Artifacts 1 & 2

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Capstone Assignment: Artifact Summary 1 & 2 Heat er An!erson Saint Mary"s Uni#ersity of Minnesota Sc oo$s of %ra!uate & &rofessiona$ &rograms '( )** + Capstone Symposium Apri$ 12, 2-1.

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 Artifact Summary 1 I a#e c osen my fina$ ref$ection on future tren!s in $ea!ers ip !e#e$opment as my first artifact, / ic /as su0mitte! in '( )1. 1 (ea!ers ip an! 2t ics3 T e assignment as4e! t at /e compare t e artic$e Future Trends in Leadership 0y &etrie 52-11, 6ecem0er7 to ot er $iterature

an! resources stu!ie! in t e course3 T e effects of min!fu$ $ea!ers ip an! t e stu!y of emotiona$ inte$$igence as great$y impacte! my o/n perspecti#e an! $ea!ers ip perspecti#e o#er t e past 18 mont s3 In '( )1. (ea!ers ip an! 2t ics, /e !iscusse! t e importance of transferring !e#e$opmenta$ o/ners ip to eac in!i#i!ua$ an! o/ co$$a0orati#e $ea!ers ip com0ine! /it a strong $e#e$ of emotiona$ inte$$igence cou$! transform t e /ay t at organi9ations t oug t a0out c ange an! persona$ $ea!ers ip re:uirements3 T is ref$ection paper s o/s my a0i$ity to synt esi9e t e perspecti#es t at /ere presente! t roug out t e course an! !emonstrate t e s4i$$s an! 0e$iefs t at are necessary to 0ecome an effecti#e $ea!er3 Some of t e most inf$uentia$ in!i#i!ua$s t at /e a#e stu!ie! in t is program /ere !isco#ere! in '( )1.3 ;i$$ %eorge an! Tom S a!yac !iscuss emotiona$ inte$$igence an! t e importance of connecting /it ot ers an! pro#i!e! great insig t into my o/n $ea!ers ip <ourney3 T is artifact a$igns /it t e t ir! 'rgani9ationa$ (ea!ers ip program outcome t at !e#e$ops a/areness, sty$e an! communication s4i$$s t at inf$uence manageria$ outcomes 5St3 Mary=s Uni#ersity, n3!373 It a$so a$igns /it t e course outcomes t at s o/ t e a0i$ity to ana$y9e my $earning an! communication sty$e as it app$ies to $ea!ers ip in a tec no$ogica$ /or$! an! t e a0i$ity to ana$y9e t e ro$e of t e $ea!er in t e conte>t of organi9ationa$ issues 5St3 Mary=s Uni#ersity, 2-1?73

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 References Saint Mary=s Uni#ersity of Minnesota3 5n3!373 2-1?12-1* Cata$og & an!0oo4: Sc oo$s of gra!uate an! professiona$ programs3 Retrie#e! from ttp:@@cata$og3smumn3e!u@mime @me!ia@#ie/@12@82.@2-1?11*1S%&&3p!f

Saint Mary=s Uni#ersity of Minnesota3 52-1?73 M3A3 in organi9ationa$ $ea!ers ip3 Retrie#e! from ttp:@@///3smumn3e!u@gra!uate1 ome@areas1of1stu!y@gra!uate1sc oo$1of10usiness1 tec no$ogy@ma1in1organi9ationa$1$ea!ers ip


Ref$ection on Future Tren!s in (ea!ers ip 6e#e$opment Heat er An!erson Saint Mary"s Uni#ersity of Minnesota Sc oo$s of %ra!uate & &rofessiona$ &rograms '( )1. (ea!ers ip an! 2t ics Mary 2$$en (ync an! 6iana1C ristine Teo!orescu 'cto0er 21, 2-12

