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Writing Quiz (Final Prep)

Name/ St. No :
Complete these sentences:
1. Since the situation is not safe outside, _______________________________________________
2. He will be there as soon as ________________________________________________________
3. The chairman will not atend the board meeting, thus ___________________________________
4. Mr. Brwon really aimed at finishing the construction of the new mall which ________________
5. My sister wants to go to the books fair badly because of _______________________________
6. In spite of the rain _______________________________________________________________
7. The final paper should be submitted on 1st june, while _________________________________
8. I didnt fail the Biology exam, but ___________________________________________________
9. Although English is not difficult, ____________________________________________________
10. The guy whom Andy tries to be in touch with turn up to be the man who __________________
Write the Topic sentence & Cocncluding sentence for each paragraph:
Errors in Geography
______________________________. Few people, in fact, have a verry accurate idea of what the
world looks like. You might expect some errors in the position of countries. Afterall, this is a task that
requires a certain skill with a pencil and a good memory. But many people do not even know the
relative size of continents. They tend to enlarge them or make them smaller, according to their point
of view. For this reason, the home continent is often drawn too large. A Brazillian, for example,
tends to enlarge the continent of South America, while a Vietnamese enlarge
______________________________. There are several factors that may be invoolved here, one
factor may be the influence of old maps made with the Mecrator Projecyion. This technique for
drawing maps make areas nearer the North Pole, including Europe, seem extra large. Other areas in
the middle, such as Africa, seem smaller than in reality. However, the Mecrator maps also enlarge
Greenland and Canada, and people usually do not make mistakes about their size. Thus, a better
explanation must lie in peoples ideas about the relative importance of the continents. The sizew of
Europe tends to be exaggerated because of its importance in peoples minds. Similarly, Africa
Write a paragraph of min. 150 words by choosing one of these topics:
1. My most inspiring movie
2. Some unique cultures in my hometown
3. The importance of having a personal computer or laptop for students
4. Reason why I want to become Doctor/ Nurse

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