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Capstone Assignment: Artifact Summary 3 & 4 eat!er An"erson Saint Mary#s Uni$ersity of Minnesota Sc!oo%s of &ra"uate & 'rofessiona% 'rograms () *++ , Capstone Symposium Apri% 1-. -/14

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 3 & 4 Artifact Summary 3 I !a$e c!osen my team 0ui%"ing an" se%f1ana%ysis presentation as my artifact from ()

*-4 , Co%%a0oration an" Team 2ui%"ing3 I 4rote an ana%ysis of my team ro%es. cu%tura% a4areness of se%f an" ot!ers. emotiona% competence an" in"i$i"ua%i5e" approac! to team0ui%"ing3 T!is assignment 4as 0ase" upon my outcomes from t!e Strengt!s Fin"er assessment an" !e%pe" me to 0etter un"erstan" my s6i%%s as a %ea"er3 T!e ana%ysis a%so offere" me insig!t into my o4n strengt!s an" opportunities for gro4t! as a %ea"er an" a team mem0er3 (ne of my greatest areas of persona% gro4t! "uring t!e () program !as come from my un"erstan"ing of !o4 to 0etter interact 4it! an" moti$ate team mem0ers3 T!is ana%ysis pro$i"e" great insig!t into t!e aspects of my persona%ity t!at !e%p me as a %ea"er to 0etter connect 4it! an" inf%uence t!ose aroun" me3 I !a$e 4or6e" to c!ange t!e 4ay t!at I $ie4 t!e contri0utions of ot!ers. t!e pace an" intensity t!at I 0ring to my 4or6 an" t!e 4ay t!at I communicate 4it! peop%e t!at I co%%a0orate 4it!3 T!ere !as 0een a positi$e impact on my team7s 8ua%ity of 4or6 an" t!e effecti$eness of my %ea"ers!ip "ue to t!ese c!anges3

T!is artifact "emonstrates an un"erstan"ing of t!e course outcomes pertaining to e$a%uating t!e ro%e of inf%uence an" persona% po4er in 0ui%"ing re%ations!ips an" an a0i%ity to ana%y5e an emotiona% competence frame4or6 an" app%y it to teams 9St3 Mary7s Uni$ersity. -/13:3 T!is artifact a%so "emonstrates (rgani5ationa% )ea"ers!ip program outcome num0er 1. s!o4ing my a0i%ity to interpret conte;ts an" en$ironments in 4!ic! organi5ations operate 9St3 Mary7s Uni$ersity. n3"3:3

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 3 & 4 References Saint Mary7s Uni$ersity of Minnesota3 9n3"3:3 -/131-/1+ Cata%og & !an"0oo6: Sc!oo%s of gra"uate an" professiona% programs3 Retrie$e" from !ttp:<<cata%og3smumn3e"u<mime <me"ia<$ie4<1-<=-4<-/1311+1S&''3p"f

Saint Mary7s Uni$ersity of Minnesota3 9-/13:3 M3A3 in organi5ationa% %ea"ers!ip3 Retrie$e" from !ttp:<<4443smumn3e"u<gra"uate1!ome<areas1of1stu"y<gra"uate1sc!oo%1of10usiness1 tec!no%ogy<ma1in1organi5ationa%1%ea"ers!ip


Team 2ui%"ing an" S6i%%s Se%f1Ana%ysis eat!er An"erson Saint Mary#s Uni$ersity of Minnesota Sc!oo%s of &ra"uate & 'rofessiona% 'rograms () *-4 , Co%%a0oration an" Team 2ui%"ing >at!%een Cra4for" an" ?essica Saemens ?anuary -@. -/13

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 3 & 4 Strengths Finder 2ase" on t!e Strengt!s Fin"er -3/ 9Rat!. -//@: sur$ey t!e top fi$e t!emes s!o4