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 Ref$ection on Future Tren!s in (ea!ers ip 6e#e$opment Trends in development of leaders In!i#i!ua$s are una0$e to gain IA as t ey age 0ut emotiona$ inte$$igence appears to a#e no $imit 0ase! on t e researc s are! !uring a pane$ !iscussion at t e Har#ar! ;usiness Sc oo$ 5%eorge, 2-1173 T is fact reinforces t e importance of #ertica$ !e#e$opment compare! to ori9onta$ !e#e$opment for $ea!ers in t e current comp$e> g$o0a$ en#ironment 5&etrie, 2-1173 T roug out t e course (ea!ers ip an! 2t ics, many simi$ar t emes a#e emerge! t at are ec oe! in t e rea!ing 5&etrie, 2-1173 T e participants a#e e>perience! t e app$ication of

autonomous stu!y an! !e#e$opment3 T roug stu!ent $e! $earning, our #ertica$ !e#e$opment as 0een t e constant focus3 &etrie 52-117 references Began=s A!u$t $e#e$s of $earning in is /or43 T is frame/or4 e$ps furt er !efine an! !escri0e $e#e$s of cogniti#e !e#e$opment / ic connects to t e i!eas e>press 0y Hag0erg 52--?7 in Real Power3 Hag0erg 52--?7 agrees /it t e i!ea of #ertica$ !e#e$opment to a point 0ut is c$ear to point out t at it is necessary to go 0ac4 t roug #arious $e#e$s of !e#e$opment as ne/ opportunities are a#ai$a0$e an! as $ife c anges 0ring ne/ $e#e$s of se$f1a/areness3 &etrie 52-117 s ares t e t ree1stage process !e#e$ope! 0y Mc%uire an! R o!es t at ta4es p$ace 0efore #ertica$ !e#e$opment can occur3 'ne must Ca/a4en, un$earn an! !iscern, an! a!#anceD 5p3 1*73 T is 0rief an! co esi#e !escription is in contrast to Hag0erg=s 52--?7 out$ines of specific 0e a#iors t at a$$o/ gro/t into t e ne>t $e#e$3 Personal ownership T e secon! tren! t at &etrie 52-117 !isco#ers t roug is researc is t e importance of

transferring greater !e#e$opmenta$ o/ners ip to t e in!i#i!ua$3 E i$e t e course materia$ suggests t e importance of accounta0i$ity in groups 5%$aser, 2--*7 t e more important $esson can

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 0e $earne! 0y t e amount of o/ners ip eac participant is a0$e to o$! to/ar! in!i#i!ua$ $earning3 T e i!ea t at t e !esire for gro/t 0ui$!s momentum 5&etrie, 2-117 is e#i!ent 0y t e #ertica$ gro/t t at is possi0$e /it $itt$e moti#ation or !irecti#e from t e top !o/n3 T e $earning 0ecomes intrinsica$$y moti#ate! an! $ea!s to more introspecti#e persona$ !e#e$opment t roug out t e course3 Shifting toward collaboration Ee encountere! many e>amp$es of t e 0enefits of co$$ecti#e $ea!ers ip t roug out t is

course3 &etrie 52-117 ec oes t e message t at an in!i#i!ua$ creating ne/ inno#ation at t e top of a group is typica$$y $ess effecti#e t an a co$$ecti#e t at a$$o/s a persona$ in#estment an! consensus from eac mem0er of t e team3 S a!yac 52-117 a$so pro#i!es scientific researc t at /e are more successfu$ / en /e are in#o$#e! in !emocratic group 0e a#iors an! t at our genetic ma4e1up suggests /e /ere !esigne! /it co$$a0orati#e ten!encies3 T ese $essons are practice! t roug t e act of /riting a proposa$ for t e Action &ro<ect3 T e Tra#e$ers group c$ear$y !emonstrates t e a0i$ity to ta4e persona$ o/ners ip, pro#i!e constructi#e criticism an! !iscuss outcomes to create ne/ initiati#es3 T is process 0ecomes furt er !e#e$ope! t roug t e 0oo4 re#ie/3 'ur co$$ecti#e create! se#era$ !rafts of t e fina$ re#ie/ an! s o/s t at t e #a$ue of a !i#erse team is 0ase! in t e a0i$ity to comp$ement eac ot er=s strengt s an! /ea4nesses3 As a fu$$ group of course participants t e a/areness of team !ysfunction 5(encioni, 2--27 0ecomes our moti#ator to c a$$enge one anot er an! reac a ne/ $e#e$ of persona$ gro/t 0y na#igating t e group pro<ect /it great success3

