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Kayne Eras Center 5350 Machado Rd Culver City, CA 90230

April 4, 2014 ear !ir or Mada"e, #uan Chaire$ has attended EC% Kayne Eras &or "ore than 3 years' (e ca"e to our school loo)in* to i"prove his acade"ics and +ehavior' A&ter three years, he ,or)ed hard, and raised his *rades and ,as a+le to *raduate ,ith &ull hi*h school honors' -n addition, #uan has co"pleted 40 hours o& co""unity service at the .os An*eles &ood /an) and various other locations' #uan is a +ri*ht and persona+le individual' (e is hi*hly sel&0"otivated and ,ell capa+le o& achievin* any *oal he sets his "ind to' (e learned ne, technolo*ies pro"ptly and applied the" in his daily ,or)' 1he Kayne Eras Center soon perceived #uan as a valua+le student and loo)ed to his &or innovative direction' #uan ,elco"es leadership opportunities and "eets his deadlines on ti"e' Kayne Eras needs "ore students li)e #uan' (e is an asset to our school and ,ill +e an asset to any co"pany that hires hi"' -& you ,ould li)e additional in&or"ation a+out #uan, you can telephone "e at 231034340 9393 e5t 306' !incerely,

Arturo Ra"ire$ (i*h !chool 1eacher !enior Coordinator

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