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Choosing the Best Career

Tom Sabella Comp 280 Mar. 20, 2014

Hello, Im Tom Sabella; Im a fellow student at t e !n"#ers"t$ of M"% "&an'(earborn, and also wor)"n& a part't"me *ob at +%e Hardware. ,#er s"n%e I started s% ool ere, I#e pursued a %areer "n f"nan%e be%ause not onl$ do I a#e an "nterest for mone$ and "ts propert"es, but also be%ause m$ fam"l$ as a ba%)&round "n bus"ness "n &eneral. I remember w en I started %olle&e and was rema"ned unde%"ded, I was alwa$s sear% "n& for w at I was "nterested "n, and for somet "n&, some &oal to set for m$ l"fe. I )now espe%"all$ for some people t "s "s a #"tal de%"s"on "n t e"r l"#es. -oure probabl$ wonder"n& w at f"nan%e "s all about, "t "s bas"%all$ t e f"eld of bus"ness t at br"n&s all t e "n%ome and out%ome of a %orporat"on, and anal$.es "t. In ot er words, e ta)es all t e data and uses "t to elp ma)e prof"table de%"s"ons for "s %orporat"on. To #"ew /us"ness +dm"n"strat"on %learl$, "t "s best to #"ew "t as four ma*or f"elds, mana&ement, a%%ount"n&, f"nan%e, and mar)et"n&. In t "s %ase, mana&ement would be t e ones "n % ar&e of a %orporat"on, ma)"n& all t e rules and de%"s"ons and s"tt"n& t e &oals. Mar)eters would be t e ones w o &o out and sear% for bus"ness or are sell"n& produ%ts to ot ers. +%%ountants are t e fo%us onl$ on t e present, t e$ ta)e all t e data, and re#enue t at mar)et"n& br"n&s "n and ma)e an a%%ount of e#er$t "n& and ma)e plans on ow to d"str"bute "t all. +nd f"nall$, t e f"nan%ers fo%us on not onl$ t e present, but also t e past, and ta)e all t at "nformat"on to ma)e pred"%t"ons, and elp "n t e de%"s"on ma)"n& pro%ess w"t t e % "efs for t e future. Man$ people f"nd "t "nterest"n& and pursue "t, I dont )now w at $our plans are, but see)"n& t e bus"ness route "snt a bad % o"%e and not man$ people "n t ese %areers sw"t% to ot er f"elds, w "% means t e turno#er rate "s relat"#el$ low, about 01,000 e#er$ few $ears 2 ttp344www."n#estoped"a.%om5, a%%ord"n& to t e /us"ness of 6abor Stat"st"%s 2 ttp344bls.&o#5. In order to be %ons"dered as an anal$st, one must a#e a ba% elors de&ree; re&ard"n& pa$ rate, a%%ord"n& to t e /ureau of 6abor Stat"st"%s, t e a#era&e pa$ rate "s 789,1:0 a $ear. +s f"nan%"al anal$st, $ou would need to &at er "nformat"on on t e ma%ro4m"%ro e%onom$ as well as "nformat"on about spe%"f"% %ompan"es and t e fundamental pr"n%"ples of m"%roe%onom"%s. /ut w ate#er $our "ntent"ons are, *ust follow $our dreams and $ou w"ll f"nd t e r"& t %areer for $ourself. T ere w"ll be no re&rets and $ou w"ll a#e ult"mate sat"sfa%t"on. /e%ause t "s and all ot er f"elds are roads to su%%ess.

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