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 Conclusion T e /or4 0y &etrie 52-117 ser#es as a c$ear conc$usion to t e /or4 t at as 0een e>perience! t roug out t e (ea!ers ip an! 2t ics course3 &etrie 52-117 c$oses /it is o/n

epi$ogue t at re#ea$s t at t ere is current$y no rea$ p$an to successfu$$y integrate t ese i!eas on a $arge sca$e3 T e c anges t at are re:uire! to infrastructure an! persona$ perception /i$$ ta4e time3 ;y e>p$oring t e #a$ue of co$$a0orati#e $ea!ers ip more in!i#i!ua$s can 0egin to ma4e micro1c anges to t e /ay t at our community #ie/s its $ea!ers an! t e #a$ue it p$aces on out!ate! representations of goo! $ea!ers ip3

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 References %$aser, G3 52--*73 Leading through collaboration: Guiding groups to productive solutions3 T ousan! 'a4s, CA: Sage pu0$ications3 Hag0erg, G3 52--?73 Real power: Stages of personal power in organizations3 Sa$em, EI: S effie$! &u0$is ing Company3 Har#ar! C&( 5&u0$is er73 52-11, Marc 873 Next generation leadership3 HIi!eo fi$eJ3 Retrie#e! from: ///3youtu0e3com (encioni, &3 52--273 The five d sfunctions of a tea!3 San Francisco, CA: Gossey1;ass3 &etrie, K3 56ecem0er, 2-1173 Future trends in leadership develop!ent" ;oston, MA: Center for Creati#e (ea!ers ip3

S a!yac, T3 56irector73 52-1173 # a!3 HMotion &ictureJ3 Unite! States: S a!y acres entertainment3

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 Artifact Summary 2 I a#e c osen my fina$ presentation from '( )1* Critica$ T in4ing an! Researc as my secon! artifact3 T is presentation inc$u!es a (iterature Re#ie/ stu!ying t e 0enefits of et ica$ consumerism3 T e assignment as4e! t at /e s are / at /e $earne! a0out creati#ity, critica$ t in4ing an! researc 3 Ee /ere a$so as4e! to create an artistic representation of t at $earning3 I /rote a poem t at s are! my fee$ings a0out c anging as a $ea!er an! t e impact on my current organi9ationa$ en#ironment3 In '( )1* Critica$ T in4ing an! Researc /e $earne! a0out con!ucting proper researc 3 Ee a$so $oo4e! at t e impact of creati#ity an! critica$ t in4ing on $ea!ers ip an! spent time ref$ecting on t e impact of #a$ues an! 0e$iefs on creati#ity, inno#ation an! $ea!ers ip3 T roug my researc for my (iterature Re#ie/ I a$so $earne! a great !ea$ a0out Corporate Socia$ Responsi0i$ity 5CSR7 an! o/ organi9ations are meeting or missing t e mar4 /it et ica$ an! min!fu$ operation /it positi#e socia$ impact3 T is artifact a$igns /it num0er nine of t e 'rgani9ationa$ (ea!ers ip program $earning outcomes 0y !emonstrating o/ to acti#ate se$f1!irecte! strategies for continue! persona$ an! professiona$ $earning 5St3 Mary=s Uni#ersity, n3!373 T e artifact a$so !emonstrates t e course outcomes t at s o/ my a0i$ity to assess t e foun!ationa$ criteria, assumptions, an! sources of

0e$iefs an! #a$ues3 Toget er /it t e (iterature Re#ie/, t is /or4 !emonstrates an a0i$ity to use creati#ity an! inno#ation as an aspect of critica$ t in4ing for $ea!ers ip practice 5St3 Mary=s Uni#ersity, 2-1?73 T e $in4 to t e fina$ presentation is: ttps:@@#oicet rea!3com@s are@?8)*8??@

ARTIFACT SUMMARY 1 & 2 References Saint Mary=s Uni#ersity of Minnesota3 5n3!373 2-1?12-1* Cata$og & an!0oo4: Sc oo$s of gra!uate an! professiona$ programs3 Retrie#e! from ttp:@@cata$og3smumn3e!u@mime @me!ia@#ie/@12@82.@2-1?11*1S%&&3p!f Saint Mary=s Uni#ersity of Minnesota3 52-1?73 M3A3 in organi9ationa$ $ea!ers ip 3 Retrie#e!


from ttp:@@///3smumn3e!u@gra!uate1 ome@areas1of1stu!y@gra!uate1sc oo$1of10usiness1 tec no$ogy@ma1in1organi9ationa$1$ea!ers ip

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