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Veni in domum suam puer

A young sailor goes off to war, and on his return voyage, encounters a fierce opponent
Warm hugs and soft kisses are passed around a circle of people, gathered around a young Roman boy named Aemilius. Soon, Aemilius will be heading off to fight the war with the Gauls, a common thing for young Roman boys to do. The Romans had been in and out of war with the Western Europeans for more than a decade, and he intended to follow in his fathers footsteps and go off, possib ly never to return. Mother, I will be fine.. You have nothing to worry about. Aemilius said softly as his mother hugged him, the top of her head barely reaching the bottom of his chin. I just want you to come home safely. Your father would have been proud of you. She said softly, grabbing the sides of his head and bringing him down so she could kiss his forehead. Just come back to me.

Boards creaked under the sandals of all the Navy-men, moving crates of food and leather pouches of water into the cargo hold. Warm, salty air swirled around all of them, and Aemilius stood awestruck at the base of the catwalk. Oh my Gods He said softly, as if to no one. Another man clapped him hard on the shoulder, almost sending the boy falling into the water. Impressive isnt she? Well be departing within the hour. The other man said, smiling up at the folded sails and waving flag.

Suddenly, the sky goes dark. The sea starts to roil under the boat, and the birds all flee to the North. The sailors all peer over the side of the boat as it starts creaking, and see the water shifting toward the middle of the strait. They see giant, shark-fin like teeth rising out of the water. Frightened, they try and turn the boat around, but it is too late. The rudders are stuck in the creatures teeth. Snapping wood and falling sails warn the sailors of their imminent deaths, and they fall to their knees and pray to the Gods to spare them. With a giant splash, the boat goes under, never to be seen again.

Young men lost to the depths of Charybdis, please let your souls be released to the Heavens and not to the Underworld. Let your souls be guided to peaceful resting, and safe valleys. A priest pours a small bottle of sand along the edge of the pier where the boat departed, almost sanctifying the ground from which they departed. Young Aemiliuss mother is standing at the forefront of the crowd, a black veil draped over her face as silent tears fall down her cheeks. You promised you would come back.. She said softly as the sobs became loud and heart wrenching.

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