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Directions: In the table below, write a brief description of each Chinese philosophy.

Then, list at least three important characteristics about the philosophy. Confucianism Brief Description: The teachings of Confucianism was to show the people a just and peaceful society. And one way by doing that was by ha ing fi e basic relationships with family members and friends. It also had said that you should also ways be !ind, honest, wise, and faithful. ".#ne characteristic that describes this philosophy would be that it has to do with bringing peace to our society. $.%y second characteristic would be that it also has to do with fairness. &.And last I would say it would ha e to do with showing respect for each another. Daoism Brief Description: The teachings of Daoism was to show people that you show be happy and peaceful and you should !now right from wrong. And one way by doing that was by listening to the wise words that were taught to you. And another way to do that was by being happy with yourself. ".#ne characteristic that would be best used to describe this philosophy would be the fact that it's all about being happy with who you are and what you loo! li!e. $. It is also about bringing peace to the world, &.and my last reason would be that it is about li ing a simple life with (uiet meditation. Legalism Brief Description: The teachings of )egalism was to show people that is they did something bad they would be punished ery harshly and if they did good they would be rewarded. Also the ideas that were created by the legalist were ery strict. ".*o the first characteristic I would use would be that this philosophy was ery strict. $.%y second characteristic would be that it was no jo!e and the laws were ery harsh. &.And finally I would say that this philosophy had a ery uni(ue and rough way of teachings.

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