Discovery Wheel 2

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Cristina Reveron

ACA 118

Discovery Wheel Scores

Attitude Time Memory Reading Notes Tests Thinking Communicating Diversity Money Health Purpose Chapter 1 25 20 22 23 27 28 24 25 28 26 27 28 Chapter 12 38 35 33 36 39 36 39 37 39 32 39 39

Comparing the Discovery Wheel in this chapter with the Discovery Wheel in Chapter 1, I discovered that I have made progress. Do I need to advance more, of course I do. I appreciate all that I have learned in my ACA class 118, and it has been very informative. These insights definitely affect me and my goal is to improve more and more as I journey on to achieve my goals in school and in life.

In the next six month, I intend to review the following articles from this book for additional suggestions I could use: To review and keep me on tract in all areas that could possibly affect my schooling and outside the class in my everyday life. I have every intention to achieve my goals on a very even scale. 1. This wheel is an accurate picture of my ability as a student because I feel through hard work and perseverance I am achieving my goals. There are classes that at one time seemed to be great challenges and I have finished with a passing grade. 2. My self-evaluation surprises me because I did not focus on the fact that all this is shaping me as an individual. I want to focus more and memorize more. This is one of my biggest challenges. I hope to push myself more in that area with more activities and teachers that motivate me and help give me more suggestions. 3. Two areas in which I am the strongest are health and thinking. I do value my health a great deal and I continue to keep my diet in check no matter what others opinions are. I have made a lot of mistakes that have cost me in the past. I dont intend to make those choses into the future.

4. The areas in which I want to improve are Time, Memory. But Money is on that list also. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been able to evaluate myself and focus more closely on the areas in my life that are effecting me the most. 5. I want to concentrate on improving these areas because I know this are not just an evaluation for class, its for my life. ACA 118 has been in my opinion, one of the most valuable sources yet to my education and future. 6. I discovered that I have been improving over the course of time even sometimes without my knowledge. It is through my adversity that I am growing and achieving my goals. With hard work and determination I know I will reach my goals. I am discovering more about me each and every day. I want most of all to achieve these areas in my life to the highest degree. I believe that we have to surrender to what is reality and be willing to take hold on it with all my strength. Whatever comes next if it is healthy then take hold and move forward and succeed. My diet plays a large role in keeping a clear mine. So I thought that of any of these areas Health tops the list for me.

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