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Jordyn Tiedemann Journal #1-Classroom Climate October 22 & 24 A middle school classroom, compared to an elementary classroom is so different.

This classroom has a lot of posters that tell them how to edit your paper, what a paper should/shouldnt have. The desks are always set up differently so that they all end up working in different groups. The teachers desk is behind all of their desks, near the door so when they sign out to go somewhere she can sign their planners and make sure that is always taken care of. She has their weekly plan on her white board so they know what to expect that week, theres an I can goal that she writes every day, so they know their target they need to meet. Its very dull compared to an elementary classroom. She bases seating on what topic they are on too, if they are reading a certain books they will be paired up like that. They also have a wall that can be moved to make one big room; this is used when they are put into reading groups or when they are working on a certain topic together.

Jordyn Tiedemann Journal #2- Classroom Management October 29 & 31st

While watching her she always answers their questions a lot of the time as a class also picks on people who raises their hands a lot. If a student didnt read like they were supposed to they are still expected to take that quiz or test, unless they were absent she thinks that there really shouldnt be an exception. A syllabus is given out to them at the beginning of the year; it has their expectations and rules/guidelines of the classroom, also written in their planners. She patiently waits for them to notice she is waiting on them, sometimes she will point out those who are talking and those who arent talking to see if they notice she is really to start a lesson or continue on with what she was saying. She will have them call their parents if they didnt get an assignment done, and expects them to stay after school that day to make it up or finish it. She asks a lot of questions throughout a move; so they know exactly what is going on, and so they understand the full meaning/purpose of the movie.

Jordyn Tiedemann Journal #3-Differentiated Learning November 12th & 14th

Her and the other teacher always have this screen showing their paper, these are used by those who like watching her write examples down and so they know exactly where she is at. Instructions are given as a whole class, sometimes if a student is talking she will have he/she repeat what she wants them to do. Students are always welcome to come up to her throughout the class period, if they need extra help or need a more in depth instruction. She uses videos to make connections and also gives them papers, mentions using a system that way they know how to be organized. Activities are based on topic or book they are on, she connects things to what they might know, like movies; there is always a lot of examples when given elements they need to know. They are all taught in the classroom as a whole, they have a certain period if they need extra help. She explains the importance of filling out everything, and what will happen if they dont; giving out the same instruction also happens a few times so everyone knows for sure what to do.

Jordyn Tiedemann Journal #4- Exceptional Learners November 19th and 21st

When she read out loud, she stops and asks them questions and also gives them the book or packet to read along with her. She always encourages them to get their homework done, explains how to effects their grand, and that they will have to stay after if they dont get it done. They are always given a visual with some kind of hand out, and says it out loud for those who are audio learners. She fills out the paper with them so they have everything written down correctly; also have them tell her the answers and fixes it or has someone else build off of their answer instead of just flat out giving it to them. They have a certain routine for the day, what is written on the board (1, 2, 3, ect) is the order of what theyre doing that day. Materials on the packet is all adapted during the class period. Sometime she will give out hints after it looks like most of them have finished, if they dont have what she says she informs them that they might want to look through it again so they do find the answer on their own and understand it. She asks them if they know what the meaning of what they are going to learn, has someone answer, then explains it more herself in depth.

Jordyn Tiedemann Journal #5-Your choice; Describe a learning activity November 27th & December 3rd

They are reading the phantom of the opera and they all have a booklet that they are reading from; they received a packet that they have to fill out about the scenes, characters, setting, plot, and everything that is or might be important to know. As they go forward with their activity, they learn more about the characters and what this play is about. They are doing research for background information this not only gives them information they can figure out how their play is different to others and the meanings behind it. Filling out the packet teaches them how to be organized and makes use of the information given to them. They et to have fun expressing their creativity while reading and can get into their characters so they actually enjoy the play/class. She explains who wrote the story, when they wrote it, how it goesAlso explains what they are going to be doing, who is reading what. Doing readings that have suspense will make them want to read more and will concentrate more as it going on.

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