Inte%%ection. Input. Restorati$e. Responsi0i%ity an" Strategic3 My typica% team ro%e is as a %ea"er3 I !a$e a%4ays fe%t more comforta0%e ta6ing t!e %ea" an" !a$ing "irect inf%uence o$er outcomes3 I !a$e a passionate an" energetic attitu"e to4ar" 4or6 an" p%ay t!at a%%o4s me to inspire a group to Aoin in my $ision3 Intellection I am conf%icte" 4!en consi"ering !o4 inte%%ect affects my persona% an" professiona% re%ations!ips3 T!is t!eme suggests t!at I enAoy e;c!anging i"eas 4it! in"i$i"ua%s 4!o are 4e%% rea" an" appreciate !istory3 I 8uic6%y a0sor0 an" app%y ne4 information 0ut my focus on inte%%ect can sometimes ma6e it "ifficu%t to communicate c%ear%y 4it! in"i$i"ua%s t!at I "o not connect 4it!3 Rat! 9-//@: suggests t!at peop%e 4it! t!is t!eme "ra4 conc%usions a0out a person7s B6no4%e"ge. s6i%%s. ta%ents. %i6e "is%i6es or moo"sC 9'age -:3 My instinct is to 8uic6%y Au"ge t!ose I interact 4it! an" "eci"e t!eir $a%ue to myse%f an" t!e team3 T!is can sometimes cause me to o$er%oo6 ot!er ta%ents an" perspecti$es t!at may pro$i"e greater $a%ue to t!e common goo"3 I !a$e t!e urge to assume my perspecti$e is t!e most accurate "ue to my inte%%ectua% consi"eration of a%% of t!e possi0%e outcomes3 T!is practice !as of course not ser$e" me 4e%% an" I !a$e %earne" o$er t!e years to secon" guess my initia% reaction to in"i$i"ua%s an" i"eas an" searc! for a more 4e%%1roun"e" perspecti$e my inc%u"ing more input3 Input T!e input t!eme means t!at I stri$e to 6no4 more an" imp%ement origina% an" in$enti$e t!in6ing 9Rat!. -//@:3 I a%so $a%ue 4or"s an" 6no4%e"ge an" 4ant to 0e 4e%% $erse" in a ne4 concept3 T!is interest prope%%e" my career as a "og trainer for many years3 I 4as $ery prou" of


my a0i%ity to refine my $er0a% instruction an" offer ana%ogies an" "escripti$e imagery3 I 4or6e" for years to fin" 4or"s t!at connecte" 4it! my stu"ents an" %ea" to 0etter compre!ension an" e;ecution3 Sometimes my passion for ne4 information causes me to %ose focus on goa%s t!at I fin" %ess inte%%ectua%%y stimu%ating3 I !a$e a%so 0een 6no4n to intimi"ate ot!ers 4it! my passionate persona%ity an" o$er%y $er0ose 4!en attempting to pro$e a point3 I am $ery sensiti$e a0out 0eing misun"erstoo" an" I use more 4or"s to try an" 0e c%ear3 T!is often !as t!e opposite effect3 Restorative T!e restorati$e t!eme of my strengt!s %ist !as pro0a0%y t!e strongest pu%% o$er my team interactions3 Rat! 9-//@: is 8uite accurate in recogni5ing t!e nee" to constant%y 8uestion my %imitations. percei$e" s!ortcomings. %imitations. or f%a4s 9page 4:3 T!is "esire to persona%%y impro$e is sometimes incorrect%y $ie4e" as insecurity3 I 0e%ie$e t!at I am capa0%e of anyt!ing I attempt to ac!ie$e an" enAoy setting persona% c!a%%enges t!at re8uire me to c!a%%enge my current sense of se%f3 T!is "esire !as %e" me to ta6e ris6s professiona%%y an" see6 ne4 opportunities at %ig!tning spee"3 T!is "ri$e is a%so sometimes percei$e" as gree"iness an" o$erconfi"ence3 I enAoy "ea%ing 4it! pro0%ems an" "o 0est 4!en I am face" 4it! ne4 8uestions to ans4er an" situations to reso%$e3 Responsibility Maintaining e;ce%%ence an" a$oi"ing me"iocrity are t4o $a%ues t!at are "ear to me3 I sometimes !a$e trou0%e %etting ot!ers ta6e t!e %ea" 0ecause I 4orry t!at t!e tas6 4i%% not 0e comp%ete" proper%y or 4it! et!ica% consi"eration3 I am una0%e to accept me"iocrity in my o4n 4or6 or in t!e 4or6 of my team mem0ers3 T!is %ea"s me to micromanage my team an" can cause conf%ict3 Team mem0ers sometimes fee% t!at I "o not $a%ue t!eir s6i%%s or contri0utions


