May 2014 Meeting Flyer

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Date: Saturday, May 10, 2014 Time: 9:00 am to 11:00 am Location: Manatee Technical Institute, East Campus, 40 !a"e#ood $anch %l&d, %radenton, '! (4211

S)E*+E$ ,1: Lisa Pierce, Director of Operations, Advance Talent Solution Topic: -o. Mar"et S"ills and /or"place Ethics S)E*+E$ ,2: Jane Arnoldi, MSN, ARNP- !, !MA"AAMA# Topic: 0nderstandin1 Scope o2 )ractice This #ill .e an outstandin1 session 2or Medical *ssistants and anyone desirin1 to learn more, and 1ain more in2ormation a.out 1ettin1 that per2ect 3o., and learnin1 the scope o2 #or"place practices4 After t$e meetin% t$ere &ill 'e a Present and (ote on t$e Slate of Officers for t$e ne)t term** An+one interested in an+ of t$e current seats, please contact m+self or President Donna ,eatle+, $eatless' t$is &ill 'e $er last meetin% as our President*

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$S8) T9: Morales, Secretary

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