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BeeMan Energy Conservation PSA- Revision Gentry 15 April 2014

Video fades in with nat sound behind. BeeMan is awoken by Buzzing. Its the BeePhone! Speech Bubble Cross Dissolve BeeMan walks down the hall, determined to find the source of the distress and out of the shot, with cape trailing behind him. Theres no one here?! Speech Bubble Cuts to BeeMan in an empty lab, walking toward light switch. What a waste! Speech Bubble Tight shot of BeeMans hand karate-chopping the lights off. KA-CHOW speech bubble. Lights go out, black screen. Darkness turns to dark scene outside building, BeeMans silhouette walks into the building, still determined. On to the next Crisis! Speech Bubble Fade to black. Medium shot of girl brushing her teeth with the water running.

Phone Buzzing

Rock music starts as shot appears.

Click of lights off.

Water running nat sound can be heard.

Quick reversal of girl with BeeMan judging her while standing behind her in the mirror. Save some for the fish! Speech Bubble Back to initial shot of girl brushing teeth. BeeMan pushes girl out of the way. Turns water off. KA-BLAM speech bubble Stares at camera. Tight shot of BeeMan staring off in the distance, contemplative. My job is done. Speech bubble Fade to black. BeeMan leaps down the stairs, and talks to camera. BeeMan lower third BeeMan runs out of frame, with cape trailing behind him. Landing of feet nat sound Rock music fades for speaking, BeeMan says, Conserve energy. Rock music fades all the way out. Scream from girl. Sounds of struggle. Water stops running.

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