0ecause I !o$er so c%ose to t!e proAect3 I am 4or6ing to a"Aust my interactions an" increase trust in my team mem0ers3 organi5ation "o4n3 Strategic 2eing strategic !e%ps me Bcreate a%ternati$e 4ays to procee"C 9'age *. Rat!. -//@:3 I !a$e t!e most confi"ence in my a0i%ities 4!en app%ying my strategic s6i%%s to organi5ationa% issues3 I often see opportunities for impro$ement t!at are not imme"iate%y e$i"ent to ot!ers 4it!in my team3 I rea%%y enAoy fi;ing t!ings3 T!is 0ecomes an issue 4!en I run out of t!ings to fi;3 I often 0ecome 0ore" an" am 8uic6 to mo$e on to ne4 opportunities in or"er to fin" ne4 c!a%%enges3 Conclusion As a %ea"er I am continua%%y searc!ing for opportunities to ma6e positi$e c!ange3 D!en consi"ering a p%an of action for furt!er persona% gro4t! I often %oo6 to truste" mentors to !e%p gui"e me3 D!en surroun"e" 0y a team t!at I trust I am a0%e to 0e more !onest 4it! myse%f 9)encioni. -//-:3 T!e 0est 4ay to maintain perspecti$e an" furt!er persona% gro4t! is to continue to 0etter un"erstan" my fears an" f%a4s3 T!e a0i%ity to 0ring passion an" energy to myria" situations an" inspire a team is my greatest strengt!3 I can fin" 4ays to connect 4it! many "ifferent types of peop%e 4!en I focus on t!e greater goo" as oppose" to my o4n persona% a"$ancement3 Maintaining perspecti$e. 0a%ance an" 0eing c%ear a0out commons goa%s 4i%% !e%p to 6eep my stronger persona%ity traits in c!ec63 Ta6ing time to connect 4it! peop%e on a persona% %e$e% an" "e$e%oping re%ations!ips is one 4ay t!at I am a0%e to !ig!%ig!t my 0est %ea"ers!ip 8ua%ities3 D!en I %ose sig!t of t!e peop%e. I %ose my 4ay as an inno$ator an" pro0%em so%$er3 o4e$er. 4!en tas6s are not comp%ete" proper%y I fee% t!at I !a$e %et t!e

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 3 & 4 References )encioni. '3 9-//-:3 T!e fi$e "ysfunctions of a team: A %ea"ers!ip fa0%e3 San Francisco: ?ossey1 2ass Inc3 Rat!. T3 9-//@:3 Strengt!s Fin"er -3/3 &a%%up 'ress: Ee4 Yor6. EY3 Te;t an" sur$ey resu%ts3

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 3 & 4 Artifact Summary 4 I !a$e c!osen my transformationa% 6eynote presentation from () *-+ , Communication Strategies as my fort! artifact3 T!e assignment inc%u"es t!e use of persuasi$e tec!ni8ues.

narrati$e an" storyte%%ing. an" inno$ation an" creati$ity in t!e presentation3 I 4as a0%e to create a message t!at connects my persona% gro4t! in un"erstan"ing reinforcement an" moti$ation to !o4 one can inf%uence t!e success of a team 4it! t!is un"erstan"ing3 'u0%ic spea6ing !as a%4ays 0een a persona% strengt!. 0ut t!is 4as one of t!e fe4 opportunities I !a$e !a" to create an" "efen" a persona% message in a t!oug!tfu% 4ay3 In () *-+ 4e %earne" a0out t!e importance of crafting a message t!at inc%u"es a persona% connection t!roug! t!e use of narrati$e an" storyte%%ing3 I 4as a0%e to ta6e my o4n e;periences an" s!are 4!at I !a" %earne" 4it! t!e goa% of !e%ping ot!ers3 T!is artifact "emonstrates my use of narrati$e an" storyte%%ing as a communication strategy an" e$a%uate !o4 communication too%s. c!anne%s. an" tec!ni8ues affect strategy from t!e course %earning outcomes 9St Mary7s Uni$ersity. -/13:3 I c!ange" my strategy for transformation 0ase" on t!e perspecti$e of my au"ience an" %oo6e" for 4ays to connect 4it! e$eryone regar"%ess of t!eir comfort 4it! anima%s. e"ucation or positi$e reinforcement3 T!is artifact a%so "emonstrates t!e (rgani5ationa% )ea"ers!ip program %earning outcome num0er +. 4!ic! s!o4s my a0i%ity to "e$e%op an" integrate creati$e. a"apti$e strategies t!at promote positi$e c!ange an" inno$ation 9St Mary7s Uni$ersity. n3"3:3 2y connecting c!ange management to t!e 0e!a$ior of %ea"ers. I offere" an a%ternati$e 4ay of t!in6ing a0out inno$ation an" positi$e c!ange3 T!e %in6 to my presentation is: !ttp:<<$oicet!rea"3com<s!are<44=+==F<

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 3 & 4 References Saint Mary7s Uni$ersity of Minnesota3 9n3"3:3 -/131-/1+ Cata%og & !an"0oo6: Sc!oo%s of gra"uate an" professiona% programs3 Retrie$e" from !ttp:<<cata%og3smumn3e"u<mime <me"ia<$ie4<1-<=-4<-/1311+1S&''3p"f Saint Mary7s Uni$ersity of Minnesota3 9-/13:3 M3A3 in organi5ationa% %ea"ers!ip 3 Retrie$e"


from !ttp:<<4443smumn3e"u<gra"uate1!ome<areas1of1stu"y<gra"uate1sc!oo%1of10usiness1 tec!no%ogy<ma1in1organi5ationa%1%ea"ers!ip

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