Skeleton of A Story

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I always knew my Aunt Montana was a real Mystery. Why she never sm le!" an! one !ay she ! !. #ut even I was sur$r se! when she tol! us she $lanne! to %o to a haunte! hall. A&ter all" she was '( years ol!" an! th s )oul! *e a stran%e th n%. We tol! her that t )oul! *e e+tremely s)ary an! *e%%e! her not to %o there" *ut noth n% )oul! sto$ her. There&ore" althou%h we &elt ! sa$$o nte!" we wat)he! her leave the !r veway. Two lon% weeks $asse!. No one hear! a s n%le wor! &rom Aunt Montana. We were *e% nn n% to won!er & someth n% ha$$ene! to her when su!!enly our aunt a$$eare!. She ha! *een awake &or a !ay an! she seeme! very s)are!. A$olo%et )ally" she tol! the whole mystery. It seeme! that she ha! *een stu)k n an

elevator an! t was &ull o& s)ary ma)h nes. Now she was ,um$ n% every - or . hours an! we &elt ashame!. S n)e then" Aunt Montana has never ever %one to a /aunte! hall. Instea!" she s$en!s her t me *uy n% )an! es &or k !s. What a %reat Aunt she s 0

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