aspects in cloud and virtual world, different techniques to be used for them Monitoring of storage infrastructure and its attributes, various domains under it, their configuration

students will be able to Case based discussions define the storage and demonstration security domains and using visuals their applicability in the infrastructure Students will be able to Case based discussions define the security and demonstration inside NAS and SAN , using visuals applying policies on them Students will be ble to understand the concepts of security and protection in IP SAN Students will eb able to Case based discussions define and implenment and demonstration the cloud and using visuals virtualization security concerns Students will learn about the concepts of data center management protocols and techniques, procedures to be followed Students will learn about the concepts of data center management protocols and techniques, procedures to be followed Students will be able to define the multitenancy concept and its usage in cloud and data center Case based discussions and demonstration using visuals

Lecture 35

Storage Security and Management (Network firewalls, security implementation in IP SAN, Security Implementations in Storage Networking, Kerberos)

T-1:Chapter 15


Lecture 36

Storage Security and Management (Security in virtualized and cloud environment, and concept in practice.) Managing the Storage Infrastructure(Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure, Storage infrastructure management in virtualized environment)

T-1:Chapter 15


Week 13

Lecture 37

T-1:Chapter 16

RW-23 RW-28

Lecture 38

Managing the Storage Infrastructure(Monitoring the Storage Infrastructure, Storage infrastructure management in virtualized environment)

T-1:Chapter 16

RW-23 RW-28

Monitoring of storage infrastructure and its attributes, various domains under it, their configuration

Case based discussions and demonstration using visuals

Lecture 39 Week 14 Lecture 40 Managing the Storage Infrastructure(Challenges in managing information, Information lifecycle management, Storage multitenancy, Storage Management Activities) T-1:Chapter 16 RW-40 RW-42

Test3 Storage multitenancy in data center scenarios, how it is useful, management activities in data centers Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows

Week 14

Lecture 41

Managing the Storage Infrastructure(Challenges in managing information, Information lifecycle management, Storage multitenancy, Storage Management Activities) Managing the Storage Infrastructure(Benefits of ILM, storage tiering, and concept in practice, Case Study of EMC Control Center.)

T-1:Chapter 16

RW-40 RW-42

Storage multitenancy in data center scenarios, how it is useful, management activities in data centers ILM management in business, its role and attributes with respect to applications

Students will be able to define the multitenancy concept and its usage in cloud and data center

Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows

Lecture 42

T-1:Chapter 16


Students will define the role played by ILM in information management and procedures used for processing and analysis

Peer to peer and case based discussion. Explanation using slide shows

Week 15 Lecture 43 Lecture 44 Lecture 45 Spill Over Spill Over Spill Over

Scheme for CA:

Component Test Frequency 2 Total :Out Of 3 Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 20

Details of Academic Task(s)

AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 2/4


To Test the Knowledge of the students

Storage System : Introduction to Information Storage and Individual Management,Storage System Environment and Data Protection,Intelligent Storage System,Fibre Channel Architecture, Zoning, Fibre Channel Login Types, Fibre Channel, Components of SAN, FC connectivity, Fibre Channel Ports FC topologies, Organization of FC data, Fabric services, Virtual Individual SAN, Block Level Virtualization,SAN/NAS Capacity Management, I/O workload management in SAN/NAS,Designing SAN/NAS, Case Study of EMC Connectrix,ISCSI, FCIP and Network Attached Storage,Object and Content Based Storage Individual

On the basis of performance


To Test the Knowledge of the students

On the basis of Performance in the test



To Test the Business Continuity, Backup and Recovery,Replication,Cloud Knowledge of the Computing,Storage Security and Management students regarding Storage Technology concepts

On the basis of Performance in the test

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